Top 100 Quotes From Hannah Baker

Hannah: Sometimes things just happen to you. They just happen. You can't help it, but it's what you do next that counts. Not what happens but what you decide to do about it.

Kevin: [to Hannah] Why don't we start with how you're feeling right now.
Hannah: Right now?
Kevin: Yeah.
Hannah: Right now. Lost. I guess. Sort of empty.
Kevin: Empty?
Hannah: Yeah, I don't feel anything. Like I don't care anymore.
Kevin: You don't care about what?
Hannah: About anything. School, myself, the people here. My parents.
Kevin: Your parents?
Hannah: I mean, I care about them, but I'm not... I'm not who they need me to be.
Kevin: Well, who do they need you to be?
Hannah: Not a problem.

Hannah: [to Clay] Morning, Astronomy Boy.
Clay: Better than "Helmet", I guess.
Hannah: I feel they work together.

Hannah: Maybe you don't know what it's like to need a lifeline, Zach. The day after you insulted me in the cafeteria, my compliment bag was empty. Not even a cute bunny. By the end of the second week, I knew something was up. Maybe I should have let it go, but I didn't. I wrote you a letter. I poured my heart out, opening up about personal things I hadn't had the courage to admit to anyone: How hard life was getting how lonely I felt and how those stupid compliments actually meant something to me. And then I set my trap. I was hoping once you read the letter, you'd get it, you'd realize how much I needed those silly things you were stealing from me, but I guess I wasn't even worth a reaction.

Hannah: [about Clay's food] That shit'll kill you, you know.
Clay: You got a salad from McDonald's, the people who make the Big Mac.
Hannah: Are you fat-shaming my salad?
Clay: You called my lunch a murderer.
Hannah: Thank you.
Clay: Anytime.

Hannah: Chaos theory. Sounds dramatic, but it's not. Ask a mathematician. Better yet, ask someone who's been in a hurricane.

Jessica: I know the rumors, Hannah.
Hannah: Well, you can't know rumors. You can hear them, but you can't know them.

Hannah: [to Marcus] So why'd you bring the entourage? You scared you're not safe out here on your own with me?
Marcus: Actually, um, those guys are my unpaid interns. I have them do all my menial tasks.
Hannah: Oh yeah? You give 'em college credit?
Marcus: Well, that's what I tell them anyway.

Tony: [to Hannah about Ryan] Look, he's always smiling at me, he laughs at jokes that are not jokes. And he... like, touches me on the arm and shit.
Hannah: And what's the stimulus response when he touches you on the arm?
Tony: Part of me wants to say, "Watch the leather, homo." Other part of me wants to throw him against the locker and kiss him.

Hannah: I know what you're all thinking. Hannah Baker is a slut. Oops. Did you catch that? I just said, "Hannah Baker is." Can't say that anymore.

Hannah: See, I've heard so many stories about me now that I don't know which one is the most popular, but I do know which is the least popular. The truth. See, the truth isn't always the most exciting version of things or the best or the worst. It's somewhere in between, but it deserves to be heard and remembered. The truth will out, like someone said once. It remains.

Hannah: What the fuck, Courtney?
Courtney: Hannah, I...
Hannah: You think you can just throw me under the bus? "Everyone already thinks she's a slut, so why not just pile on?"
Courtney: People were starting to talk. I just... I had I had to do something.
Hannah: Yeah, well, you didn't have to do that.
Courtney: I'm sorry.
Hannah: I want to be your friend, Courtney. I have been a friend to you and this thing you're scared for people to know about you doesn't matter to me. Okay, it doesn't fucking matter and I'm sorry if you're scared, but I'm not your shield, okay? You don't get to hide behind me. You don't get to fuck with my life because you don't like who you are.

