The Best Emma Brand Quotes

Emma: I'm goin' downhill fast, and you're the one that pushed me.

Emma: Aye, Sheriff, I come to report a murder.
Sheriff: A murder?
Emma: That's right.
Sheriff: Somebody's been murdered?
Emma: Yes.
Sheriff: Who.
Emma: Me!
Sheriff: You?
Emma: Yes, and I'll tell you who done it! That lady druggist, that's who!
Sheriff: Miss, uh, Miss Walker?
Emma: She's the one. Now, Sheriff, go arrest her. Do your duty.
Sheriff: Well, now, Emma, they's... they's just the teensiest little technicality involved here. You ain't quite dead yet.

Emma: Bad, BAD Sheriff!

Emma: I suppose you're not capable of gossiping.
Andy: Oh-oh, I guess we're capable all right, but somehow or another it just don't come as natural to us as it does to you all.

Emma: Naughty deputy!

Emma: NOT a deputy?
Barney: No!
Emma: Well! If you're not a deputy, you certainly had a lot of nerve arresting me for jaywalking!

Emma: I don't need a doctor! All I need is my pills! Now gimme my pills!