The Best Cyber Leader Quotes

Cyber: So, we meet again, Doctor.

[one of the Androids focuses its gaze on the Doctor and the image is transferred elsewhere to a visual console that the Cybermen are watching]
Cyberleader: Destroy them! Destroy them at once!
[credits roll]

[last lines]
Cyber: My army awakes, Doctor!

Cyber: A Time Lord. But they're forbidden to interfere.
Cyber: This one calls himself the Doctor, and does nothing else but interfere.

Cyber: [referring to recently captured Tegan] You have affection for this woman?
The: She's a friend.
Cyber: And you do not consider friendship a weakness?
The: I do not.
[the Cyberleader turns to face another Cyberman]
Cyber: Kill her.
[the Doctor is shocked, but attempts to steel himself as the Cyberman approaches Tegan. She fearfully backs toward the escape pod door, Adric at her side, both trying to gauge if she can escape. The Cyberleader stares down the increasing agitated Doctor until...]
The: No!
[the Doctor runs to stand between the Cyberman and Tegan, shielding her. It turns to look back at the Cyberleader who recinds the order with a hand gesture]
Cyber: Such a reaction is not a disadvantage?
The: No.
Cyber: You are mistaken. I now have control over you, Doctor. All I need do is threaten the woman's death for you to obey me.

De: You fool. Without the bow the statue's power is nothing.
Cyberleader: We will shortly obtain the bow.
De: From the Doctor? Don't delude yourself. He's no common adversary. Do you think he simply walk in here and hand it over?
The: [simply walking in, with Ace and the bow] Good afternoon.
Cyberleader: Doctor.
The: Yes, here we are. I'm sorry we couldn't have been here earlier but we're held up on the way.

[the Cybermen are softening a bridge door with a thermal lance]
Cyber: The shield is now soft enough. Break through!
[the Doctor taps into the antimatter storage system and uses it to stabilize the door just as a Cyberman breaks through, with the result that the Cyberman is fused into the door]

Cyberleader: When you become as we are, you will serve the Cyber Race well.

Richard: This is your tomb?
Lady: Rather fine, is it not? But where is the statue of Nemesis. Where is it? Where?
Cyberlieutenant: Is this the human condition of madness, Leader?
Cyberleader: It is. Kill them.

Cyberleader: So, Doctor, a new appearance. Otherwise our anticipation of your presence has proved, in time, accurate. Eradicate them!

The: Emotions have their uses.
Cyber: They restrict and curtail the intellect and logic of the mind.
The: They also enhance life! When did you last have the pleasure of smelling a flower, watching a sunset, eating a well-prepared meal?
Cyber: These things are irrelevant.
The: For some people, small, beautiful events is what life is all about!

Cyber: Which one is the Doctor?
Cyber: The tall one with fair hair. Even under the threat of death he has the arrogance of a Time Lord.