Hannah: [while reading her poem] Today, I am wearing lacy black underwear for the sole purpose of knowing I am wearing them. And underneath that, I am absolutely naked. And I've got skin. Miles and miles of skin. I've got skin to cover all my thoughts like Saran Wrap that you can see through to what leftovers are inside from the night before. And despite what you might think My skin is soft and smooth and easily scarred, but that doesn't matter, right? You don't care about how soft my skin is. You just want to hear about what my fingers do in the dark, but what if all they do is crack open windows so I can see lightning through the clouds? What if all they crave is a jungle gym to climb for a taste of fresher air?

Hannah: Dream big, they say. Shoot for the stars. Then they lock us away for 12 years and tell us where to sit, when to pee and what to think. Then we turn 18 and even though we've never had an original thought, we have to make the most important decision of our lives.

Justin: [to Hannah as she leaves the school bus] Hey, where the hell is this thing going?
Hannah: No clue. I don't take the bus either.
Justin: Seriously? Hannah Baker!
Hannah: [as the bus drives off with Justin in it] Call me! Handsome.

Hannah: Friendship. It's complicated. But don't worry. You won't go through this alone. That's not fun. Trust me. I've been there. Now, it won't always be easy. It might even hurt a bit or a bit more than a bit. That depends on you, but fear not. We'll get through this. Step by step, tape by tape. You and me. Together. And don't forget there are others.

Jessica: You're so sweet, Hannah, but I'm fine. I know what I'm doing.
Hannah: [narrating] But she didn't, did she, Justin? She didn't know.

Zach: [When Hannah barges into the boys' locker room to confront Alex] Hannah, you know you can't be in here.
Hannah: Why not? You've all been staring at my ass all day.

Hannah: Why me, Zach? Why me?

Hannah: [to Clay] You're not the guy to sit on his hands and wait for someone else to save the day.
Clay: What else can I do? I got his fucking confession, Hannah. And I had to go to the hospital. Did we discuss that yet? The fact that I was shitting blood the next night? My mom wanted to go after him for beating the shit out of me, except I went to his house to buy drugs, and I'd just gotten suspended for drugs, so can't do that, but that was okay because I had his confession.
Hannah: Right? What's a little internal bleeding when you can take down a rapist?
Clay: And then the school heard it, and all the lawyers heard it, and no one did a goddamn thing because there's no evidence, there's no DNA. They just have your accusation and you're I'm dead. He's gonna get away with everything.
Hannah: But he doesn't have to. Don't do nothing because you're pissed off, okay? Or afraid. Or sad. Don't let Bryce get away with it. You'll regret it for the rest of your life.

Hannah: [When Marcus starts groping Hannah] Stop it, no. Get off me. Don't touch me! Get off!
[pushes Marcus away]
Marcus: [gets up] Hey, what the fuck?
Hannah: Get away from me.
Marcus: No sweat. Thought you were easy.

Hannah: [When Clay plans to release the tapes on the Internet] Don't do this.
Clay: I'm doing it for you. I'm trying to make things right.
Hannah: You know it won't.
Clay: What else can I do?
Hannah: You can help Jessica and Justin. You can figure out those pictures.
Clay: I don't care about the fucking pictures. I care about the truth. I care about you.
Hannah: Then don't do it. You know I don't want you to.
Clay: Well, maybe you don't get a say anymore. People did terrible things to you and they're getting away with it. You left those tapes for a reason.
Hannah: What reason?
Clay: To make people face what they did and admit it and understand how fucked up it was.
Hannah: Do you think I wanted revenge?
Clay: I don't know what you wanted because you left a huge fucking mess. I'm the only one interested in cleaning it up.
Hannah: It wasn't revenge. I had to tell my own story. I wanted people to know what happened so maybe it wouldn't happen again.
Clay: Exactly. So everyone should hear it.
Hannah: No, not like this.
Clay: You don't get to decide. You left.

Hannah: The way I see it, there are two different kinds of death. If you're lucky, you live a long life and one day your body stops working and it's over. But if you're not lucky, you die a little bit until you realize it's too late. I know some of you might think there was more I could have done or should have done. But I'd lost control and in that moment, it felt like it felt like I was already dead.

