The Best Ryan Shaver Quotes

Hannah: What the hell, Ryan?
Ryan: Hannah. What's so secret you couldn't speak to me at school?
Hannah: You know damn well. How could you do that to me?
Ryan: The poem? I did you a favor, Hannah. You're a beautiful poet. Your work deserved to be heard.
Hannah: You're a self-serving, egotistical fuckwad.
Ryan: [scoffs] One day, you will look back on this and know that I was right. What you wrote, you can't teach that. You have to live it.
Hannah: Well, it's my life, Ryan, it's not yours. Get your own.

Ryan: Oh, my, my, my. Tony Padilla. To what do I owe the pleasure?
Tony: I... uh... I think you're cute... um, and funny and you have a way with words that I'm not entirely sure I understand.
Ryan: I am flattered and a-flutter.
Tony: Yeah. My point is, I like you. And I think you like me? And I'm, you know... words are not really my thing, so I'm not gonna say anything clever or cute. I just... um... wanna go to an art show with me?
Ryan: You did your research. What took you so long to finally come to your senses and ask me out?
Tony: I'm "carpe dieming," apparently. Seizing the freaking day.
Ryan: [chuckles] I like it. You do realize that means "pluck the day," though, right?

Ryan: Nothing that's worth anything comes without pain. A work of art is only good if it arises from necessity, from need. And it can be political need or personal need or, ideally, both. Art should be confrontation. It should shock and scare you. And Hannah, she was an artist in need. And I think that's what happened. And she freaked people out.

Ryan: Good for Justin. And Bryce is a rapist.
Courtney: If you believe Hannah.
Ryan: Seriously? You are the only girl here and that is the position you take?

Courtney: If Hannah's telling the truth, but Jessica says she's not.
Ryan: Really, Courtney? That's still your position? Hannah is lying? Come out, come out, little girl.

Ryan: [to Tony] Just take a brochure. They have scholarships.
Tony: I don't need a brochure, don't need your scholarship and I don't need four years of wasted time. I have skills.
Hannah: [as she walks by] And a sweet Mustang.
Tony: Thank you.

Alex: You guys would make shitty chess players. We're two moves from being checkmated.
Marcus: Not necessarily. Not if we bring Bryce into it with us.
Ryan: Bryce the rapist.
Courtney: Alleged rapist.
Ryan: Fuck off, Courtney.

Ryan: [while reading his poem] The drag of your hand across my chest sparks a blaze my lips cannot extinguish. You stubborn inferno. You drive fast and damn the red lights for slowing you down. You see my veins shake at your first touch. The power to move my blood on your own accord. The definition of heart and after the stick shift jerk, I beg my skin to do tricks. Like forget how good it feels to lose control. Between the burning house of your hands.

Ryan: Hannah, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel embarrassed or humiliated. I know what that's like.
Hannah: You do?
Ryan: I'm a skinny faggot who writes poems. I mean, please.
Hannah: I don't think you're supposed to use that word.
Ryan: Mmm. You're not. I'm allowed.

Kevin: Hey, Ryan, thanks for coming in. I wanted to ask you a question about this poem.
Ryan: Oh.
Kevin: Do you remember where it came from?
Ryan: Someone slipped it into my locker last year.
Kevin: Hmm.
Ryan: Yeah, I thought it was well-written.
Kevin: So you didn't actually find it on campus.
Ryan: Isn't that the whole concept of the magazine? Sometimes I get submissions anonymously. Why are you asking me about this?
Kevin: It seems that Hannah Baker wrote it.
Ryan: Oh, my God.
Kevin: Now her folks aren't too happy it got passed out around campus.
Ryan: I had no idea it was Hannah's.
Kevin: Did you think maybe the person who wrote this was thinking about hurting themself?
Ryan: To be honest, this isn't the first submission I've received like this. Teenage angst, you know? Perennially popular. But just because you write something doesn't mean you're going to do it.
Kevin: True, but I'm afraid the administration can't allow you to publish "Lost & Found" anymore.
Ryan: But I'm working on a memorial issue dedicated to Hannah Baker.
Kevin: I get that, but with her parents bringing a lawsuit, it's too sensitive right now.
Ryan: That's unfair. I built this magazine out of nothing. It's the focal point of my college apps.
Kevin: You may be asked to give testimony about this poem. That could affect your college admission too. I'm sorry.
Ryan: Sucks to be held accountable. Doesn't it?

Ryan: Do you wanna know why Hannah wrote these poems? She was reaching out. She was desperate to be heard, to connect. And people took that lifeline and they twisted it.

Ryan: [to Courtney] Welcome to the team.
Courtney: Don't start with me, Ryan.
Ryan: Hey, it happens when you're ready. I came out when I was 5. I didn't really have a choice. Guess I was just born fabulous. I'm just glad you made it out.
Courtney: Yeah. Me, too.
Ryan: If you start driving a Subaru and wearing flannel, I will hold an intervention.