The Best Yunjin Kim Quotes

Christian: Nineteen seventy seven. He's um... he's with your friends.
Sun: What are you talking about? What friends?

Sun: [to Christian] Where is my husband?

Sun: Who's Jacob?
Ben: He's in charge of this island.
Sun: You said John was in charge.
Ben: No, I said he was the leader. A title that I have discovered is incredibly temporary. But everyone answers to someone and the leader answers to Jacob.

Jin: I will talk to your father. I'll make him understand.
Sun: You're saying that now because you don't *know* my father.

Sun: [Jack is examining Boone's leg. Sun enters holding a small stick] Give him this -- for the pain.
Jack: We're a bit beyond herbal remedies here.
Sun: It's not a remedy.
[Sun puts the stick between Boone's teeth]

[during the funeral Sun looks out at the ocean]
Sun: Boat. Boat!

Sun: Where's Jin? It's Jin! Jin! Jin! We have to go back! Turn around!
Frank: We can't do it!
Sun: But we have to! We need to go back!

Sun: Why should there be a dock all the way out here?

Sun: Korean.
Walt: Yeah, whatever.

Sun: We're building quite a large fire.
Sayid: We have to make sure Jack will see the smoke.
Sun: Why are you lying to me, Sayid?
Sayid: And what would you know about lying, Sun?
Sun: You're putting our lives in danger.
[She starts to leave]
Sayid: I'm fairly certain our friends have been captured. There are tracks all over the dock. They're fresh -- as recent as yesterday.
Sun: You said this dock was abandoned.
Sayid: That would be part of the lying you mentioned.
Sun: You're not building this fire for our people; you're building it for the Others.

Sun: [Sun comes to Michael in an attempt to settle the conflict between him and Jin; in English] I need to talk to you.
Michael: [shocked] You speak *English*?
Sun: Yes.
Michael: Wait... You *speak* English?

[to each other in Korean]
Jin: Honey... I don't like being told what to do.
Sun: Being told what to do was my life for four years... I didn't like it much either.
Jin: Right. I don't suppose you did.

Sun: Stop; or I'll shoot.
Colleen: No you won't, Sun. I know you, Sun-Hwa Kwon; and I know you're not a killer. But despite what you may think, I'm not the enemy. We are not the enemy. But if you shoot me, that's exactly what we'll become.

Sun: I can't believe I'm going to have my baby in a hospital!
Claire: Oh, rub it in, why don't you.

Sun: I don't think I've ever seen you angry.
Locke: [chuckles] Oh, I used to get angry all the time. Frustrated, too.
Sun: You're not frustrated any more?
Locke: I'm not lost any more.
Sun: How did you do that?
Locke: The same way anything lost gets found - I stopped looking.

Sun: [shows Jack a spiny sea urchin and breaks off a spine] Here. A hollow needle sharp enough to pierce a noodle.

Sun: You don't know what my husband is capable of.