Hannah: [her recorded voice] The rules here are pretty simple. There are only two. Rule number one: you listen. Number two: you pass it on. Hopefully, neither one will be easy. It's not supposed to be easy, or I would have emailed you an MP3. When you're done listening to all 13 sides, because there are 13 sides to every story, rewind the tapes, put them back in the box, and pass them on to the next person.
Clay: [talking to himself] Why the hell am I on this?
Hannah: Oh, and the box of tapes should have included a map. I'll be mentioning several spots around our beloved city. I can't force you to visit them, but if you'd like a little more insight, head for the stars. Or, you know, just throw the map away and I'll never know. Or will I? You see, in case you're tempted to break the rules, understand I did make a copy of these tapes, and I left them with a trusted individual who, if this package doesn't make it through all of you, will release those copies in a very public manner. This was not a spur of the moment decision. Do not take me for granted. Not again.
Clay: I never did!

Hannah: What the hell, Ryan?
Ryan: Hannah. What's so secret you couldn't speak to me at school?
Hannah: You know damn well. How could you do that to me?
Ryan: The poem? I did you a favor, Hannah. You're a beautiful poet. Your work deserved to be heard.
Hannah: You're a self-serving, egotistical fuckwad.
Ryan: [scoffs] One day, you will look back on this and know that I was right. What you wrote, you can't teach that. You have to live it.
Hannah: Well, it's my life, Ryan, it's not yours. Get your own.

Hannah: Welcome back. So glad you're still listening. Are you having fun? You must be wondering who's next, and why. Is it you? What did you do? How did you end up on these tapes? Maybe you did something cruel or maybe you just watched it happen. Maybe you didn't even realize you were being cruel. Maybe you didn't do anything at all. And maybe you should have. Too late. I think you know exactly what you did and after these tapes, you'll never forget it. I know I won't. Oh, and, uh, by the way I'm still dead.

Bryce: [to Hannah] I like your laugh.
Hannah: Thanks. I like your understated sense of fashion.

Hannah: It must be possible to swim in the ocean of the one you love without drowning. It must be possible to swim without becoming water yourself. I keep finding stones tied to my feet.

Hannah: [as she witnesses Jessica being sexually assaulted] I had to do something. I had to make him stop, but I couldn't get my feet to move. It was dark in there and the music was loud, but I saw his face. And I recognized his voice as clear as day. And so would all of you. But this tape isn't about him. It's about you and me, Justin. You called him a friend, but your girlfriend needed you.

Hannah: [voice over] Clay... Helmet... your name does not belong on this list. But you need to be here if I'm going to tell my story. If I'm going to explain why I did what I did. Because you aren't every other guy. You're different. You're good and kind and decent. And I didn't deserve to be with someone like you. I never would. I would have ruined you. It wasn't you. It was me, and everything that's happened to me.

Hannah: [as Hannah escorts a drunk Jessica to her car] The sharks were in the water, Jess. I pulled you into the boat. That's what friends do. You okay?
Jessica: Okay. I really like Justin. He's nice.
Hannah: You shouldn't. He isn't.

Hannah: Here we are. Tape 12. If you've listened this far and haven't heard your name, well, I bet you know exactly what's coming now. Or maybe you don't have any idea. Could that be true? Could a person be that sick? Let's find out, but first we have to start at the beginning of the worst day of my life.

Hannah: That girl had two chances that night, but we both let her down. How do I live with that? How do you, Justin? How does she live with what happened?

Hannah: Thing is even though Tyler stopped coming around, I never stopped feeling afraid. So what could I do after that? First the school, then my house, even my own bedroom. Nowhere was safe. You took all that away.

Hannah: [to Clay about the Polaroid he found] That girl's unconscious. You should show these to someone. Turn him in.
Clay: And say what? "I found this Polaroid in my locker. Arrest him?"

