The Best Celia Imrie Quotes

Jefferson: How do you know so much about the Time Masters?
Mary: I work for them.
[the Legends are alarmed]
Mary: Oh, don't worry. My true loyalty is to my children.

Mary: Do you remember the first day you were here?
Rip: Yes, I think I tried to steal your purse. God, I was a mean little bastard.
Mary: You were tough.
Rip: I was selfish.
Mary: Well, you were surviving.
Rip: I was home.
Mary: Which is why I know you'll be back.

Miss: No one loves cattle more than Burger King.

Miss: I'm ever so fond of Alexei, but my conscience says we should probably kill him.
Mahler: I'll tell H.R.
Miss: Actually he's about to go on holiday. Kill him when he gets back. Let's not be unreasonable.

Leonard: Look, I know I make a gorgeous baby, but I should warn you. You've got your hands full with me.
Mary: I assure you, you're not the first tough case to arrive at my door.

[Just before the MacLeod clan goes to war]
Kate: Angus, you'll keep him in one piece, ya hear?
Dugal: And we all know what piece that is!