50 Best Charlie Pace Quotes

Charlie: Hair spray? Now, I hate to be the one to point this out to you, but...
John: It's not for me.

Hurley: Dude, what d'you want from me?
Charlie: What do I want? I want to know what we're doing in the middle of nowhere! And don't tell me it's because of some stinking batteries. One minute you're happy-go-lucky, good-time Hurley, the next you're Colonel bloody Kurtz!

Charlie: Sawyer, this idea, all of this, what we did, what made... How does someone think of something like that?
[Sawyer has a flashback]
Sawyer: I'm not a good person, Charlie. Never did a good thing in my life.

Charlie: Is that another one? Okay, we need to time the contractions, that's what you do, time the contractions. Okay.
Charlie: One sugar plum fairy, two sugar plum fairy...
Claire: Charlie!
Charlie: [panicking] You just need to calm down, alright? Big deep breaths.
[he starts taking really deep breaths]
Charlie: Oh, bloody hell.
Claire: Charlie, I need you to get Jack!
Charlie: What?
Claire: I'll be alright.
Charlie: What? I'm not leaving you alone, I can deliver a baby. I can do this! This must happen all the time!
Claire: Charlie, you don't know how to...
Charlie: Wait, no, listen to me. I'm not going to let anything happen to you. I might not know what I'm doing, but I'll figure it out. If I can kick drugs, I can deliver a baby.
Claire: [looks at him funny]
Charlie: Let me explain.
Charlie: I'm a drug addict. I was a drug addict. I'm clean now.
Claire: Get Jack!
Charlie: Right.

- Listen to me. There's a wire, a cable, buried in the sand.
- Do you know what I'm talking about?
- This is future crap, isn't it? the cable! Do you know where it is?
- This is important. why?
Charlie: Superman.
- Because someone's coming.

Charlie: [to Locke] So you're gone for a whole day after a massive hatch detonation -- you don't call, you don't write?
[Locke doesn't respond]
Charlie: Sorry, am I interrupting something?

Charlie: We're gonna be okay, you know.
Claire: Are we?
Charlie: We're alive on a beautiful island! We'll sleep under the stars and, before you know it, the helicopters will come and take us home.
Claire: You really think they'll find us?
Charlie: Well, yeah, why wouldn't they?
Claire: Thanks.
Charlie: I'm Charlie.
Claire: I'm Claire. Nice to meet you, Charlie.

Hurley: Dude, look, I'd never lie.
Charlie: And the time you told me you were worth $150 million?
Hurley: It's 156 million.
Charlie: I'm sorry! I must've confused it with the 900 trillion I am worth myself!
[showing Aaron]
Charlie: And this baby's made of chocolate lollipops, so excuse us, I'm going to flap my wings and fly off this island.

Liam: [in a Helsinki hotel room] Ho ho ho. It's here, baby brother, Christmas is here.
[Referring to the two girls Charlie slept with]
Liam: Oi, are these the birds from row two? Well done, mate! Well, as you have spent another year as the only drug-free rock star in the world, I'm gonna share a little known fact with you. Father Christmas lives just down the street from here.
Charlie: Father Christmas lives in Helsinki?
Liam: Indeed he does. And in case you haven't noticed, baby brother, Finland is the bloody North Pole. Therefore, a very special gift for you this year.
[he begins to take off the "DS" ring]
Charlie: Liam, no. Mum gave you that. You're the first born. It was her father's and his father before that.
Liam: And it's a family heirloom, and that's why we named the band after Dextor bloody Stratton. I know. But, Charlie, let's be honest, we both know I'm a sodding mess. But you, you're different. You're gonna get married, have a family, a baby. I'll be lucky if I hit thirty.
Charlie: Don't say that, Lee.
Liam: The ring has to stay in the family, Charlie. So please, take it. Mum would have wanted it this way. Pass it on to your little one someday. I need to know it's safe.

Hurley: Dude, I don't know about this.
Charlie: See, you're looking at this all wrong. We need to do this.
Hurley: He wants us to take his stash - yeah, that sounds exactly like Sawyer.
Charlie: Well, he stole all this in the first place. I mean, people need food, they need medical supplies, they need... a shocking amount of pornography.

Charlie: [to Claire, as comfort] You don't scare me.

Kate: Hey Charlie, ask Jack about his tattoos.
Charlie: [sarcastically] Oh. You guys have an inside joke. How absolutely wonderful for you both.

