The Best Christian Keyes Quotes

Desmond: [possessed by Neron] It's delicious how easily humans are corrupted, especially here in D.C.
Nora: So that's your game? You inflict fear and anger on humanity?
Desmond: I merely fan the flames. People are primed to give in to what they fear most.

Desmond: [freed of Neron] You saved me, Johnny. I'm grateful for that. But it doesn't change anything.
John: I know. But I can make it all go away, Des.
[holds up a memory eraser]
John: This will make you forget.
Desmond: No. You sent me to Hell. That's something we're both gonna have to live with.
[walks away to the elevator]

Nate: You evil bastard.
Desmond: [possessed] Yeah. Demon.

John: [his reflection talking] Your big sacrifice, it was for nothing. But instead of rolling up your sleeves and taking it to that demon bastard, you're getting rat-ass drunk in a shed.
John: I can't fight him. He's too strong.
John: Oh, this isn't about Neron. You failed Desmond. You failed Astra. And you'll fail Nate. And you know why? Because deep down, you want them all to go to Hell. You want the company.
John: You liar!
[he punches the mirror]
Desmond: [appearing] Hey, Johnny. Miss me?
John: Des.
Desmond: I'm surprised you haven't figured it out yet.
John: [realizing] Neron.

John: [finishing a magical barrier] There's nowhere for you to run now, you bile bladder.
Neron: Me, run? You're the one who ran. All I had to do was say "I'm coming for you, Johnny". And you left 2018 to me.