The Best Claire Littleton Quotes

Sun: I can't believe I'm going to have my baby in a hospital!
Claire: Oh, rub it in, why don't you.

Jack: [after the wing exploded and Claire, Jack and Hurley are thrown to the ground; to Claire] You okay?
Claire: Yeah, yeah... Yeah.
Jack: [to Hurley] You?
Jack: [Hurley nods in reply] Stay with her.
Hugo: Dude, I'm not going anywhere.

John: You do remember what Charlie said about these people.
Claire: All Charlie said was whose boat it isn't. Don't you wanna know whose boat it is?

James: You alright, sweehart?
Claire: Yeah, a little wobbly but I'll live.
Miles: I wouldn't be too sure about that.

Claire: [wearily] When are they going to rescue us?
Charlie: [soft but firm] Soon.

Claire: You know, I'm not giving up on you either, Charlie. It's gonna be ok. You're gonna be okay. We'll get through this together.

Claire: Peanut butter... Why do I remember peanut butter?

Claire: [looking at the scratch on Danielle's arm, remembering fighting her in her sleep] When did I do that? Why did I scratch you?

Charlie: We're gonna be okay, you know.
Claire: Are we?
Charlie: We're alive on a beautiful island! We'll sleep under the stars and, before you know it, the helicopters will come and take us home.
Claire: You really think they'll find us?
Charlie: Well, yeah, why wouldn't they?
Claire: Thanks.
Charlie: I'm Charlie.
Claire: I'm Claire. Nice to meet you, Charlie.

Claire: You know, I think everybody knows more about my baby than me.
Locke: Everybody?
Claire: Charlie read me the riot act last night for waking him. And as mad as it made me - turns out he was right. You know, it's like we're playing mum and dad to this baby. Yet, I don't remember marrying him.
[Locke laughs]
Claire: No, seriously. I mean, we're practically strangers, him and me. For all I know, Charlie could be some religious freak.
Locke: Yeah, I seriously doubt that.
Claire: Then why is he carrying around a Virgin Mary statue?
Locke: What?
Claire: You know, one of the little statues? He says he found it in the jungle.
Locke: Hmm, how about that?

Claire: [about Locke] Great. Our only hunter's going to get eaten just so he can get the pregnant girl some more water.
Charlie: I wouldn't worry, love. I mean, you tell me, who'd you rather meet in a dark alley? Whatever's out there or that geezer with his four hundred knives? I mean, who packs four hundred knives? Personally, I can only have space for two hundred, three hundred at most.

Charlotte: So you people have been living here this entire time.
[to Claire]
Charlotte: Is that your baby?
Claire: Yeah, this is Aaron.
Charlotte: Did you have him here on the island?
Claire: Mmm-hmm.
Charlotte: That's amazing!

Claire: Who's Ethan?
Charlie: Ethan... Ethan's the bad guy.

Charlie: So, first plane crash?
Claire: What gave it away?
Charlie: Ah, you can always spot the newbies.

Charlie: So, your, uh... your husband, was he on the flight?
Claire: Oh, no, I'm not married.
Charlie: Oh.
Claire: I know. How modern of me.
Charlie: Well, who needs men, right? Bloody useless.

Kate: What is it?
Claire: Somebody's in there.
Sayid: Everyone in there's dead.
Jack: Sawyer.
Sawyer: Right behind ya, jackass.

Claire: What's gotten into you, Charlie? You've been so depressed all week and now it's breakfast in bed and picnics.
Charlie: Well, I woke up this morning and thought it's time to stop feeling sorry for yourself and seize the day. And I can't think of anyone else I'd rather do some day seizing with than you. So what do you say? Let's drop the little cherub off with Auntie Sun and Uncle Jin, and you and I will go for a little stroll.
Claire: I'd love to.

Charlie: Is that another one? Okay, we need to time the contractions, that's what you do, time the contractions. Okay.
Charlie: One sugar plum fairy, two sugar plum fairy...
Claire: Charlie!
Charlie: [panicking] You just need to calm down, alright? Big deep breaths.
[he starts taking really deep breaths]
Charlie: Oh, bloody hell.
Claire: Charlie, I need you to get Jack!
Charlie: What?
Claire: I'll be alright.
Charlie: What? I'm not leaving you alone, I can deliver a baby. I can do this! This must happen all the time!
Claire: Charlie, you don't know how to...
Charlie: Wait, no, listen to me. I'm not going to let anything happen to you. I might not know what I'm doing, but I'll figure it out. If I can kick drugs, I can deliver a baby.
Claire: [looks at him funny]
Charlie: Let me explain.
Charlie: I'm a drug addict. I was a drug addict. I'm clean now.
Claire: Get Jack!
Charlie: Right.

Ethan: You're at thirty six weeks, three centimeters dilated and about 80% effaced, which means, if you want, you can have your baby tonight.
Claire: If I want? So what, you mean, you mean you can stop it then?
Ethan: Maybe. However, to do that would require a number of drugs.
Claire: Drugs? I mean. W-will that hurt the baby?
Ethan: No. They're perfectly safe. I just don't want to stick you with needles if I don't have to.

Claire: Is that your boyfriend?
Shannon: My brother, Boone. God's freakin' gift to humanity.

Claire: John, how much further is it?
- I need to feed Aaron.
- It should be here, the cabin.
- Maybe we got turned around.
- Could be anwvhere.
- No, it was here.
- What's in this cabin that's so important?
- John's looking for somebody to tell him what to do next.

Naomi: What's your boyfriend's name? The rock star who swam down to the station?
Claire: Charlie.
Naomi: Charlie just got us rescued.

Charlie: Right... So, to prove your sanity, you go tromping through the jungle. Alone. Well done.
Claire: I'm not crazy, Charlie.

Claire: My baby's sick and they did something to him.

Charlie: [smiles] Birthing emergency averted. I told you I'd take care of you.
Claire: Thanks, Charlie.
Charlie: You're quite welcome. You think you can make it back to the caves? I won't let anything happen to you.

Thomas: [about a pregnancy test] Okay, first of all, these tests are not always accurate.
Claire: Thomas...
Thomas: No, no. My uncle, you know? We thought he had testicular cancer, you remember that?
Claire: He did! He's dead!

Charlie: [referring to the psychic possibly knowing about the crash] Maybe he knew, Claire. I mean, if he had the gift, which I believe some people do, maybe he knew.
Claire: There was no couple in L.A... He knew... He knew the plane was going to crash.

Claire: Why didn't you tell me you were gonna do this?
Charlie: I didn't want you to worry.
Claire: Well, it's dangerous, isn't it? Swimming in to some underwater station.
Charlie: It's what needs to be done to get us all rescued. I'll be fine, Claire. But you gotta promise me something; while I'm gone, don't worry about me.

Claire: [drinking water] Mmm, oh, it's really sour.
Ethan: Really? I hadn't noticed.

[Kate returns to pregnant Claire the purse and suitcase she stole]
Kate: Where were you going?
Claire: What?
Kate: Before I got in the cab, where were you going?
Claire: Why, so you can hijack them too?