300 Best Donald Duck Quotes

Donald: Whoa!

Donald: Ah...

Donald: Namaste.

Donald: The moon is not a...

Donald: Oh, um... We're about to sing some christmas carols. Come on!

Donald: No! Listen! Daisy didn't wreck your party, she saved it! So sit down!

Donald: All right!

Donald: Kids, I've got a dark family secret.

Donald: Della? Where? Hey! What's the big idea?

Donald: Hey!

Donald: Take it easy.

Donald: Hands offa me...
[His voice suddenly becomes smooth and clear]
Donald: ...you mad scientist!
Dewey: Woah. He sounds so... normal.
Donald: Rubber baby buggy bumpers, rubber baby buggy bumpers, rubber baby buggy bumpers! Hah-hah! Wow! I've never been able to say that before!
[clears throat]
Donald: As I was saying, Uncle Scrooge is in trouble and it's up to us to help him! And adventure is in our blood, we've faced down perilous foes and endless danger every day, but we always prevail! Because these ducks don't back down!

Donald: Uh-huh. Right.

Donald: No! You're out!

Donald: Huh?

Donald: Hey! Hey!

Donald: [Yelling in sync] Where have you been?

Donald: Oh, come on!

Donald: Uh, more like an acquaintance.

Donald: Huh? What? Huh?

Donald: My band is sort of, uh, crashing the party?

Donald: I'm sure they'll be back soon. You can count on it.
Lena: What?

Donald: Ha! Now remember, bedtime is at 9:00. And no Sugar after 7:00. Oh, and...

Donald: Oh, I give up. I came to help to you. And instead you embarrass me in of front the boys.

Donald: Yes, yes!

Donald: I've done nothing with my life! I'm a failure!

Donald: Just like the real thing, only cheaper.

Donald: How the heck did I win?

Donald: Well, not any...

Donald: Boys!

Donald: Mrs. B., a brick, a note.

Donald: Everything's... fine.

Donald: I'm gonna get my hands on you!

Donald: Just like old time.

Donald: I'll just live on the boat while I fix it. Out of your house, out of your way.

Donald: Wow! Nice dress!

Donald: Ow!

Donald: [putting the finishing touches on the houseboat when the boys return] Back so soon? Well, ta-da! She's all done.
[none of the boys reply]
Donald: Uhh. What happened to you?
Dewey: We know about the Spear of Selene.
Donald: [sadly] Oh...
Louie: Let's go back to the marina.
Donald: [Donald leans back, knocking over a flowerpot] Huh? Uh! Ohh...

Donald: Fifty million. Tops.

Donald: But how?

Donald: Uh-uh. I'm almost done. We'll be on the water again in two days! Aak! Seven days!

Donald: Della? Della! Where are?

Della: Just because I'm mad at you doesn't mean I didn't miss you!
Donald: I missed you too ya big dummy!

Donald: Oh...

Donald: No... we have to get back to the plane. You don't know what's out there.

Donald: Careful. Careful. Careful!

Donald: Ow, ow, ow! Aah!

Donald: Yippee-ki-yay, Mr. Falcon!

Donald: The crowd!

Donald: I would love to! It just so happens I have a job interview.

Donald: ...Scrooge. Wait till I get hands on him.

Donald: Nobody understands what I'm saying.
Daisy: That's strange, I understand you perfectly.

Donald: Ha-yah!

Donald: What's all this?

Donald: No, why are you here?

Donald: Big waste of time.

Donald: Lunaris is a monster. We have to go help uncle Scrooge.

Donald: Oh! Bbbbbbb!

Donald: No. Not today.

Donald: Happy Halloween!

Donald: I was so awesome.

Donald: And the explosions...

Donald: That is a great idea!

Donald: Scrooge! Kids! The inv-It's in a month! I'm coming home soon!

Donald: I come in peace.

Donald: Crazy old bird. Where can I find another babysitter at 10:00? 10:00?

Donald: Huh?

Donald: We did it.

Donald: Guys, stop it!

Donald: Who says so?

Donald: My kitchen!

Donald: Huh?

Donald: Storkules! I need you to...

Donald: Why, oh, why?

Donald: Ahh!

[Webby and Scrooge find the kitchen in shambles]
Scrooge: Great sacks of delirium!
Webby: Maybe Donald tried to make an omelet again?
Scrooge: Impossible. He still hasn't figured out how to get out of the pantry.
Donald: [sputtering angrily from the pantry] WHAT'S THE BIG IDEA?

Donald: I don't adventure anymore.

Donald: Yeah!