Hannah: I needed a change. I needed to be someone new. Have you ever felt like that? I wasn't going to be invisible anymore. I was going to start brand new. I was going to cut away the past and leave it all behind. I was going to work harder, be smarter and be stronger. Because you can't change other people, but you can change yourself.

Hannah: [to Clay] I can't believe you don't like them.
Clay: Look, I'm just saying, I don't... Okay, vampires, aliens, even werewolves, I get it. I get the motivation, I get the metaphors, right? But, like, zombies? They're just... they're just stupid.
Hannah: So you hate zombies? You're a zombie racist.
Clay: Just, like, I don't understand 'em. What's their story? They don't want to take over the world, kill their masters, anything interesting. They're not good or evil. They're just hungry for brains. I mean, like, brains.
Hannah: Well, thank you for walking me home and for destroying all future zombie media for me forever.
Clay: Anytime.

Hannah: You can hear rumors, but you can't know them.

Hannah: Fun fact. I did some research on tombstones the other day. Or more specifically, on epitaphs on tombstones. The best one I could find was by this writer called Henry Charles Bukowski, Jr. On his tombstone, he has engraved the picture of a boxer and beneath the boxer, two simple words: "Don't try." I wonder what will be on mine.

Hannah: Why didn't you say this to me when I was alive?

Clay: Okay, I'll go. But tell me what's going on, okay? Tell me what's wrong.
Hannah: You don't wanna be with me, Clay.
Clay: But I do! I really do.
Hannah: You know what people will say?
Clay: No! And I don't care.
Hannah: Because it's easy for you, right? Because you're not the class slut.
Clay: Don't say that.
Hannah: Everybody says it!
Clay: I don't say it.
Hannah: Yes, you did. When you saw that picture!
Clay: I didn't believe it! I was angry for a minute because... because I was jealous of Justin. And I was mad at you for wanting him and not me. And I was an asshole, and I'm sorry. And I can never make it right. I can never say all this to you, but... I love you. And I will never hurt you.
Hannah: Clay...
Clay: And I'm not going. Not now, not ever. I love you, Hannah.
Hannah: Why didn't you say this to me when I was alive?

Montgomery: [to Hannah] Hey, where's your girlfriend?
Hannah: Sorry, which girlfriend is that, exactly?
Montgomery: Your girlfriend from the picture, Laura. I hear you two like a guy between you now and then.
Hannah: Who'd you hear that from?
Montgomery: Courtney says you asked her for a three-way. I don't blame you. She's hot.
Hannah: You've got to be fucking kidding me.
Montgomery: What, my intel's no good?
Hannah: No. It's no good.
Montgomery: See, I think it is 'cause she confirmed that not only did Justin finger you, but that you went down on him. It's good shit.

Hannah: Like I said, we're a society of stalkers. We're all guilty. We all look. We all think things we're ashamed of. The only difference is, Tyler, you got caught.

Hannah: A rumor based on a kiss ruined a memory that I hoped would be special. In fact, it ruined just about everything as you'll soon see. And stick around, Justin. I'm not through with you yet. I know you probably didn't mean to let me down. In fact, most of you listening probably had no idea what you were truly doing, but you'll find out. Turn the tape over for more.

Hannah: Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to watch someone? To invade someone's privacy? Do you wonder what secrets you might uncover? What skeletons you might turn up? Well, for the next one, you are about to find out. A4 on your maps, kids. Now don't say you're too afraid or that you don't feel comfortable doing this kind of thing because guess what? Yes, you spy on people everyday. We are always watching someone. Following someone. And being followed. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram: they've made us a society of stalkers and we love it.

Hannah: [to Clay] Have you noticed anything weird about Alex lately?
Clay: Um... well, his hair's weird, but that's not new.
Hannah: His hair is awesome.
Clay: I didn't say it wasn't awesome, it's just, like, distinctive.
Hannah: And he's an amazing dresser. I mean, you could take a few lessons.
Clay: I totally could and I'm glad we got around to my failings because I was wondering when we would get to that.

