Top 20 Quotes From Mrs. Beakley

Mrs. Beakley: That was a surprisingly suspenseful twist. Put the next tape in.
Launchpad: [forlorn] No can do. The show was canceled before the finale.
Mrs. Beakley: [distraught] But, but what happens next? They can't just end the show like that! I have to know what happens!
Launchpad: Uh, I have a few theories which I put into a fan script.
[pulls script out from his jacket and hands it over for Mrs. Beakley to read]
Launchpad: See, with the help of his new best friend and pilot Launchpad, Darkwing...
Mrs. Beakley: [stands up] We. Must. Film. This.
Launchpad: Whoo-hoo!

Mrs. Beakley: Get ready for the storm.
Donald: I am the storm.
Mrs. Beakley: No, seriously. Have you been saying things like that this whole time?

Scrooge: Make a list: four oxygen tanks, two pressure gauges, a pilot...
Launchpad: I'm a pilot!
Scrooge: ...a week's provisions, an experimental deep-sea sub...
Launchpad: I'm a pilot!
Mrs. Beakley: And one secretary for an old man who seems to have forgotten that I am NOT his secretary!

Scrooge: There are Spanish freedom fighters on the roof!
Mrs. Beakley: Are you certain?
fighters: Vive la revolution!
Scrooge: Oh, no. They may be French.

Mrs. Beakley: Now let's toast to a fond farewell meal, topped with a dash of perspective.
Dewey: So this whole thing was to guilt us into going back to the mansion? Well it's not gonna work! Sorry, but it's too late. We're going to Cape Suzette with our real family, and that's that. Right, Uncle Donald?
Donald: No. Mrs. B's right. Uncle Scrooge needs us, and we need him. Our family has been apart too long. It's time for us to come together. Come here, boys.
[Huey and Louie rush to Donald's arms for a family hug]
Dewey: Wha-wha-wait! But the spear! And mom! And... and.
[Dewey crosses his arms and tries to hold back tears. Donald signal's to him it's okay, Dewey smiles and rushes into the family hug]
Launchpad: Family...
Webbigail: Trapped!

Louie: I am so, so sorry!
Mrs. Beakley: [annoyed] This will be good.
Louie: I thought I had a foolproof get-rich-quick plan, but it turns out I was the fool. Can you guys ever forgive me?
Mrs. Beakley: [sigh] Okay.
Webbigail: Oh, you know we can. We always do.
Dewey: You know it's fine, classic Louie!
Huey: Of course, bring it in.
[Everyone but Della forms a group hug around Louie]
Scrooge: I'm sure you learned... something.
Della: No. Not this time.
Louie: What? But I really am sorry! We hugged and everything!
Della: I watched your brothers blink out of existence because you wanted a shortcut to riches!
Louie: I said I was sorry!
Della: You took off in that contraption without thinking about the consequences, or the people you would hurt!
Louie: [annoyed] ... I wonder who I got that from.
[everyone gasps]
Launchpad: Oh...
Mrs. Beakley: See here, young man!
Della: Your little scheme to bypass the present almost cost us our future, this all stops now! You are grounded! No schemes, no treasures, and Louie Incorporated is *done*, understand?
Louie: [desperate] Look, let me clean up, okay? Uncle Scrooge? Mrs. B? Come on!
Della: To your room!

Dewey: [after learning the truth about Della's disappearance; bitterly] Cool, so you're the reason our mom is gone!
Scrooge: [stammers] What? No! I... I...
[the Sunchaser starts to tip]
Launchpad: Um, guys?
Dewey: You built her a crazy dangerous super rocket!
Scrooge: Which she stole early!
Huey: Then you encouraged her to keep flying in a cosmic storm? You could have called her down! There were too many variables!
Mrs. Beakley: Now boys, you don't know...
Louie: And you're the richest duck in the world! Why didn't you send up more ships to look for her?
Scrooge: I spared no expense!
Dewey: [coldly] Yeah, right. Cheap old Scrooge probably bailed as soon as it put a dent in his money bin.
[the Sunchaser teeters some more]
Launchpad: Um, guys?
Webby: Take it easy, Dewey. He may have a point. Even if gifting an experimental rocket to a mother of three was clearly a terrible idea!
Scrooge: This is a family matter! You are not family!
[Webby stares at him, on the verge of tears]
Mrs. Beakley: [defensively] See here, McDuck. You will not speak to my granddaughter that way.
Scrooge: You will not speak to ME that way! None of you! After everything I do for you, you're all nothing but trouble!
Launchpad: Guys! This is your captain speaking, we are FALLING!
[the Sunchaser falls as everyone screams. The fall isn't too high and the aeroplane survives]
Launchpad: Huh, that was weird.
[crashes into a canyon wall]
Launchpad: Phew, there we go!

Mrs. Beakley: Mr. McDuck...!
Scrooge: Kids...!
Louie: Mrs. Beakley!
Louie: Sorry, I just thought I could keep the blame circle going.