Donald: Aw!

Donald: oh... uh... whoops!

Donald: Ho boy.

Donald: Batten down the hatches!

Donald: I wish we could just have normal family problems.

Donald: [making conversation with family photos] Ah, little Dewey's first steps. And that's Huey in the playoffs - he was the waterboy. Oh, look! That's us climbing in the Grand Canyon... display at the supermarket. Ah... ah, I miss them so much, but we need this job. So, tell me about your family.
Gabby: I was raised by warrior monks who spoke only the language of the blade.

Donald: Come around back. Portable generators. Keep your power, Mrs. B. This guy is off the grid.

Donald: Squawk, crow, quack, I got your back!

Donald: I told you - no pets!

Donald: I know! I warned you!

Donald: The crowd is eat us alive!

Donald: You.

Donald: And the explosions.

Donald: Oh, no!

Donald: Ow.

Donald: Oh, fine.

Donald: And a nice big tip, too!

Donald: No! I can't let you do it!

Donald: Ohh!

Donald: Oh, no. Oh no, oh no, oh no!

Huey: Breathe, just breathe.
Donald: I've done nothing with my life! I'm a failure!
Scrooge: Awww, that never bothered you before.

Donald: Oh, no!

Donald: Hey, you big palooka! Nobody gets hurt today!

Donald: Oh, boy!

Donald: I was in the will?

Donald: Huey, Dewey, Louie, meet Scrooge McDuck. Remember, no tricks, no lies, no trouble.
Huey: Yes, Uncle Donald.
Donald: I wasn't talking to you.
[glares at Scrooge]

Donald: Oh, sorry. I'm in your space.

Donald: Oh, here we go! Giving orders like he's the richest duck in the world.

Donald: I should get started.

Donald: I wanted to hand out candy to trick-or-treaters!

Donald: The worst.

Donald: Aw, Phooey!

Donald: I'lll have the kids macaroni and cheese!

Donald: Uh...

Donald: Oh, boy! I can't wait to see my pals!

Donald: Ow!

Donald: Okay, fine. You can stay.

Donald: Ahhhh!

Donald: What the? Launchpad?

Donald: Waah! But you have the perfect yard for a winter wonderland!

Donald: Who's that?

Donald: Why... Aah! Waaaaaak! Oof!

Donald: Huh?

Donald: Launchpad?

Donald: Howdy, neighbor. Kielbasa?

Donald: You did? Why don't I remeber that?

Donald: Huh? Ohh. Whoa!

Donald: Careful! This was expensive.

Donald: Hear my voice as I'm calling out to you. Hear my voice.

Mrs. Beakley: Now let's toast to a fond farewell meal, topped with a dash of perspective.
Dewey: So this whole thing was to guilt us into going back to the mansion? Well it's not gonna work! Sorry, but it's too late. We're going to Cape Suzette with our real family, and that's that. Right, Uncle Donald?
Donald: No. Mrs. B's right. Uncle Scrooge needs us, and we need him. Our family has been apart too long. It's time for us to come together. Come here, boys.
[Huey and Louie rush to Donald's arms for a family hug]
Dewey: Wha-wha-wait! But the spear! And mom! And... and.
[Dewey crosses his arms and tries to hold back tears. Donald signal's to him it's okay, Dewey smiles and rushes into the family hug]
Launchpad: Family...
Webbigail: Trapped!

Donald: Eight?

Donald: I'm not gonna sell - he owes me.

Donald: And I'm coming with you.

Donald: Nobody listen to me, either. They don't understand me!

Donald: Uh!

Donald: So, I thought you needed help.

Donald: Crazy Cousin Fethry...

Donald: Help!

Donald: Why did I say that?

Donald: What's going on?

Donald: Welcome back.

Donald: But what if kids come here for candy?

Donald: Waak! Waak!

Donald: No! They're getting candy.

Donald: Well, I, Uh...

Donald: What is that?

Donald: I gotta go! I gotta...

Donald: Um, I've got to go to the bathroom. I'll be right back!

Donald: Aww.

Donald: Ow!

Donald: He's the worst. Just the worst

Donald: No!

Donald: No, no, no! I'm through with adventure! Someone always gets hurt!

Donald: Huh? Huh? It can't be!

Donald: And a cartidge Of printer ink.

Donald: That's all Daisy.

Donald: No!

Donald: Mrs. B. said that you would watch the boys! Can you do that without losing them?

Donald: Yahh! aah!