Hannah: High school is bullshit.
Clay: Yeah. Don't disagree, but any specifics?
Hannah: I wish there was a button to fast-forward you through all the shitty parts in life straight to the good parts.
Clay: And where are the good parts?
Hannah: College. In New York City.
Clay: Why New York?
Hannah: The minute I get there, I can be someone else. Whoever I want to be.
Clay: But who you are now is okay.

Hannah: I need it to stop.
Kevin: You need what to stop?
Hannah: I need everything to stop. Just people. Life.

Courtney: [to Hannah] What did you do?
Hannah: Whoa, what's wrong?
[Courtney shows her the picture Tyler took of them]
Hannah: No, I talked to Tyler this morning. He told me he got rid of all of them.
Courtney: Well, he lied. Group-texted half the school.
Hannah: Okay, look, calm down. No one can tell that's us.
Courtney: You don't think they'll figure it out? I shouldn't even be seen talking to you right now.
Hannah: Because of a stupid picture?
Courtney: Come on, Hannah. You of all people should know what a picture can do to a person's life.
Hannah: Me of all people? I told you...
Courtney: Just stay away from me, okay?
[walks away from Hannah]

Hannah: You made me paranoid, Tyler, so now I'm giving that to you. Maybe I'll never know why you did what you did, but I can make you understand how it felt to be me. That's why I'm outside your window, Tyler. And after people hear this, I bet I won't be the only one.

Hannah: One last try. I'm giving life one last try.

Hannah: Some girls know all the lyrics to each other's songs. They find harmonies in their laughter. Their linked elbows echo in tune. What if I can't hum on key? What if my melodies are the ones nobody hears?

[first lines]
Hannah: [voice over] I told you about two of the worst decisions I ever made, and the damage left behind, and the people that got hurt. There is one more story to tell, one more bad decision. And this one's all on me. No, it wasn't the decision to go to the party. Because how I could I have known? But it was the same night, that same awful night. Remember that story I was saving for later? Well, this is it. And it's all about you... Clay.

Hannah: I started with Justin. Then Jessica. Who each broke my heart. Alex, Tyler, Courtney, Marcus, who each helped to destroy my reputation. On through Zack and Ryan who broke my spirit. Through tape number twelve, Bryce Walker, who broke my soul.

Hannah: Courtney Crimsen. What a pretty name and what a pretty girl. With her perfect family, coffee together, every morning. And you're also very nice, Courtney. Everyone says so. You're nice to everyone all the time. You're one of the most popular girls in school. And you are just so nice. Right? Wrong.

Hannah: [to Clay] Now, if they ask you if it's real butter, what do you say?
Clay: It's a butter-based product.
Hannah: And smile when you say it. I know, terrifying, but it sells the big lie. Oh, and, uh, little trade secret: If they're cute, only put butter on the top so they have to come back for more during the movie.
Clay: Okay, uh, why?
Hannah: So you can chat 'em up.
Clay: Oh, chat's not really my thing.
Hannah: I like it. I think we're gonna get along. As long as you remember I started here three weeks before you, so I have seniority, which is why I'm training you which is insane if you think about it because I just moved here two months ago and I have no idea what I'm doing.

Clay: [to Hannah as he is scraping gum off seats at the movie theater] I saved you a particularly gnarly piece with some hair in it.
Hannah: Here I thought I was a flowers and chocolates kind of girl.

Hannah: It seems like nothing. Until the hurricane hits. Because when you put my name on that list, you put a target on my... well, it wasn't just my ass. You made it open season on Hannah Baker.

Hannah: It seemed like no matter what I did, I kept letting people down. I started thinking how everyone's lives would be better without me.

Hannah: [to Clay] Do you like it?
Clay: Here? At the Crestmont? I find the various smells fascinating.
Hannah: No, this town.
Clay: Oh, right. Uh, I don't have anything to compare it to. I've lived here all my life. It's like asking Han Solo, "How is space?"
Hannah: Wow! You're an actual nerd, aren't you? I admire that. There's courage in being a nerd.

