20 Best Webby Vanderquack Quotes

Mrs. Beakley: Now let's toast to a fond farewell meal, topped with a dash of perspective.
Dewey: So this whole thing was to guilt us into going back to the mansion? Well it's not gonna work! Sorry, but it's too late. We're going to Cape Suzette with our real family, and that's that. Right, Uncle Donald?
Donald: No. Mrs. B's right. Uncle Scrooge needs us, and we need him. Our family has been apart too long. It's time for us to come together. Come here, boys.
[Huey and Louie rush to Donald's arms for a family hug]
Dewey: Wha-wha-wait! But the spear! And mom! And... and.
[Dewey crosses his arms and tries to hold back tears. Donald signal's to him it's okay, Dewey smiles and rushes into the family hug]
Launchpad: Family...
Webbigail: Trapped!

Webbigail: And look! There's a tiny Chimera on the hillside! It's so adorable I just want to slay it!

Huey: We're just a normal, boring family!
Webby: Normal? Boring? HAH! Donald Duck is one of the most daring adventurers of all time!

[the McDuck family and Glomgold are transported to a mystical realm while golfing]
Huey: [commentating] Welcome back to the Billionaires' Club Classic, where in a bizarre turn of events, the players have become trapped in some sort of mystical fairy realm. But they remain undeterred.
Launchpad: [commntating] For more, we go to two tiny horses.
Huey: What are you... Augh!
[Two kelpies walk up to the group]
Briar: Greetings! We're Briar and Bramble, the keepers of this realm.
Webbigail: Talking animals wearing clothes!
Dewey: Oh no, did we die? Are we in Webby heaven?

Webbigail: Huh?

Huey: Umm, so, did you see last week's episode of "Ottoman Empire?"
D'jinn: The Ottoman Empire? You refer to those dread invaders that tried to destroy my ancestors for the Lamp? They failed! Miserably!
Webby: I like everything about you!

Webby: [over walkie talkie] Dewey, this is crazy! The mystery is not worth it!
Louie: [over walkie talkie] I... I get it but you can't give up the rest of us to find the one person we lost!
Launchpad: [over walkie talkie] Dewey, the Darkwing Duck video is still running! Do you want me to pause it until you get back?
Huey: [over walkie talkie] Gimme that! Dewey, our family is amazing! We're enough, let it go!

Huey: You could slip out of those ropes the whole time?
Webbigail: Well, yeah. That's, like, "Being Captured 101".
Louie: So why didn't you?
Webbigail: Because I don't you to think I'm weird. I've been stuck in the mansion for so long, and I'm trying really hard to be normal. But everything I do is, you know, not.
Dewey: Normal's overrated.
Louie: We need you to be Webby-normal.
[Webby smiles at the boys, touched by their words, and then she helps them out of the ropes and puts on a pair of night vision goggles]
Webbigail: I'm gonna break every bone in her body... Or, maybe just tie her up. We'll see how it plays out.

Huey: The foyer's the safe zone! The foyer's the- aah!
Webbigail: This is no foyer. This is a tomb.
Huey: [gets shot with a dart] Ow! My tailbone!
Scrooge: [chuckles] A tomb.

Mrs. Beakley: Webby. Launchpad. A word? This is a parent trap, isn't it? You're trying to manufacture sentiment to force Scrooge and the boys to come together against their wills. I want in.
Webbigail: Really?
Mrs. Beakley: if this family won't come together, we'll have to do it for them. I assume you invited Scrooge?
Webbigail: Yeah, but he's running late.
Mrs. Beakley: Okay, I'll get the boys and Donald emotionally primed while we wait. I'm a former agent and a grandmother, I know how to weaponize guilt.

Dewey: Get in here, Rebel!
Louie: Nope. I'm not buying. This has to be a trick or a curse from Magica or a parallel universe or... or...
[Louie is unable to stop crying, while Della walks up to him with open arms before dropping to her knees]
Louie: [Wiping his tears and hugs Della] Mom!
Webbigail: [Della and her sons have a group hug] My heart!
[Clutches her chest as she cries]
Webbigail: It's too full!

