50 Best Dakota Johnson Quotes

Christian: Where have you been?
Anastasia: Waiting.

Christian: It's just behind this door.
Anastasia: What is?
Christian: My playroom.
Anastasia: Like your Xbox and stuff?
Christian: It's important that you know you can leave at anytime.
Anastasia: Why? What's in there?
Christian: I meant what I said. The helicopter is on standby to take you whenever you want to go.
Anastasia: Christian, just open the door!
Anastasia: [walks into the room] Oh my God.

Whitey: ...I need you to listen very carefully to what I am saying because there are lessons throughout your whole life. And you gotta learn from these things, right? Here's the deal. You did not get in trouble because you punched this sneaky brat in the face, not at all. You got in trouble because you punched this sneaky little brat in the face in front of other people.
Lindsey: [Lindsey sighs] Jimmy, I really don't think that that's the right thing to be teaching your kid.
Whitey: No, that's absolutely what I should be tellin' him, babe. So the lesson you gotta learn is this, it's not what you do, it's when and where you do it. And who you do it to or with. Huh? You follow?
Douglas: Yes, I follow. Punch people when no one's looking.
Whitey: That's exactly right.
Lindsey: [Chuckles]
Whitey: If nobody sees it, it didn't happen.

Christian: You're energetic this morning.
Anastasia: You hungry?
Christian: Very.

Anastasia: Dad!
Ray: I am so proud of you, Annie.
Anastasia: Thank you!
Ray: And Kate, best valedictorian speech ever.
Kate: Aw, thank you.
Ray: It was awesome.
Christian: Ana. Hi.
Anastasia: Hi.
Kate: Ray, have you met Christian Grey? Ana's boyfriend!
Christian: Great pleasure to meet you.
Ray: Likewise. I really enjoyed your speech.
Christian: Thank you, sir.
Ray: Sound like you've accomplished some pretty impressive things.
Christian: Thanks.
Kate: I'll say! Well, I'm going to go find my family who is patiently waiting to embarrass me.
[to Ray]
Kate: Bye! Come see us in Seattle, okay?
Ray: As soon as I get an invitation.
[to Ana]
Ray: So, how long have you two known each other?
Anastasia: Um...
Christian: A few weeks, now. We actually met when Anastasia interviewed me for the student newspaper.

Christian: I thought that was you!
Anastasia: What the?
Christian: What a pleasant surprise, Miss Steele.
Anastasia: Just Ana.
[clears throat]
Anastasia: Just Ana. You're in here?
Christian: I was in the area on business. Needed to pick up a few things.
Anastasia: Yeah! What can I help you with?
Christian: Do you stock cable ties?
Anastasia: Cable ties, yes we do. I can show you if you want.
Christian: Please lead the way, Miss Steele.
Anastasia: Just Ana. Is that it?
Christian: Masking tape.
Anastasia: Are you redecorating?
Christian: No.
Anastasia: Um, we have two inch and one inch, but the truly respecting handyman will have both in his toolbox.
Christian: Of course he will.
Anastasia: It's rare to find a connoisseur these days. Do you want anything else?
Christian: Yes. Rope.
[watches Ana]
Christian: That's impressive. You a girl scout?
Anastasia: Um, no. Organized group activities aren't really my thing.
Christian: So what is your thing?
Anastasia: I don't know. Books? Okay... rope, tape, cable ties. You're the complete serial killer.
Christian: Not today.

Christian: To what do I owe my success?
Anastasia: [nervously] Yep.
Christian: Seriously?
Anastasia: Yes.
Christian: Business is about people and I've always been good at people. What motivates them. What inspires them.
Anastasia: Maybe you're just lucky.
Christian: I've always found that the harder I work the more luck I seem to have. The key to my success has been in identifying talented individuals and harnessing their efforts.
Anastasia: So you're a control freak?
Christian: Oh, I exercise control in all things, Miss Steele.

Christian: [toast] To SIP's new fiction editor.
Anastasia: Acting fiction editor.
Christian: Till they find out how good you are.
Anastasia: Christian, did you have something to do with this?
Christian: No. Hey, it was all you.
[she shakes her head]
Christian: What? You don't believe me?
Anastasia: I don't believe it myself.
Christian: I asked you a question last night.
Anastasia: About moving in with you?
Christian: Mm-hmm.
Anastasia: [sighs] I just think that I'm probably... I need to get some things from my apartment.
Christian: [soft chuckle] That can be arranged.
Anastasia: Good. Now, maybe we could... take this celebration home.
Christian: [to waiter] The check, please.

