The Best Marcus Cole Quotes

Clay: [after Marcus catches Clay outside of Tyler's window] What are you doing out here?
Marcus: Oh, I heard you, man. The car alarm. I live right over there. Besides, you're not the first one to come look at the famous window. We all did it and we all took our shot.
Clay: Wait, "we"? Are you on the...? Why? What did you do?
Marcus: Who knows? Okay? I didn't listen. I just started each tape till I heard who it was, figured out who came after me, and passed 'em on.
Clay: But what about the second set? Hannah said that if we don't listen...
Marcus: Hannah said. Dude, Hannah's dead. I'm sorry, but it's true. Nothing anyone did to her was any different than what happens to every girl at every high school. She just wanted attention and leaving those tapes... that's a fucked-up thing to do. No one deserves that. Except maybe that psycho.
Clay: Tyler Down?
Marcus: Dude, listen, take your shot and pass those things on, man. You'll feel better.

Marcus: Good afternoon. I'm Marcus Cole, student body president. Happy to be here. Happy to be here today. Since 1913, Liberty High has been committed to helping students achieve academic excellence in a safe, supportive environment. But in recent years, our values have gone to shit. I'm part of the problem. I lead a group called EnGUYtened, which is supposed to be for enlightened guys. But today, I'm officially resigning from that group because I'm a hypocrite. How can I say that I care about protecting girls when I've been protecting a rapist like Bryce Walker?

Hannah: [to Marcus] So why'd you bring the entourage? You scared you're not safe out here on your own with me?
Marcus: Actually, um, those guys are my unpaid interns. I have them do all my menial tasks.
Hannah: Oh yeah? You give 'em college credit?
Marcus: Well, that's what I tell them anyway.

Bryce: [to Marcus] What the fuck did you just do? Hey!
Marcus: Look, I came to you for help and you didn't do shit, man! They're blackmailing me. They made me say that!
Bryce: Who the fuck is "they"?
Marcus: I don't know! How do I know?
Bryce: Look, if that video gets out, man, it's out forever, okay?
Marcus: And I still have a future, but for you, the tapes are out. I didn't say anything that hasn't been said already.
Bryce: Big mistake. Big fucking mistake.

Hannah: [When Marcus starts groping Hannah] Stop it, no. Get off me. Don't touch me! Get off!
[pushes Marcus away]
Marcus: [gets up] Hey, what the fuck?
Hannah: Get away from me.
Marcus: No sweat. Thought you were easy.

Marcus: My whole life, my father told me people will judge me. People will assume they know who I am by looking at me and that the deck is stacked against me. When you're faced with that, when you're without power, on the outside, you have tough choices.

Kevin: Marcus, let me, uh, ask you something. Your father, he's a church-going man, right?
Marcus: Yeah.
Kevin: What do you think he would say if he listened to your tape?
Marcus: What would your wife say if she listened to yours?
Kevin: Oh, I already told my wife everything and I've taken a long, hard look in the mirror. Have you?

Marcus: Yo, Clay. What's up? How you doing today?
Clay: What do you want, Marcus?
Marcus: Did you and Tony talk yesterday?
Clay: We sure did.
Marcus: Okay, and you're just doing your own thing.
Clay: Oh, more than ever.
Marcus: Okay. Okay, look, I understand that you're going through your own process or whatever, but I'm worried about you, man. I don't want to see you get hurt.
Clay: Yeah, I'm sure you don't.
Marcus: Hey, I'm trying to protect you, okay? But I can't if you keep running your mouth. I mean, what's your play here, anyway?
Clay: My play? Like it's a game? Okay, you threw rocks through Tyler's window. What did you do for Jessica? This is the second tape where somebody committed a crime. There's a criminal walking around our school...
Marcus: Wait a minute.
Clay: Don't touch me. Look, maybe Jessica's managed to convince herself nothing happened, but if she's not gonna do anything, I will.
Marcus: Listen, no one knows if those tapes are telling the truth and Jessica said nothing happened. No court of law's gonna listen to a case where...
Clay: I'll start with the school.
Marcus: You don't know what the f... you don't know what you're doing. Okay? You haven't even listened to your own tape. I'm telling you, the worst is yet to come.

Alex: You guys would make shitty chess players. We're two moves from being checkmated.
Marcus: Not necessarily. Not if we bring Bryce into it with us.
Ryan: Bryce the rapist.
Courtney: Alleged rapist.
Ryan: Fuck off, Courtney.

Marcus: [to Clay] This isn't the time for any of us to be stirring shit up. Understand what I'm saying?
Clay: No, what are you saying?
Marcus: People start asking questions. Those tapes get out, it...
Clay: I thought you said you didn't listen to the tapes.
Marcus: This isn't just us. This isn't just a school thing. There's a lawsuit. Lives could get ruined.
Clay: Seems like lives have already been ruined, don't you think?

Courtney: What is your deal? Some days you're this serious person with legitimate plans for the world and the next you're like this stupid guy. It's like one day you're Hilary, and the next you're Bill.
Marcus: Yeah, and which one was President?

Alex: Wanna know what's worse than being a rapist? Hiding behind one. Fucking justifying a fucking rapist, that's worse. You want to get the story straight? We all know the story. Everything Hannah said on the tapes is true.
[to Courtney]
Alex: You're gay. So what? Tyler, you're a stalker. Ryan, you're an arrogant asshole. Zach, you're just an entitled idiot who does cruel, stupid things even though you probably have a decent heart. And Sheri's a fucking coward who got a kid killed.
Marcus: Alex, that's enough.
Alex: No, Marcus. You'll do anything to keep up your perfect reputation. And, yeah, I'm a fucking weak, pathetic loser who ruined the one good thing that I ever had because I wanted a rapist to think I was just like him. Hannah was my friend and we should tell the truth about her because I know that if I had still been friends with her, if any one of us had still been friends with her, she'd be alive.