Bonnie: So what's the code?
Charlie: What?
Bonnie: Oh, Charlie, if you're going to turn off the jamming equipment you're going to need the code. And only three people know about it. Me, her, and Ben.
Charlie: Well, I guess I won't need the code, since this entire station is going to be flooded anyway. I'll just turn off your little jammer and the helicopters come and rescue all my friends.
Bonnie: But if this station floods, what happens to you?
Charlie: I die.

Charlie: Guys, where are we?

Sawyer: Hey, Oliver Twist! Where the hell's my stuff?
Charlie: What stuff?
Sawyer: You know good damn well what stuff. I had books, food, porno, a bottle of scotch.
Desmond: Apologies for the scotch, mate.
Sawyer: You drank it?
Desmond: Well, to be fair, there were three of us.
Charlie: Yeah.
Sawyer: [to Desmond] You, the munchkin, and who else?

Charlie: So, where's the old man?
Lucy: I don't know. I think he's buying some paper company up in Slough.

Desmond: How do I know you?
Charlie: I don't, um...
Desmond: Where do I know you from?
Charlie: I don't know, but I'll remember if I could get some help.
Desmond: [Sees a flashback to the island] You're Charlie!
Charlie: Yeah, name's on the sign.
Desmond: It, it was in the hatch! I remember seeing you! There was a computer, there was a button... we were on an island!
Charlie: We are on an island, mate. This is England.
Desmond: No, it was real! I remember.
Charlie: Hey, all right.
[to the crowd]
Charlie: This is why we don't do drugs.

Charlie: What is that? More fur?
- This way.
- You know, when I used to get high,
- I'd watch nature programs on the beeb.
- Polar bears are meant to be quite clever. Very clever.
- They're like the einsteins of the bear community.

Charlie: She's got a bit to learn about being a mum. Responsibility and all.
Locke: Hmm. Now that's an interesting thing to say for a heroin addict.
Charlie: Recovering addict.

[the band is stuck in the rain with a flat tyre]
Charlie: Oh, bloody hell! Why are we even doing this?
Liam: Chin up, mate. We're headlining.
Charlie: Headlining? We're playing Clitheroe. The arse end of nowhere.
Liam: A gig's a gig. We're building our fan base.
Charlie: Will our fan base pay for a new sodding tyre?
Liam: Only if we show up. So let's just get on with it, shall we?
Charlie: You know what, Liam? You get on with it. I quit.
Liam: You're giving up?
Charlie: There's nothing to give up on! We're broke! The album's not selling. We're a bloody joke!

Charlie: Where's Dr. Arzt?
Dr. Jack Shephard: He, uh, didn't make it.

[Charlie plays the guitar]
Mr. Eko: Charlie! Do you know how they got the hatch door open?
[Charlie stops]
Charlie: No, but if you hum it, I can probably play it.
[Charlie plays again and Eko holds him]
Mr. Eko: How did they open it - the door that says "quarantine"?

- The one you let go, he'll be back tomorrow with five of his mates.
Jin: Charlie. Tight.
Charlie: Ok.
- You know, brother, by my count, you've killed more of them than they've killed of you.
- They started it. Just 'cause one comes back with Jack and Kate z; [Afs'm 79 u \\ll\\at«, I,

Hugo: [out of breath] Did either of you see a guy run through here... in a bathrobe... with a coconut?
Charlie: No...
Charlie: I saw a polar bear on roller blades with a mango.

Claire: Why didn't you tell me you were gonna do this?
Charlie: I didn't want you to worry.
Claire: Well, it's dangerous, isn't it? Swimming in to some underwater station.
Charlie: It's what needs to be done to get us all rescued. I'll be fine, Claire. But you gotta promise me something; while I'm gone, don't worry about me.

Jack: Charlie... you gotta talk to me. We're gonna go back out and look for Claire the moment the sun comes up. And I could really use your help. I mean, anything that you can tell me about... what you remember, where you were going. Did you... see or hear...
Charlie: [woodenly] I didn't see anything... hear anything. I don't remember... anything.
Charlie: [Jack turns away] Claire.
Jack: What?
Charlie: That's all they wanted.

Charlie: [referring to the psychic possibly knowing about the crash] Maybe he knew, Claire. I mean, if he had the gift, which I believe some people do, maybe he knew.
Claire: There was no couple in L.A... He knew... He knew the plane was going to crash.

Charlie: [to Hurley, who is drying his shirt on a stick over the fire] I know food is scarce, but your shirt?

[first lines]
Charlie: [as Jack fiddles with the transceiver] Anything?
Jack: You keep asking if there's anything.
Charlie: Pardon me for appearing desperate, but before the pilot was *ripped* from the cockpit, he did say that no one's going to find us unless we get that transceiver working. So... is there anything?
Jack: No.
Charlie: Okay.