Anastasia: I can't believe you just talked to him like that!
Christian: He wants what's mine.
Anastasia: What's yours? That's a little presumptuous!

Anastasia: Earlier you said that there were some people who know you well. Why do I get the feeling that that is not true?
Andrea: Mr. Grey, your next meeting is in the conference room.
Christian: Cancel it, please. We're not finished here.
Andrea: Yes sir.
Anastasia: No! Uh, I'm... we... I can go. It's fine.
Christian: I would like to know more about you.
Anastasia: There's really not much to know about me.
Christian: You said you're an English major. Tell me, was it Charlotte Bronte, Jane Austen, or Thomas Hardy who first made you fall in love with literature?
Anastasia: Hardy.
Christian: I would have guessed Jane Austen. What are your plans after you graduate?
Anastasia: I'm just trying to get through finals right now.
Christian: And then?
Anastasia: And then I was planning on moving here, to Seattle, with Kate.
Christian: We offer an excellent internship program.
Anastasia: I don't think I'd fit in here. Look at me.
Christian: I am.

Anastasia: Also, on page 5 there are some terms which need clarification. Suspension?
Christian: Hanging on ropes from the ceiling.
Anastasia: For what possible reason?
Christian: For your pleasure.
Anastasia: Really?
Christian: And mine. Something to consider.
Anastasia: No. Hard limit.
Anastasia: Is bondage acceptable to the submissive? I'm good with rope, leather cuffs, handcuffs. Please lose tape and, what's other?
Christian: Cable ties? Can I just say how impressed I am with your commitment to this meeting? And in that spirit, I'm going to throw in a sweetener. How about once a week on a night of your choosing, we go on a date. Just like a regular couple. Dinner, movie... ice skating. Whatever you want.
Anastasia: Accepted. You're very kind.

Anastasia: [on the yacht, as he prepares to hoist the sail] So this is where your knot-tying expertise comes in.

José: You okay?
Anastasia: Yeah I just am a little more... drunk than.
José: Come here. Stay warm.
[pulls Ana close]
Anastasia: Oh, it's cool. I'm good. I got it.
José: I don't know when I'll have the courage to do this.
Anastasia: Do what?
José: Ana.
Anastasia: No.
José: I like you.
Anastasia: You do?
José: Very much.
Anastasia: Oh my God.
José: Please, one kiss.
Anastasia: No! No, no, no. I'm sorry. No.
Christian: [pushes Jose] Dude, she said no!

Christian: You have a beautiful body, Anastasia. I want you unashamed of your nakedness. Do you understand?
Anastasia: Yes sir.
Christian: You're biting your lip. You know what that does to me. Turn around.
[braids Ana's hair]
Christian: When I tell you to come into this room this is how you'll be. You'll wait for me kneeling by the door. Hands flat on your thighs.
[exits and returns]
Christian: Hold out your hand.
[slaps with riding crop]
Christian: Did that hurt?
Anastasia: No.
Christian: See? Most of the fear is in your head.

Anastasia: Don't fucking touch me!

Eleanor: You have a young boy with Down syndrome in the middle of nowhere.
Tyler: I'm the one who's been taking care of him because you can't do it unless you put him in a cage.

Anastasia: What's this?
Christian: Okay, that's enough show-and-tell.
Anastasia: What's *this*?
Christian: Let's learn to walk before we run.
Anastasia: I kinda like running.

Dr. Grace Trevelyan Grey: They're here! You're here. Welcome welcome.
[She hugs Ana]
Christian: Ana, mother you've met.
Anastasia: Hi lovely to meet you!
Christian: And this is my father, Carrick.
Anastasia: Hi. Pleasure to meet you!
Mr. Grey: It's nice to meet you. There's been a lot of speculation!
Mia: Oh my god!You exist!
[She hugs Ana]
Kate: It's a great apartment, and the rent's not ridiculous. Elliot and Jose helped us move in. Jose is Ana's friend, although I think Elliot's trying to poach me.
[Christian puts his hand on Ana's leg]
Elliot: He's a cool guy.
Mr. Grey: Ana, where is your family from?
Anastasia: My stepfather lives in Montesano and my mom lives in Georgia.
Dr. Grace Trevelyan Grey: Georgia? Which part?
Anastasia: Savannah.
Dr. Grace Trevelyan Grey: How nice! Although I do hear it gets really humid in Georgia at this time of year.
Anastasia: Oh my god, it does. It's stifling sometimes.
[she takes Christian hand off her leg]
Anastasia: Actually , I'm gonna visit her tomorrow.
Dr. Grace Trevelyan Grey: How nice! You hear that, Christian? Some children do visit her parents now and again.
Elliot: Hey dad, you catch the Mariners game?
Mr. Grey: I heard it went back stream.
Mia: Ah, Seattle baseball...
[she starts to speak french]
Christian: This is news to me. When were you gonna tell me?
[to Ana]
Dr. Grace Trevelyan Grey: Who wants coffee?
Christian: Actually, I promised Ana a tour of the grounds. Excuse us.