Hannah: [to Clay] Is your dad also thin and nervous?
Clay: Yeah, pretty much.

Hannah: Marcus, welcome to your tape. What was it? Did you want to see if the rumors were true? Or did you just want to start some new ones of your own?

Jessica: Mrs. Antilly, I'm sure Hillary is awesome, but...
Hannah: If we're gonna be great friends, you should know my name is Hannah.
Jessica: What did I call you?
Hannah: Hillary.
Jessica: That's not your name?
Hannah: No. Hannah.
Jessica: Crap. I already got your best friend necklace engraved with "Hillary."
Hannah: Any students named Hillary we can set up with Jennifer?
Jessica: Jessica.
Hannah: Sorry. Jezebel.
Jessica: No problem, Harriet.
Hannah: Ooh, can I actually get a Jezebel? She'd be an amazing friend.

Hannah: [to Tony] Okay, what's going on? You've been kinda bitchy all day.
Tony: Excuse me? I don't have a bitchy bone in my body.

Hannah: You've heard of the butterfly effect, right? That if a butterfly flaps its wings at just the right time in just the right place. It can cause a hurricane thousands of miles away. It's chaos theory, but see, chaos theory isn't exactly about chaos. It's about how a tiny change in a big system can affect everything.

Hannah: [while watching "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" with Zach] People underestimate the Camerons of the world. I mean, they can be surprising. Everyone thinks when he falls off the diving board that he wants to drown, but I think he just wanted someone to save him.

Hannah: I know what you're thinking. Maybe if this girl hadn't had so much to drink, what happened next never would have happened. But it was a party. Everyone had too much to drink. And besides, how can you blame someone for something that happens while they're unconscious?

Clay: [about Jessica's rocks] I guess an advantage of having pet rocks is that they don't die.
Hannah: Mm. Yeah. They don't eat too much. And they don't crap on the floor.
Clay: [laughs while toying with the rocks] Oh, I'm killing her pets...
[Hannah laughs while holding a rock herself]
Clay: What's that one's name?
Hannah: I think we should name him Stone.
Clay: Is that his first name or his last name?
Hannah: Both. His name is Stone Stone.
Clay: Stone Stone.
Hannah: Yeah!
[they laugh]
Hannah: Oh my God, your name is Clay!
Clay: Yes, it is. And I've heard all the jokes.
Hannah: Really? Like, all the jokes in the universe, ever?
Clay: All of them.
Hannah: Well, that's impressive.

Hannah: [to Mr. Wells] What future are you peddling?
Robert: I'll let you take the first guess.
Hannah: Hoarder?
Robert: Close. Librarian.
Hannah: No way you're a librarian.
Robert: I know. When people hear the term "librarian," they think 60-year-old white-haired woman with cankles. We are rebranding.
Hannah: No offense, but isn't it like a dying industry? You know, like travel agencies and cupcake stores?
Robert: Let me guess. You own a Kindle.
Hannah: Not in a million years. No, I'm a paperback, write-in-the-margins kind of girl.

Ryan: [to Tony] Just take a brochure. They have scholarships.
Tony: I don't need a brochure, don't need your scholarship and I don't need four years of wasted time. I have skills.
Hannah: [as she walks by] And a sweet Mustang.
Tony: Thank you.

Hannah: Alex, maybe you think I'm being silly, like I get my titties in a twist over the tiniest things, but you didn't walk that hall. You didn't feel those eyes on you. You've never heard those whispers. You think I'm taking it all way too seriously, right? But here's the thing: You've never been a girl.

Hannah: Things like this are gonna keep happening, Clay. You heard my story the way I wanted it to be told, but there's always another side to every story.
Clay: How do I know what's true?
Hannah: You know me, right?
Clay: I thought I did.

[first lines]
Hannah: Hey, it's Hannah, Hannah Baker. That's right. Don't adjust your... whatever device you're listening to this on. It's me, live and in stereo. No return engagements, no encore. And this time absolutely no requests. Get a snack. Settle in. 'Cause I'm about to tell you the story of my life.