Charlie: [to Locke] Hey! I don't understand! Who do you need to speak to?
[Locke spreads his arms wide and spins around]
Charlie: Church? Sky?
[Locke draws a circle on the ground]
Charlie: Island?
[Locke points to say "that's right"]
Charlie: Island? You need to speak to the island?

Charlie: [after rejoining the group looking for Danielle] Hurley! What the hell happened to you?
Hurley: [Gives a stunned Jack a battery] Need a battery?
Hurley: [to a speechless Sayid] She says "Hey".

Charlie: [to Claire] And this is where you sleep.
Charlie: It's quite cozy, isn't it?

- Don't touch it! oh, my god. Oh, my god!
- Just breathe...
- Don't try to talk.
- We've got to get him back.
- No! You help!
- I can't help!
- I'm sorry, mate.
Charlie: Superman can fly around the entire planet.

Mr. Eko: Did you see it?
Charlie: Yeah, I saw it. What the bloody hell did you do?
Mr. Eko: I did nothing.
Charlie: Most people, when they see a creature made of swirling black smoke, they run.
Mr. Eko: I was not afraid of it.

Charlie: [counting] One sugar plum fairy, two sugar plum fairy...

Charlie: So, you're telling me you saw a flash of Claire drowning this morning, so you knew how to save her?
Desmond: I wasn't saving Claire, Charlie... I was saving you. This morning, you dove in after Claire. You tried to save her but you drowned.
Charlie: What do you mean? I didn't drown.
Desmond: When I saw the lightning hit the roof, you were electrocuted. And when Claire was in the water, you drowned trying to save her. I dove in myself so you never went in. I tried, brother. I've tried twice to save you, but the universe has a way of course-correcting, and I can't stop it forever. I'm sorry - I'm sorry because, no matter what I try to do... you're gonna die, Charlie.

Charlie: [a rainstorm suddenly hits, and the sky darkens] Hey guys, is this normal? Sort of, day turning into night? You know, end of the world type weather? Is this... Guys?

Locke: Are you using?
Charlie: What?
Locke: Heroin? Are you using it again?
Charlie: Kate sees a horse. Nothing. Pretty much everyone's seen Walt wandering around the jungle. But when it's Charlie, it must be the bloody drugs, right?

Charlie: Never disrespect a fellow Mancunian.
Naomi: You're from Manchester then?
Charlie: I am. My band got its start at the Night and Day bar on Oldham Street.
Naomi: What band?
Charlie: Oh, we're called Drive Shaft.
Naomi: Yeah. Yeah, I know you.
Charlie: Well, we had a... moment in the sun.
Naomi: No, not that. The crash! You're the dead rock star. They made a big deal out of you when they found the plane. Huge memorial service, new album.
Charlie: There's a new album?
Naomi: Yeah. God, it was everywhere. The greatest hits thing. Hey, look on the bright side; you're not really dead, right?

Charlie: You should have let that happen man. I was supposed to die.

Jack: We don't have time to sort out everybody's God.
Charlie: Really? Last I heard we're positively made of time.

Charlie: [singing to baby Turnip Head] The Itsy Bitsy Spider climbed up the spout. Down came the rain and drowned the spider out...
Hurley: Dude, it's washed. Washed the spider out. Unless there's some kind of British version.
Charlie: Oh, ok. Down came the rain and washed the spider...
[the baby won't stop crying]
Charlie: Oh, bollocks.

[to Eko]
Charlie: So, you wake up in the middle of the night, you grab your Jesus Stick, and you race off into the jungle. You don't call? You don't write?

Claire: [about Locke] Great. Our only hunter's going to get eaten just so he can get the pregnant girl some more water.
Charlie: I wouldn't worry, love. I mean, you tell me, who'd you rather meet in a dark alley? Whatever's out there or that geezer with his four hundred knives? I mean, who packs four hundred knives? Personally, I can only have space for two hundred, three hundred at most.

Charlie: Am I alive?
Jack: Yeah, you're alive.
Charlie: Terrific.

Charlie: [to Bonnie and Greta] I came down in my invisible submarine. Don't you see it?

Jack: How're you doing?
Charlie: How am I doing with week two of heroin withdrawal? Or how am I doing with Claire being abducted by the freak who tried to kill me?
Jack: I gave you aspirin for the heroin withdrawal.

Charlie: Well, aren't you the pessimist?

Charlie: If I can kick drugs, I can deliver a baby.

Jack: [needs blood for transfusion for Boone, but Charlie only found out four of the survivors' blood types] You only asked four people?
Charlie: I asked the whole sodding camp -- no one knows their blood type. I don't know my bloody blood type.