[Gladstone is beating Donald]
Donald: [sadly slumps down] Oh, What's the point?
Louie: Come on, Uncle Donald! So you have the worst luck in the world, who cares? No matter how bad things get, like really, really bad, you keep going! It's kinda ridiculous. You never had the common sense to give up before, why start now?

Donald: Home sweet home, huh?

Donald: Aw, phooey! I'm going out there if you like it or not!

Donald: Uh...

Donald: Ugh! Stupid Nature!

Donald: It's perfect.

Donald: There isn't going to be a tour. I'm not a billionaire. I'm broke! I lied to impress you.

Donald: Ow!

Donald: What?

Donald: I can't leave you boys alone for one minute!

Donald: Yup. Still a trillionaire?

Donald: 'Cause he's so old! Very, very old!

Donald: Acquaintances!

Donald: Waak! Oh, no.

Donald: Hup! Hup! Whoa! Oh!

Donald: Oh, no! He was too young! Oh, no!

Donald: Waah!

Donald: And pay your rent on time.

Donald: Let me through, you no-good - Aaaah!

Donald: What? We can't...

Donald: Just go away!

Donald: That's not true!

Donald: You need a job.

Donald: I got it...

Della: A Halloween they will never forget.
Donald: Because they will be traumatized!
Della: Traumatized in the most wholesome way possible.

Donald: Just let us down!

Donald: That's true. I read that.

Donald: Oof!

Donald: We don't need money...

Donald: Twenty-seven.

Donald: [Watching Magica rising from McDuck Manor] Aw, phooey.

Donald: Fancy!

Donald: A-ha!

Donald: No way! I'm a star.

Donald: We're back.

Donald: Scrooge, the kids! The Beagle Boys!

Donald: Wait, where's Dewey?

Donald: Dewey!

Scrooge: Not the time, Donald!
Donald: Crazy old man! All you care about is your next adventure! This is the Spear of Selene all over again!
Scrooge: I was NOT responsible for the Spear of Selene!

Donald: You and your pets!

Donald: Aww, phooey.
Scrooge: Curse me kilts!
Della: Back on the Moon...
Dewey: That's how we Dewey things!
Louie: Yuh boy...
Mrs. Beakley: I'm not a spy!
Huey: Everyone stop catchphrasing!
Mrs. Beakley: Wait, is "I'm not a spy" seriously my catchphrase?

Donald: Twenty-seven?

Donald: What?

Donald: Louie?

Donald: Everybody listen up! Uncle Scrooge is in trouble and it's up to us to help him!
Launchpad: [Everyone looks at each other in confusion, not making out what Donald said] What?
Launchpad: Did anyone get any of that?
Huey: It's mostly context clues.
Louie: We get like every third word.
Dewey: Nope, completely unintelligible.
Donald: I'll show you unintelligible!
[chases Dewey]

Donald: Dibs!

Donald: Well, she can't! Ahh. Someone always gets hurt.

Donald: You? Stay away!

Donald: Oh! Whoa! Oh!

Donald: Ow.

Donald: Ah!

Donald: Move over! This is a ship. I am a sailor.
Della: This is a rocket ship, genius! I'm a pilot!
Scrooge: [Fondly remembering how Donald and Della used to bicker on their old adventures] Oh, bless me bagpipes, have I missed this.

Donald: You're alive? You're alive!

Donald: Aww, come on!

Donald: No way! I need this! I gotta go tune my instrument. And buy an instrument. Can I...? Ha!

Donald: No tricks, no lies, no trouble!
Nephews: Yes, Uncle Donald.
Donald: I wasn't talking to you!
[glares at Scrooge]

Donald: From McDuck Enterprises! My company! I'm a billionaire!

Donald: Umm... I got snacks

Donald: Phooey.

Donald: Oof!

Donald: Uh-oh.

Donald: Yeah! Wait, no!

Donald: Thanks, Mrs. B. So how does a housekeeper know so much about electricity and Tae Kwon Do?
Mrs. Beakley: Simple. I'm a spy.

Donald: In an apartment, and I'll help you find it.

Donald: We came here to help you and you put our family in danger.

Donald: We gotta get outta here!

Donald: Mrs. B, this has gone too far.

Donald: Oof!

Donald: I'm good.

Donald: Fantastic! Thank you so much!

Donald: It was a mermanticore!

Donald: Uh... if we get of them now, we can't torture them later!

Donald: Stop. I admit I'm a little overprotective.

Donald: Oh, no.

Donald: Whew!

Donald: Richest duck in duck burg can't spare a dime. Keep your water.

Donald: Bu the show must go on?

Donald: A couple of hours. Uh... well, okay. But just keep those life vests on!