Hannah: See, I have this theory, Zach. I have this theory that you're lonely too. Could that be possible? What kind of lonely could the great Zach Dempsey possibly feel? Maybe that kind where you think no one truly sees you. I know that kind of lonely. Do you?

Hannah: I'm not great at math, but here's one thing I learned for sure: one plus one plus one is not a simple equation. Alex was the first to stop coming. He found some other friends. He traded up. We were still friendly in the halls, but that's it. Then it was down to Jessica and me, but then, Jessica stopped coming, too. We all went our separate ways or so I thought.

Hannah: Mrs. Bradley doesn't have a clue what it was like to be our age. "I find it best to confront the issue head-on by saying, "'Pardon me, but you really hurt my feelings."
Clay: I thought she had some good ideas.
Hannah: Have you ever in your life been able to confront an issue head-on? Have you ever even had an issue?
Clay: Yeah. Kind of.
Hannah: Or I guess being socially awkward has its advantages.
Clay: I don't think you're socially awkward at all. I think you're just scared. I think you're waiting. Well, sometimes it's better to wait.
Hannah: Wow.
Hannah: Okay, meaning what?
Clay: Just that... um... nothing. I mean...
Hannah: Pardon me, but you really hurt my feelings.
[leaves the lunch table]

Hannah: Sometimes the future doesn't unfold the way you think it will. Shit happens and people suck. Maybe that's why I stopped writing and eventually started making tapes.

Hannah: You need friends. Even just hot chocolate friends. Especially when your life goes to shit. Day after day, drink after drink, we lifted our mugs and we lifted each other.

Hannah: I've got a question for you, Justin. Not the one you think. Not yet. What's the best part of high school? The great friends you make? The romance? No. We both know the best part of high school is summer break. It's the great reset button. And after everything that happened to me sophomore year, I couldn't wait to start fresh to tear the rest of the pages from my journal and forget it all.

Hannah: Maybe you think I'm being silly. I'm some stupid girl who gets all worked up over a little thing, but little things matter. For instance, you never told me when you started dating Jessica, but I remember just how it ended. With your list.

Olivia: [to Hannah] You know, before we opened this store, your father, he used to travel all the time for these snooze-fest pharmaceutical conventions, so I would write him love stories.
Hannah: Mm-hmm.
Olivia: They were very, very dramatic and sexy.
Hannah: Fifty shades of my mother?
Olivia: I thought they were pretty good, you know. I don't know, I might have some of them. I could find them.
Hannah: Oh, God, Mom. Please, no.

Hannah: You're going to tell me this one's no big deal but let me tell you about being lonely. Humans are a social species. We rely on connections to survive. Even the most basic social interactions help keep us alive. Statistics prove the subjective feeling of loneliness can increase the likelihood of premature death by 26%. If it sounds like I'm quoting from a school textbook, I am. Too bad nobody bothered to read it. And let me tell you. There's all kinds of ways to feel lonely.

Clay: [to Hannah] I don't know if you know this, but there's a penumbral lunar eclipse at 11:49.
Hannah: A what?
Clay: The Earth's shadow is the penumbra. Tonight, the moon is gonna pass through it. Last show is at 9:00 and if we clean fast and we probably can because no kids are coming to that English movie because it's boring, we could get out in time and I could maybe point it out to you. If you want.
Hannah: You want to show me the moon?
Clay: There would be a shadow. Not like a full eclipse. You wouldn't exactly see the... but, yeah.
Hannah: [chuckles] You should, like, patent yourself. And, yes, I will look at the moon with you. I might even howl.

Hannah: The butterfly effect. It started with Justin, then on to you, Alex. And the rest of you. Maybe these tapes will start a new butterfly effect. Who knows? Everything affects everything.

[as narrator]
Hannah: Life is unpredictable and control is just an illusion. And it makes us feel small and powerless.