Anastasia: Are they burns?

Anastasia: I'll review all these changes and try to arrive at a decision.
Christian: You want to leave?
Anastasia: Yes.
Christian: But your body tells me something different. Your legs, for instance. The way you're pressing your thighs together under the table. And the change in your breathing. And in your complexion.
Anastasia: My complexion?
Christian: You're flushed.
Anastasia: That could just be the wine.
Christian: It's the adrenaline.

Anastasia: Christian, I cannot walk that fast in these shoes.
[he takes her over his shoulder]
Christian: When were you gonna tell me about Georgia?
Anastasia: What? You have no right to be mad!
Christian: Yeah, but I am mad. Palm-twitchingly mad.
[he spanks her butt]
Anastasia: Ouch!
Christian: [he takes her off] You're mine. All mine. You understand?
[he kisses her]
Anastasia: Christian, you are so confusing!
Anastasia: Ana.
Anastasia: What do you want? What do you want!
Christian: I want you.
Anastasia: I'm trying, Christian.
Christian: I know you are.
Anastasia: Why can't we sleep in the same bed? Why won't you let me touch you? Why does it have to be like this?
Christian: If you just sign a contract you wouldn't have to think about anything...
Anastasia: Why do you care so much about the contract Christian? Don't you like me the way I am?
Christian: Of course I do.
Anastasia: Then, why are you trying to change me?
Christian: I'm not. It's...
Anastasia: I need more! I want more!
Christian: Hearts and flowers? That's not something I know. Ana, please. It's you that's changing me.
Anastasia: Let me touch you. Let me.
[he takes her hands off him]
Anastasia: Are they burns?
Christian: I had a rough start in life. That's all you need to know.
Anastasia: Okay.

Christian: I brought you here to negotiate.
Anastasia: You're open to new terms?
Christian: No rules, no punishments.
Anastasia: No rules, no punishments and no more secrets.
Christian: I can do that.
Anastasia: You wanna, what do you call it, "a vanilla relationship"?
Christian: I mean we only do what you're comfortable with.
Anastasia: But you need all those things.
Christian: I need you more.

Anastasia: That's your brother?
Christian: Not by choice. Let's go.
Anastasia: Wait, what did Kate say?
Christian: She warned me to be on my best behavior. More like threatened me.
Anastasia: [laughing] She threatened you! You're spinning. Think I'm gonna faint.
Christian: What? Now?
[catches Ana]

Christian: What about you? I'd like to know more about you.
Anastasia: There's really not much to know about me. Look at me.
Christian: I am.

Anastasia: Why are you trying to change me?
Christian: I'm not. It's you that's changing me.

Anastasia: Why am I here, Christian?
Christian: You're here because I'm incapable of leaving you alone.
Anastasia: Then don't. Why'd you send me those books?
Christian: I thought I owed you an apology.
Anastasia: For what?
Christian: For letting you believe that I... Listen to me. I don't do romance. My tastes are very singular. You wouldn't understand.
Anastasia: Enlighten me, then.

Anastasia: How could I know what I'd be willing to try?
Christian: Well, when you've had sex was there anything you didn't like doing? We have to be honest with each other for this to work. Okay?
Anastasia: I wouldn't know.
Christian: What do you mean?
Anastasia: Because I haven't... I haven't.
Christian: You're still a virgin? I've just shown you!
Anastasia: I know. I just...
Christian: You've done other things, right?
Anastasia: No.
Christian: Where have you been?
Anastasia: Waiting.
Christian: Men must throw themselves at you.
Anastasia: Never one I've wanted.

Carla: Sweetheart, I wish Christian could have stayed. Bob was really looking forward to meeting him.
Anastasia: I know. He had to get back to Seattle, though. There is some situation at work.
Carla: I wish I could tell you that things get easier, but they don't. You just get to know yourself better.
Anastasia: Thank you for everything, mama.