Donald: No, no, no. Don't...

Donald: Absolutely!

Donald: So... how long do you plan to stay?

Donald: Hey!

Donald: I can take care of myself.

Donald: Hi, Uncle Scrooge!

Donald: Ah.

Donald: Hello, hello! I'm gonna miss big break!

Donald: Woulda been nice to play again, one more time.

Donald: Oh, no.

Donald: By showing them I'm a loser?

Donald: Aw, I'm Donald Duck...

Donald: Uncle Scrooge is rich. I'll pay him back.

Donald: What are you doing?

Donald: Boys! Good news! Where have you always wanted to go?
Louie: Into the water to get my khopesh?
Donald: What? No. Cape Suzette! We're moving there tomorrow!

Donald: Unh!

Donald: I got this.

Donald: Ow! Grr...

Donald: Get back here!

Donald: Heading out. This is a date.

Donald: Della?

Donald: I got unmentionables to wash.

Donald: Aw, phooey.

Donald: Where I met my best friend!

Donald: He's cuckoo bananas.

Donald: I can't keep track of all your sworn enemies.

Donald: But now I'm saved!

Donald: My fault? it's, uh, it's your bag!

Donald: Uh, sure!

Donald: Sun tan lotion, swimsuit, camera...
Della: Antivenom, camouflage, night-vision goggles...
Donald: Della...!
Della: It's a big, scary world out there for you two alone. Better take the sword of Swanstatine, it will magnify your strength.
Donald: Della!
Della: You're right, your inner strength lies with your family! What profound insight, guess we'll all go with you! I'll tell the boys to pack!
Donald: DELLA! What is the big idea?
Della: [sigh] I need you, you big palooka! We're a team! We've lost so much time and I just got back and now you're moving out, I'm not... ready for our adventures to be over.
Donald: You'll have lots of adventures! You've got the kids and Scrooge...
Della: Yeah, but you're my brother.
Donald: I always will be. But Daisy is my adventure.
Della: Oh phooey. Alright, Casanova, I'll help. You never were any good at packing for adventure. A Hawaiian shirt? Is it 1996? We're going shopping.

Donald: Hey, what's the big idea?

Donald: Oh, hey Launchpad!

Donald: Hiya, buddy.

Donald: My kids!

Donald: Waak! Ohh!

Donald: Peace and love.

Donald: What?

Donald: Huh?

Donald: Think about the children!

Donald: Guys! Guys! I don't think-...

Donald: No! Nooooo!

Donald: What?

Donald: But my band!

Donald: We just need some one to listen to us!

Donald: Five?

Donald: Oh! Ohh!

Donald: [Della stares at Donald wearing his classic blue sailor outfit] What?... It's a classic!
Della: And the cheapest thing on the rack. Don, I know you've earned a relaxing trip around the world, but won't you miss all this? Don't you wish we could go on one last adventure?
Donald: Nope. Nothing will stop me from going on this vacation.
Dewey: The clones are gone, they busted out!
Louie: Webby is missing! Maybe kidnapped or worse!
[Donald rolls up the window on the boys. Louie drops Scrooge on the hood]
Louie: I found Uncle Scrooge knocked out!
Scrooge: Beakley went rogue
Donald: Did you put them up to this?
Della: I didn't put them up to anything! I swear this is an actual crisis!
Dewey: Huey is also missing!
Della: What?
Louie: We think he was taken by F.O.W.L.!
Donald: Okay, this isn't funny.
Della: How do you know Huey's gone?
Dewey: [Pulls out Huey's Woodchuck guidebook] He left this! Huey never leaves without it!
Donald: [Donald steps out of the car and rips off his tie] To adventure!

Donald: Boys, if we want to keep our home afloat, we've all got to do things we don't want to do.

Donald: Drop the beat!

Donald: Hear my voice.

Donald: Bop bop. Bop. Yo, chung chung! Bop bop!

Donald: Did you hear that, boys? Ask permission.

Donald: Whatever.

Donald: Aaaah! Never - -aaah! Adventure - ow! again! - aaah!

Donald: Tis the season to be jolly Fa-la-la-la-la-la La-la-la... la?

Donald: [at McDuck's mansion] Mrs. B, open up! I need to get out of here before... HE shows up!

Donald: Wait! What do you mean?

Donald: Huh? Huh?

Donald: - -the show must go on!

Donald: Uncle Scrooge.

Donald: We're all gonna die! I've wasted my life!

Donald: Yeah!

Donald: But not like this.

Donald: I'm comin', kids!

Donald: Hey, what's the big idea?