Top 30 Quotes From Tony Padilla

Brad: [to Tony] I'm not gonna judge you, but you have to tell me what's going on or I can't be your friend or boyfriend or anything.
Tony: I had a friend. Her name was Hannah. She killed herself. She left a job for me, secrets to keep. I tried, I tried to honor her memory. I tried to keep those secrets, but I don't think I did the right thing. Her parents are hurting. I don't know what I'm supposed to do. I don't know what I'm supposed to do. I just... I wanted to take care of Hannah.

Tony: Hannah had secrets, Mrs. Baker.
Olivia: Hannah's secrets are what killed her and they do not get to stay that way.

Tony: ...all of this bullshit is a chain reaction that started with you. Would there have been a trial if Hannah hadn't killed herself? Would Hannah be dead if you hadn't raped her? You've ruined so many fucking lives, and still, even now, you act like it's somebody else's fault.

Ryan: [to Tony] Just take a brochure. They have scholarships.
Tony: I don't need a brochure, don't need your scholarship and I don't need four years of wasted time. I have skills.
Hannah: [as she walks by] And a sweet Mustang.
Tony: Thank you.

Clay: I need to throw up.
Tony: okay
Clay: I don't have anything to throw up.
Tony: You need some food
Clay: So I can throw it up?
Tony: So you can settle the fuck down. My mother used to say, "Primero comemos, entonces lo demás." That means, "first we eat, then we do everything else." "
Clay: I bet she's big on breakfast.

Clay: What the hell, Tony?
Tony: Hey, Clay.
Clay: What's the deal? How do you fit into all of this?
Tony: I'm not on the tapes if that's what you're asking.
Clay: Did you help her do it?
Tony: No, I did not.
Clay: Did you know she was going to?
Tony: No.
Clay: Then how the hell...
Tony: Listen to the tapes, Clay.
Clay: Is that all I'm gonna get?
Tony: Hannah wanted it done like this.
Clay: How do you know?
Clay: I can't tell you that. You have to listen.
Clay: What if I don't? What if I can't?
Tony: Then it will only get worse. Trust me.
Clay: Worse than Hannah being dead?

Hannah: [to Tony] Okay, what's going on? You've been kinda bitchy all day.
Tony: Excuse me? I don't have a bitchy bone in my body.

Clay: [about Skye] I mean, what a... what a bitch!
Tony: Wow.
Clay: Well, she is!
Tony: I just, I never heard you use that word before.
Clay: She doesn't know what was going on in Hannah's life!
Tony: You don't know what's going on in hers.
Clay: Would you... you know, shut up, Tony? I get so sick of your little sayings, and things that you point out, acting all wise... You're like this-this unhelpful Yoda!
Tony: Is that a crack on my height?
[Clay moans silently and puts on his headphones]
Tony: Whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on a minute.
Clay: Why?
Tony: Headspace. Headspace.
Clay: Unhelpful Yoda. Unhelpful Yoda.

Tony: [to Clay] Mind telling me why the switch?
Clay: [sighs] I'm sorry. I'm not at liberty to discuss it.
Tony: We had a deal that we would do this together.
Clay: You said when I got to the end, we'll do what we have to do.
Tony: Are you at the end?
Clay: Almost.
Tony: Are you going to pass them on?
Clay: You and I both know Hannah wanted them to get to number 13, but if I give them to number 12, that's the end of it. Just give me a day. I have a plan.
Tony: Clay...
Clay: Do you trust me?
Tony: Yeah.

Tony: [to Clay] I gotta tell you, the perfect disguise for Clay Jensen is not a hoodie.

Tony: There's a guy at school.
Hannah: I love this story already. Who is he?
Tony: He's artsy.
Hannah: Artsy.
Tony: And dramatic.
Hannah: All code words for "too gay"?

Justin: [to Clay about Tony] He's my babysitter? What happened to Sheri?
Clay: Sheri couldn't skip twice in a row. She's taking the evening shift.
Justin: I thought he wanted nothing to do with me.
Tony: No, I don't, so keep your mouth shut and don't piss me off.
Justin: Don't piss me off.
Tony: And if you puke on this leather, I'm gonna have to kick your ass.

Tony: Hannah asked me to keep secrets for her. I wanted to honor that, but I've come to believe I need to share something with you.
[hands Mr. and Mrs. Baker a flash drive]
Tony: There are 14 audio files on there. You should listen to them in order. I have the original tapes and for reasons you'll come to understand, I have them hidden somewhere very safe, but if you need those, I will bring them to you too.
Olivia: What's on here? What kind of files?
Tony: I... I really think you should just listen. What happened to Hannah I wish that would never happen to any other kid, ever. And if giving you this helps that, then I'm sorry. I thought I was doing the right thing.

Tony: [When Clay's mother calls his cell phone as Clay and Tony are climbing rocks] You brought your phone on a climb?
Clay: No, I brought my phone on a walk. That's my mom's ring.
Tony: Be a good son or plunge to the rocks below.
Clay: Yeah. Thanks for the perspective.

Tony: [to Clay] Look, I liked Hannah. She was a friend, but the girl was a lot. She was drama. And I was apparently the only guy at Liberty who didn't grab her ass or stare at her tits. And so I always got to hear about it and on that particular day, I didn't want to deal, so I let her walk away.
Clay: Jesus, Tony.
Tony: Half hour, forty-five minutes later, I get the box, open 'em and there's these tapes and a letter. "Please take care of these. Listen, and you'll know how." I started listening to the first tape and then I try calling the Bakers. They don't answer. I fucking speed to her house. The ambulance is already there and the cops. And the front door's open. I run inside. Her parents are there. And she's... they've got her in a body bag. I remember thinking, "There's no handles on that bag. How are they gonna pick her up? How are they gonna carry her?" And they just grabbed the bag and threw her in the ambulance.