Christian: [answers phone] Anastasia.
Anastasia: Yeah, this is me. I'm sending back your expensive books because I already have copies of those. Thanks though for the kind gesture.
Christian: You're welcome. Where are you?
Anastasia: Oh, I'm in line because I have to pee really bad.
Christian: Anastasia, have you been drinking?
Anastasia: [laughs] Yeah! I have, Mr. Fancy Pants. You hit... you hit the hail on the nead. I mean the head right on the nail.
Christian: Listen to me. I want you to go home right now.
Anastasia: You're so bossy! Ana, let's go for a coffee. No, stay away from me Ana! I don't want you! Get away. Come here, come here! Go away!
Christian: That's it. Tell me where you are.
Anastasia: A long way from Seattle! A long way from you.
Christian: Which bar? What's it called?
Anastasia: I don't know. I gotta go, though.
Christian: Which bar Ana?
Anastasia: [to girl in line] I told him. Right?

Christian: You trust me?
[Ana nods]
Christian: Hold out your wrists.
[wraps tie around wrists]
Christian: Hold them there. Understand? Tell me you understand.
Anastasia: I won't move my arms.
Christian: Good girl. Stay still!
Anastasia: Okay.
Christian: Say yes.
Anastasia: To what?
Christian: To be mine.

Kate: What was he like?
Anastasia: He was polite. Intense. Smart. Really intimidating.

Anastasia: [while they are in a supermarket, Christian is pushing the cart, looking uncomfortable] When's the last time you went shopping?
Christian: Houston. A week ago.
Anastasia: What'd you buy?
Christian: An airline.

Anastasia: [entrance to his playroom] The door was, um, unlocked.
Christian: I'll have to talk to Mrs. Jones.
Anastasia: Does she come in here a lot? Does she, like... does she... does she... dust in here?

Christian: Anastasia...
Anastasia: It was you, wasn't it? You just went and
[glances at her portraits]
Anastasia: bought all of these.
Christian: I don't like strangers gawking at you.
Anastasia: Why are you here?
Christian: For you.
Anastasia: Ugh.
Christian: Hey. Can we talk... somewhere private?
Anastasia: No.
[shakes her head]
Christian: Look, I'm not very good at this.
[shakes his head]
Christian: I've never had to... I've never wanted to try again.
Anastasia: [shakes her head] Christian, I don't... It's not a good idea.
Christian: Let's talk. Hey? Just talk, please? Have dinner with me.
[she sighs]
Anastasia: [regards him long time, then nods] Okay, fine, I will have dinner with you. Because... I'm hungry. But we are only talking and that is it.

Dr. Grace Trevelyan Grey: But he never sleeps in. Certainly not at this hour. Unless of course he's ill. Is he?
[Christian appears]
Dr. Grace Trevelyan Grey: Ah!
Jason: Sorry, Mr. Grey.
Christian: It's fine. I know how she can be.
Dr. Grace Trevelyan Grey: She? If you're trying to avoid me the very least you can do is call me by my correct name which is mom.
Anastasia: Hi!
Dr. Grace Trevelyan Grey: [surprised] Oh, dear God!
Christian: Mother, Anastasia Steele. Ana, meet my mother Dr. Grace Trevelyan-Grey.
Dr. Grace Trevelyan Grey: You have no idea how delighted I am to meet you.
Anastasia: It's nice to meet you too, Dr. Grey.
Dr. Grace Trevelyan Grey: Grace. She's very pretty!

Anastasia: Is this what you want? You want to see me like this?
Christian: Ana.
Anastasia: Don't come near me. Does this give you pleasure?

Anastasia: [from trailer] I don't know if I can be with him the way he needs me to.

Kate: You're seeing him again tonight. That means that something happened.
Kate: Ana! Ana, you have to tell me!
Anastasia: I have to get ready for work. We just kissed. Once.
Kate: Only once? That's odd.
Anastasia: Odd doesn't even cover it.

Anastasia: Do you have any interests outside of work?
Christian: I enjoy various physical pursuits.
Anastasia: You're unmarried. Oh,you were adopted at age four.
Christian: That's a matter of public record.
Anastasia: I'm sorry, I didn't...
Christian: Do you have an actual question, Miss Steele?
Anastasia: Yes. Sorry. Are you gay? It's written here, I'm just...
Christian: No, Anastasia. I'm not gay.
Anastasia: I apologize, Mr. Grey. Kate can be a little...
Christian: Intrusive?
Anastasia: Curious.
Christian: What about you? And why won't you ask me something that you wanna know?

