The Best Naomi Dorrit Quotes

Naomi: [on her radio] I'm sorry, George. Just tell my sister that I love her.

Ben: Jack! I know you think you're saving your people. But you need to stop this. It's a mistake.
Dr. Jack Shephard: The mistake was listening to you.
Ben: This'll be your last chance, Jack. I'm telling you, making that call is the beginning of the end.
Naomi: I've got it, I've got a signal!
Ben: Jack, please, you don't know what you're doing!
Dr. Jack Shephard: I know exactly what I'm doing.

[last lines]
Naomi: Who are you?
Hugo: Hugo Reyes. I crashed here on Oceanic Flight 815. A bunch of us survived. Is that why you're here? Were you looking for us?
Naomi: 815? Flight 815? The one from Sydney?
Hugo: Yeah!
Naomi: No, that's not possible.
Hugo: Yeah, I know. It wasn't easy, but we found food, and a hatch...
Naomi: [Interrupting] No. No, Flight 815 they, they found the plane. There were no survivors. They were all dead.
Hugo: What?

Naomi: What's your boyfriend's name? The rock star who swam down to the station?
Claire: Charlie.
Naomi: Charlie just got us rescued.

Charlie: Never disrespect a fellow Mancunian.
Naomi: You're from Manchester then?
Charlie: I am. My band got its start at the Night and Day bar on Oldham Street.
Naomi: What band?
Charlie: Oh, we're called Drive Shaft.
Naomi: Yeah. Yeah, I know you.
Charlie: Well, we had a... moment in the sun.
Naomi: No, not that. The crash! You're the dead rock star. They made a big deal out of you when they found the plane. Huge memorial service, new album.
Charlie: There's a new album?
Naomi: Yeah. God, it was everywhere. The greatest hits thing. Hey, look on the bright side; you're not really dead, right?

Naomi: Jack, can I ask you a question?
Jack: Sure.
Naomi: What did you do for a living before you became Moses?