Tony: [to Hannah about Ryan] Look, he's always smiling at me, he laughs at jokes that are not jokes. And he... like, touches me on the arm and shit.
Hannah: And what's the stimulus response when he touches you on the arm?
Tony: Part of me wants to say, "Watch the leather, homo." Other part of me wants to throw him against the locker and kiss him.

Tony: What about going through the cycle like Hannah wanted?
Clay: It's time we stop thinking about what Hannah wanted and start thinking about what she needs. And Jessica. And every other girl who "practically begged" Bryce to fuck her.

Bryce: It was Justin's tape. It should have been mine.
Tony: Two things... One: Your tape is coming up Two: They're all your tapes.

Clay: [to Tony] I found Jeff. I was the first person at that accident and I found him. In his car. Dead.
Tony: Jesus, Clay.
Clay: Why didn't Hannah tell anyone about the stop sign?
Tony: Maybe she was afraid.
Clay: I was so pissed off at Jeff and at Hannah for making it all her drama. I didn't know.
Tony: Well, now you do.
Clay: And this just gets worse, right?
Tony: You afraid?
Clay: Yeah.

Caleb: [to Tony] Wanna take your mind off it all and watch Madrid destroy Barcelona Monday night?
Tony: What makes you think I like soccer?
Caleb: You're Mexican and you're gay. How could you not like soccer?

Clay: Hey, what the hell, Tony? You didn't ask me about Sheri.
Tony: Yeah, 'cause I knew you would say no, but she came through, didn't she?
Clay: We can't just go telling everyone about this. It's fucking dangerous.
Tony: Oh, I'm aware it's dangerous. That's why I can't be a part of it anymore, Clay.
Clay: That's why you can't be part of it? Or is it more than that? Why are you so worried about your probation? You said it was no big deal.
Tony: Yeah, that was when I thought this case would settle, before I had to testify or help clean a... help clean a fucking junkie up so that he could.
Clay: Jessica doesn't even want him to. She just wants the whole thing to go away.
Tony: If that's what Jessica wants, it's out of our hands.

Tony: You can't save the world.
Clay: But you can try to save your friends.

Tony: [to Graciella] Arturo and Rosa Padilla came to this country in...
Graciella: 1999.
Tony: 1999. And we have five children: Fernando, Marco, Raul, Antonio, and...
Graciella: Graciella.
Tony: Graciella. Look at how good we look. Right? You see all of us? No matter what may come or where we go if it's one person in the mirror or all of us, we remember how good we are.

Tony: [to Clay] What happens if the tapes get out? Let's say we try and get some justice for Jessica. What then? It's his word against a dead girl's. Open season on Hannah Baker all over again.
Clay: What if we got one person to tell the truth? I mean, just one of them.
Tony: All right, okay, I'll make you a deal. Listen to the tapes, all of them and then we'll talk. We'll do whatever we have to do.
Clay: And you'll help me?
Tony: Always.

Jeff: [while reading Clay's survey for the Oh My Dollar Valentines] How do I spend my Saturday nights? You answered: "video games." Favorite kind of music: "obscure indie bands." Favorite reading materials: "fantasy and sci-fi"? Dude, why not just say you watch "Lord of the Rings" on repeat.
Clay: I don't do that. Anymore.
Tony: You used to do that?

Skye: Rough night?
Tony: Yeah, he's just working through some shit.
Skye: I can see that. He's got existensial crisis written all over his forehead.
Clay: I do not.
Skye: [considers him] There's some truth you don't wanna face.
Clay: What? Why would you say that?
Skye: I see the future. You know that. I told you your fortune in seventh grade.
Clay: You predicted I wouldn't be five foot two forever.
Skye: How tall are you now?
[Clay looks dumbfounded]
Skye: See?
Tony: Oooh... La bruja!
[Spanish for 'witch']
Skye: That's right.

Clay: [sobbing] I couldn't... I couldn't tell her. I couldn't hold her. I killed Hannah Baker. Like you said.
Tony: I said we all killed Hannah.
Clay: How am I supposed to live with that?
Tony: Any way you can.
[they hug]

Clay: [When Clay goes over to Tony' house to return the tapes] They're all yours. I'm done. Take 'em, share 'em, release 'em to the world. I don't give a shit.
Tony: Really? You you don't give a shit?
Clay: I can't... I can't anymore. I can't listen. I can't hear it in her voice. People are just mean, Tony. They're messed up. Zach didn't throw away the letter, you know that?
Tony: No, I didn't know that.
Clay: He showed it to me. Asked if I wanted to read it and I couldn't read it because it's starting to make sense to me why she did what she did.
Tony: I can help you through this.
Clay: Can you tell me why I'm on the tapes?
Tony: You have to listen. It's what Hannah wanted.
Clay: Yeah, yeah, I know. What Hannah wanted. What you're so sure of, but you won't say how. Huh? Fine. Forget you, then.
Tony: Let me help you.
Clay: What, like you've been helping me so far? No, thanks. But look on the bright side. You don't have to follow me anymore.

Tony: [to Clay after Clay tells him he keyed Zach's car] His Audi? You... you don't fuck with another dude's car.
Clay: I know. I know. I just... I listened to his tape. And he just got away with everything. And he scored, like, 30 points tonight.
Tony: You keyed his car 'cause he scored 30 points?

Caleb: You're staying here, Tony. This is your home.
Tony: This is not my home. My home is on South 15th Street. My home is where my family is.
Caleb: I know and your home is with people you love, and I love you.