Amy: You don't know my name, do you?
Sean: Is it Stanford?
Amy: [playfully] I should just kick your ass! How do you go to a party and you meet somebody...
Sean: [Cutting her off] Amelia Ritter, but you prefer Amy. You're from Orinda. Your father's in commercial real estate, and your mother's ten years sober.
Amy: [Smiling] What's my major?
Sean: Trombone?
Amy: Really?
Sean: I remember something about a trombone.

Christian: Tell me about your family.
Anastasia: My family? Um... Okay, my dad died when I was a baby so I was raised by my stepfather, Ray. He's amazing.
Christian: And your mother?
Anastasia: My mother is on husband number four. She's an incurable romantic.
Christian: Are you?
Anastasia: Am I romantic? Well, I study English Lit. So I kind of have to be.

Anastasia: It sounds sad. Everything you play is so sad. When you were six you learned it, because you wanted to please your new family?
[Christian keeps playing]
Anastasia: Why won't you let me in? We should be talking.
Christian: Like normal people?
Anastasia: Yes. Is that so wrong? Is it because of the contract? Because I still haven't signed it?
Christian: Fuck the contract! I think it's a little redundant, don't you?
Anastasia: So the rules are redundant, too?
Christian: No. The rules stand.
Anastasia: And what if I break them?
Christian: Then there will be consequences.
Anastasia: Punishment?
Christian: Yes.
Anastasia: Why do you want to punish me?
Christian: Ana...
Anastasia: Why do you want to hurt me?
Christian: I would never do anything that you couldn't handle.
Anastasia: But why do you even want to do anything to me at all, Christian?
Christian: If I told you, you'll never look at me the same way again.
Anastasia: So there is a reason. Tell me. Do you want to punish me right now?
Christian: Yes, I want to punish you right now.
Anastasia: And what if I told you that I feel the same way about being punished as you do about me touching you. Would you still want to punish me then?
Christian: No. But that doesn't mean I wouldn't need to.
Anastasia: Why?
Christian: Ana, stop!
Anastasia: Why do you need to?
Christian: Because it's the way I am! Because I'm fifty shades of fucked up.
Anastasia: Show me, then. I need you to show me. What you want to do to me. Punish me! Show me how bad it can be. I want you to show me the worst.
Anastasia: It's the only way I can understand.

Tyler: While you've been doing paperwork we've been doing something called living, ain't that right, bud?
Zak: Yeah.
Eleanor: Okay. Cool.

Christian: You're mine.
Anastasia: I'm yours.

Anastasia: I'm scared.
[looks up into his eyes]
Anastasia: I know you say that I'm enough. But there are certain things that you are used to getting that I will never ever, ever, be able to give you. And it might be fine for you right now, but...
[Christian shakes his head]
Anastasia: what's gonna happen when you start needing them again?
Christian: I won't.
Anastasia: How do you know that? How can I believe you?

Christian: Roll your eyes at me again and I will put you across my knee!
Anastasia: Ohhh...
Christian: [Back to her apartment] Did you just roll your eyes at me?
Anastasia: [laughing] No.
Christian: [Takes her to couch, bends her across one knee, rolls down her underwear just below her bared rear end] D'you know why I'm doing this?
Anastasia: Because I rolled my eyes!
Christian: And is that polite?
Anastasia: No
[slaps her naked rear]
Christian: Excuse, me?
Anastasia: No, SIR!
Christian: [Slaps her bared rear again] Do you want more? Welcome to my world.
[Slaps: leaves]

Christian: I told you to come straight here. I've had people out combing the streets, looking for you.
Anastasia: I'm sorry I don't always do as I'm told. Maybe you just really need someone who obeys every command.

Christian: [repeated exchange] Anastasia.
Anastasia: Christian.

Sean: Well, I founded an internet company that let folks download and share music for free.
Amy: Kind of like Napster?
Sean: Exactly like Napster.
Amy: What do you mean?
Sean: I founded Napster.
Amy: Sean Parker founded Napster.
Sean: Nice to meet you.
Amy: [Surprised] You're Sean Parker?
Sean: Ah ha! You see, the shoe is on the other...
Amy: Foot?
Sean: Table. Which has turned.
Amy: I just slept with Sean Parker?
Sean: You just slept ON Sean Parker.

Eleanor: I could have you arrested for kidnapping, okay?
Tyler: Oh, you're going to have me arrested for kidnapping? How do you- how do you figure? You can't have me arrested. He's a runaway. Can't kidnap a runaway. Come on, genius. You said GW, didn't you?
Eleanor: I'm sure I could find some reason to arrest you.