The Best Frank Lapidus Quotes

Frank: As long as the dead guy says there's a good reason, I guess everything's just peachy.

Miles: Hey, hey, Lapidus, where's the chopper? Where did it crash?
Frank: Crash? The hell kind of pilot d'you think I am? I put her down safe and sound right over there.

Jack: We're gonna have to lie.
Sayid: Lie about what?
Jack: Everything. All of it. Every moment since we crashed on the island.
Frank: Jack, now I know I'm new to this group and everything but isn't this the place where everybody starts jumping up and down and hugging each other?

Ben: [on walkie-talkie] Frank? How's it going over there? What's your timetable?
Frank: [yells] Don't bother me!
Ben: Sounds like they're making progress.

Frank: Listen up folks, here's where we're at. The radio's dead, so I haven't been able to call in our situation, but that's alright. As soon as they figure out we're not where we're supposed to be they'll come looking for us. So the best thing to do right now is to stick together. Stick together and just wait until help gets here.
Caesar: And where is here?
Frank: What's that?
Caesar: Where is here? What is this place?
Frank: I don't know where here is because this island is not on my charts.
Caesar: Really?
Frank: Really.
Caesar: Because there are some buildings over there and animal cages. Down the beach you can see a bigger island across the water.
Frank: Right now I'm just trying to keep everyone here safe, so let's gather up some firewood.
Caesar: If you want to wait, let him.

Frank: Master failure, we're going down.
Co: Mayday, mayday, mayday, this is the Jet Three One Six. Mayday, mayday, mayday.
Voice: Four, eight, fifteen, sixteen, twenty three, forty two.
Frank: Both flaps.
Co: Airspeed: One ninety. Coming in two.

Ben: [about Richard] I've known him since I was twelve years old, that should count for something.
Frank: So you guys met when you were kids, huh?
Ben: No Frank, I was a kid. Richard looked just like he does today.
Frank: You're saying this guy doesn't age?
Ben: That's exactly what I'm saying.

Frank: What's going on?
Ilana: What lies in the shadow of the statue?
Frank: What?
Bram: Answer the question!

Sun: Where's Jin? It's Jin! Jin! Jin! We have to go back! Turn around!
Frank: We can't do it!
Sun: But we have to! We need to go back!

Frank: In my experience, the people who go out of their way to tell you that they're good guys are the bad guys.

Frank: So what's your story, Kevin?
Michael: I'm sorry?
Frank: How'd you end up on this tub?
Michael: Um... looking for a little adventure.
Frank: Ah, adventure. Yeah. Well...
Frank: How do you like this for adventure? You ever hear about Oceanic 815?
Michael: Yeah.
Frank: What would you say if I told you the plane they found in that trench wasn't Oceanic 815?
Michael: Then what is it?
Frank: You know those nuts that think the moon landing was faked? Well, this is like that... only real. That's why I signed up for this trip, because the owner of this boat believes me. Charles Widmore. He believes that 815 is still out there somewhere.
Frank: I mean, can you imagine what would happen... if we found some of those people alive?

[first lines]
Co: Do you want to hear something crazy?
Frank: What's that?

Frank: This guy Sayid, where's he from?
Jack: Iraq.
Frank: Iraq? So he is just going to go and work everything out. What was he, a diplomat?
Jack: No. He was a torturer.

[Frank watches as Ilana examines hieroglyphics on the wall to open a passageway]
Frank: You got a plan or are you gonna keep staring at the wall?

Frank: [to Jack] Wait a second. We're not going to Guam, are we?

Frank: Where's the island? Where's the island? Where the hell's the island?
Hugo: It's gone.
Frank: Where the hell am I gonna land this thing?
Jack: There's another smaller island close by they took us to.
Frank: I got news for you, doc. There's nothing but water in every direction.

Jack: The Red Sox really win the Series?
Frank: Hey, don't get me started on that, alright? My dad's from the Bronx. I bleed Yankee blue.

Frank: What did you say your name was again?
Juliet: Juliet.
Frank: Juliet? Juliet what?
Juliet: Juliet Burke.
Frank: Juliet Burke? You weren't on that plane were you?
[nods to himself]
Frank: Miles!
Miles: Yeah?
Frank: This is Juliet Burke. And she was not on that plane!
Miles: What? Are you sure?
Frank: You know how many times I studied that damn manifest? There was no Juliet Burke on that flight! She's a native.
Miles: [charging towards Juliet] Where is he?

Bram: How long have you been listening to us?
Frank: Long enough to wonder what the hell I'm a candidate for.

Jack: What's his story?
Frank: Daniel?
Jack: Yeah.
Frank: Couldn't tell ya. Half the stuff he says goes way over my head, the other half goes way, way over.

[Miles told Ilana that Ben killed Jacob]
Ben: You know, that psychic is totally unreliable. Miles actually tried to blackmail me once.
[Ilana does not reply and storms off]
Frank: You make friends easy, don't you?

Frank: Hands and feet inside the vehicle! Let's go for a ride!

Ilana: [at Locke's grave] Does anyone want to say anything? Didn't any of you know him?
Ben: Alright, I know him. John Locke was a... A believer, he was a man of faith, he was... A much better man than I will ever be.
Ben: And I'm very sorry I murdered him.
Frank: [to himself] Weirdest damn funeral I've ever been to...

- I got it.
Frank: Desmond!
- Jack, give me a hand!
[Jack] Get him to the raft, get him to the raft!
- Get him up.
Frank: We gotta get him up.
Hugo 'Hurley' Reyes: Is he breathing?

Frank: What happened to Miles?
Sayid: I traded him.
Frank: Traded him?
Sayid: I promised you Charlotte. Here she is.
Frank: You cheated.
Sayid: Did I?
Frank: Yes, you did. Lucky for you, that guy's nothing but a pain in my ass.