Clay: [to Hannah] I'd give anything to kiss you again.
Hannah: But you can't. Ever.
Clay: Then why are you here?

Ryan: Hannah, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel embarrassed or humiliated. I know what that's like.
Hannah: You do?
Ryan: I'm a skinny faggot who writes poems. I mean, please.
Hannah: I don't think you're supposed to use that word.
Ryan: Mmm. You're not. I'm allowed.

Hannah: Love the helmet. It's adorable.
Clay: You mean "adorable" in a helpless baby animal sort of way, I'm guessing.
Hannah: Aren't you afraid of helmet hair?
Clay: My hair does the same thing no matter what - just sits there.
Hannah: You just need some product.
[touching his hair]
Hannah: A little effort to style it, blow-dry it in the morning.
Clay: And sacrifice my masculinity?
Hannah: That ship has sailed, don't you think?

Sheri: [after Sheri hits a stop sign with her car] Oh, my God, look, I wasn't drunk. I told you, I wasn't drunk.
Hannah: I know, I know.
Sheri: My dad's gonna kill me.
Hannah: The car is fine, but we need to call someone about the stop sign.
Sheri: No, we gotta go. My dad will kill me if he finds out.
Hannah: We need to call the police. 9-1-1?
Sheri: Oh, my God. Look, no way. Hannah, get in the car.
Hannah: Sheri! When you do something wrong, you can't just like ignore it.
Sheri: Hannah, get in the car. I'll call when we get home.
Hannah: No.
Sheri: Come on!
Hannah: No! Sheri, come on. Sheri!
[Sheri begins to drive off without Hannah]
Hannah: Oh, my... Are you ser...? Sheri!

Hannah: You knew the shit I shared was personal. You knew where it came from, and that it would get people talking. I realize now I was desperate for someone to listen and you listened. And then you made my most private thoughts a public spectacle.

Hannah: The kind of lonely I'm talking about is when you feel you've got nothing left. Nothing and no one. Like you're drowning and no one will throw you a line.

Hannah: Some of you cared. None of you cared enough.

Hannah: I thought maybe starting over didn't have to mean cutting myself off completely. Maybe I'd been hanging with the wrong people. Maybe I could start over with the right person. But if I'd have known what was going to happen, I never would have walked through that door.

Hannah: I'm not talking the garden variety lonely in a crowd lonely. That's everyone, every day. And it's not that "when will I find love" kind of lonely. Or that "the popular kids are mean to me" kind of lonely. The popular kids are always mean. That's how they get popular. I know. Ironic.

Hannah: Three drinks against the world. Two hot chocolates, and whatever the hell Alex was drinking.

Tony: There's a guy at school.
Hannah: I love this story already. Who is he?
Tony: He's artsy.
Hannah: Artsy.
Tony: And dramatic.
Hannah: All code words for "too gay"?

Zach: [to Hannah] I know you think every guy likes you because you've got this great ass, but I like you for so much more than that.
Hannah: Oh, my God. You're such an idiot.
Zach: What? What'd I say?
Hannah: The fact that you don't even know.
Zach: I meant it as a compliment.
Hannah: Zach, walk away.
Zach: Come on, I know why you're pissed at Marcus...
Hannah: Zach, go.
Zach: If you just gave me a chance...
Hannah: Leave me alone!
Zach: Yeah. Okay. Sorry. This shit that happens to you. I think some of it you bring on yourself.
Hannah: Is that what you think? Thanks for the insight, genius.
Zach: I was I was trying to be nice.
Hannah: Well, you failed.
Zach: Well, fuck you.
[walks away]

Hannah: [about Justin] So, you see, that's where the trouble began. That smile. That damned smile.

Hannah: [after the incident with Marcus] I couldn't move. I couldn't get up and leave or scream. Anything would have been better than sitting there thinking that somehow this was my fault. Thinking I'd be alone the rest of my life.

Hannah: What? Feeling paranoid? On edge? Yeah. High school does that to a person. You never really know who you can trust and who you can't.