[last lines]
Dewey: So, what should we do next?
Huey: I don't know. Webby? What do you wanna play?
Webbigail: Really? You mean it?
Louie: Any crazy thing you want.
Webbigail: Oh. How about a nice game of Medieval Dungeon of Eternal Screaming?
Dewey: I'm on Webby's team.

Louie: I am so, so sorry!
Mrs. Beakley: [annoyed] This will be good.
Louie: I thought I had a foolproof get-rich-quick plan, but it turns out I was the fool. Can you guys ever forgive me?
Mrs. Beakley: [sigh] Okay.
Webbigail: Oh, you know we can. We always do.
Dewey: You know it's fine, classic Louie!
Huey: Of course, bring it in.
[Everyone but Della forms a group hug around Louie]
Scrooge: I'm sure you learned... something.
Della: No. Not this time.
Louie: What? But I really am sorry! We hugged and everything!
Della: I watched your brothers blink out of existence because you wanted a shortcut to riches!
Louie: I said I was sorry!
Della: You took off in that contraption without thinking about the consequences, or the people you would hurt!
Louie: [annoyed] ... I wonder who I got that from.
[everyone gasps]
Launchpad: Oh...
Mrs. Beakley: See here, young man!
Della: Your little scheme to bypass the present almost cost us our future, this all stops now! You are grounded! No schemes, no treasures, and Louie Incorporated is *done*, understand?
Louie: [desperate] Look, let me clean up, okay? Uncle Scrooge? Mrs. B? Come on!
Della: To your room!

Louie: You set traps? It's just a game!
Webbigail: You're not a player. You're a pawn.
Dewey: Well, Webby, maybe take it down a notch?
Webbigail: Tell that to my men you captured in Peking!
Dewey: What?
Webbigail: It's part of my character's backstory. Grizzled ex-special forces pulled out of retirement for revenge. What's yours?
Dewey: ...My guy has a dart gun?
Webbigail: Not anymore.
[shoots at Dewey, who indeed drops his dart gun while falling over, and Webby reels it in with her grappling gun]

Dewey: [Scrooge effortlessly guesses all the charades of his team member Donald] Ohh, that's why he picked Donald.
Webbigail: You spend thirty years trying to guess what Donald is saying... you must get good at non-verbal communication.

Webby: OH MY GOSH! The nephews! What are your blood types? What's Donald really like? Who's the evil triplet?
Huey,28776: Louie.
Louie: Heh.

Scrooge: Webby, we need to keep him busy while you boys track it down. Do you think you could come up with some phony quest or trials to occupy him--are you crying?
Webby: This is my moment...

Webbigail: We're here! We did it!
Dewey: Yeah!... Wait, why did we do that?
Webbigail: Dewey, this is Ithaquack.
Dewey: I'm sorry?
Webbigail: Home of legendary Greek artifacts?
Dewey: Uh, Greek... what, what, what?
Webbigail: Like the Spear of Sele...
Dewey: ...Selene! I knew it! My mom's note to Scrooge said she took the Spear of Selene. If we can find the spear...
Webbigail: ...Maybe we'll find out what happened to her and uncover Scrooge and uncover Scrooge's greatest mystery! To the "naos!"
[Dewey looks puzzled]
Webbigail: That's Greek for "temple."
Dewey: Okay, stop assuming I know things. Like, baseline, assume I know nothing.

Dewey: Who's the Cyborg?
Huey: Is that?
Louie: No, it can't be.
Webbigail: Guys, I think that's your mom.
Scrooge: Huey, Dewey, Louie... meet Della Duck.
[Runs into Della's arms]

[Webby and Scrooge find the kitchen in shambles]
Scrooge: Great sacks of delirium!
Webby: Maybe Donald tried to make an omelet again?
Scrooge: Impossible. He still hasn't figured out how to get out of the pantry.
Donald: [sputtering angrily from the pantry] WHAT'S THE BIG IDEA?