Mrs. Beakley: Webby. Launchpad. A word? This is a parent trap, isn't it? You're trying to manufacture sentiment to force Scrooge and the boys to come together against their wills. I want in.
Webbigail: Really?
Mrs. Beakley: if this family won't come together, we'll have to do it for them. I assume you invited Scrooge?
Webbigail: Yeah, but he's running late.
Mrs. Beakley: Okay, I'll get the boys and Donald emotionally primed while we wait. I'm a former agent and a grandmother, I know how to weaponize guilt.

Donald: Aww, phooey.
Scrooge: Curse me kilts!
Della: Back on the Moon...
Dewey: That's how we Dewey things!
Louie: Yuh boy...
Mrs. Beakley: I'm not a spy!
Huey: Everyone stop catchphrasing!
Mrs. Beakley: Wait, is "I'm not a spy" seriously my catchphrase?

Donald: Thanks, Mrs. B. So how does a housekeeper know so much about electricity and Tae Kwon Do?
Mrs. Beakley: Simple. I'm a spy.

Mrs. Beakley: Apple shortbread pie with a scoop of sea-salt ice cream, a common farewell dessert in certain parts.
Dewey: [excited] Finally some real food.
Mrs. Beakley: [Mrs. Beakley takes back the pie] Ooh, I'm so sorry! This was Scrooge's favourite dessert, I don't want to remind you of that horrid man who lost your mother all those years ago. Even if it was an accident that tore him up for ten years propelling him into a desperate search that left him broken and nearly bankrupt.
Louie: [shocked] Wait, bankrupt? Really?
Mrs. Beakley: But I understand. You're upset because you lost one family member. Which was terrible and painful, so you decided you should go ahead and lose another. Brilliant. Makes perfect, rational sense.
Dewey: Yeah, nailed it Mrs. B.
Mrs. Beakley: Yes, distance yourself even further from his life and forsake family altogether. That will *definitely* fix it.
Launchpad: No, it will do the opposite of that!
Mrs. Beakley: Perhaps it's worth considering that the reason Scrooge closed himself off was because the loss of Della was the hardest thing he ever faced. Harder than any adventure. It's not that he didn't care, it's that he cared about family more than anything in the world. And perhaps he still does. But, I'm just the housekeeper, what do I know?

Donald: Outside now.

Mrs. Beakley: Both of you, stop speeding through the plane!
[Dewey and Scrooge pause. Dewey slowly tiptoes away from Scrooge. Scrooge follows in determined slow motion]
Mrs. Beakley: That's not what I meant and you know it.

Launchpad: [about Scrooge] Uh... Is he okay?
Mrs. Beakley: He's... strategizing. Everything's fine. Sure, we had an army before, and now there's only an elite squad of five...
Duckworth: Four. I've decided you're doomed. My time would be better served preparing your places in the afterlife. Cheerio.
[exits through the floor]
Mrs. Beakley: Not reassuring that he went *down* instead of up.

Donald: Everybody listen up! Uncle Scrooge is in trouble and it's up to us to help him!
Launchpad: [Everyone looks at each other in confusion, not making out what Donald said] What?
Launchpad: Did anyone get any of that?
Huey: It's mostly context clues.
Louie: We get like every third word.
Dewey: Nope, completely unintelligible.
Donald: I'll show you unintelligible!
[chases Dewey]

[last lines, during a flashback montage, it is shown how Scrooge attempted to find Della, as his money bin decreased until the search was called off ultimately]
Louie: [voiceover] You're the richest duck in the world! Why didn't you send up more ships to look for her?
Huey: [voiceover] Then you encouraged her to keep flying through a cosmic storm? You could've called her down! There were too many variables!
Dewey: [voiceover] So you're the reason our mom is gone. Cheap old Scrooge probably bailed as soon as it put a dent in his money bin!
Mrs. Beakley: [voiceover] Well, you've successfully pushed your family and everyone who cared about you away... again. I hope you're happy.
Scrooge: [all alone and in tears] I am...

Webby: [to Mrs. Beakley, about Scrooge] Isn't he even gonna say goodbye?
Mrs. Beakley: [to Scrooge, sternly] We're taking those vacation days. If that's alright with you... sir.
Scrooge: [also sternly] Fine.
[Webby sadly walks away]
Mrs. Beakley: Well, you've successfully pushed your family and everyone who cared about you away... again. I hope you're happy.

Mrs. Beakley: Come back! The storm is starting!
Della: Eh, what are they gonna find out there? A little rain? Some debris?
Dewey: Hey, cool! A dead guy!

Della: And... NOW I'm done. Thanks...
[Gasps while the camera moves to show Mrs. Beakley]
Della: Agent 22? You're the housekeeper now? Where's Duckworth?
Mrs. Beakley: He's moved on.
[Moves to take the plates to be washed but stops for a moment]
Mrs. Beakley: Though sadly not far enough.
Duckworth: [Duckworth phases into the dining table and spreads his hands] The underworld has fewer cobwebs to tend to.
[Beakley hurls a plate at her predecessor, but it goes right through and shatters against the wall. Duckworth moves his eyes, then bows and leaves. Cut back to Scrooge and Della]
Scrooge: You've been gone awhile, lass. A lot has changed.