The Best Miles Straume Quotes

Ben: It's C4, Richard. I put some thought into hiding it.
Miles: Let me guess, cookie jar?

Miles: Your name's not Kevin!
Michael: [stares at him blankly] Huh?
Miles: Don't worry, 80 percent of the people on this boat are lying about something.

Miles: That's not Naomi, it's just meat.

James: [to Daniel Faraday] Welcome back, Dr. Wizard.
Miles: I think it's Mr. Wizard.
James: Shut up.

Juliet: Who do you think they are?
Miles: Who cares who they are? We don't even know when they are. Hey, Dan, we don't get involved, right? That's what you said.
Daniel: It doesn't matter what we do. Whatever happened, happened.
James: Well, thanks anyway, Plato. I'm going over there.
[to Juliet]
James: You still got my back?
Juliet: Absolutely.
James: Alright, drop the gun. Drop it!

Daniel: Miles?
Miles: Wait! Don't move!
Ellie: Who's in charge here?
Miles: [pointing to Daniel] He is.
Ellie: [to Daniel] You just couldn't stay away, could you?

James: You alright, sweehart?
Claire: Yeah, a little wobbly but I'll live.
Miles: I wouldn't be too sure about that.

Miles: Any of us can die because this is our present.
Hugo: But you said Ben couldn't die because he still has to grow up and become the leader of the Others.
Miles: Because this is his past.
Hugo: When we first captured Ben and Sayid just tortured him, then why wouldn't he remember getting shot by that same guy when he was a kid.
Miles: Huh... I hadn't thought of that.
Hugo: Huh!

[Survivors are paddling in the middle of the ocean]
Miles: This plan sounded a hell of a lot better when we were going by motorboat.

Miles: That douche is my dad.

[Hurley takes the guitar case out of van]
Miles: Are we gonna sing Kum Ba Yah on the way?
Hugo: It's not a guitar, man.

- I'm going back to the beach.
- Claire and the kid are coming with me.
- You good with that?
- Yeah. I'm good with that.
Miles: I'm coming with you.
- Let's go.
- You too, Hurley.

Miles: Well, I lived in these houses 30 years before you did, otherwise known as last week.

Miles: We just walked over a fresh grave.
Daniel: What?
Miles: Four U.S. soldiers. Dead just under a month. Three of them were shot. One died of radiation poisoning.
Daniel: Miles, hey. Hey. Did any of them happen to mention what year it is?

Miles: [referring to Hugo's movie script] What the hell is this?
Hugo: I'm writing "Empire Strikes Back."
Miles: Uh, I'm sorry. What?
Hugo: It's 1977, right? So "Star Wars" just came out. And pretty soon, George Lucas is gonna look for a sequel. I've seen "Empire" 200 times, so I figured I'd made life easier and send him the script... with a couple improvements.

Juliet: Wherever John went he's gone. And wherever we are that well was never built.
Miles: Guys, I'd say way before.
Jin: What makes you...?

Sayid: Who are these people? What do they want?
Hugo: It's the Others, dude. They caught us... again. I dunno, I think they are trying to protect us.
Miles: Uh, as you can see, Hugo here has assumed the leadership position so that's pretty great.

Miles: I don't believe in a lot of things, but I do believe in duct tape.

Charlotte: Where did these come from?
Daniel: That's a good question. They're pretty old.
Miles: They're not that old.
James: Let me see that.
[reads a bottle label]
James: "Ajira".
Juliet: Ajira. It's an airline. It's based out of India, but they fly everywhere.
James: Great. Maybe they've got a flight out of here to Vegas.

Sayid: You say you are not here on a rescue mission and the world at large believes us to be dead. But here we are alive and well and you don't seem remotely surprised to see us.
Miles: Oh my God, you guys were on Oceanic flight 815.
[with huge sarcasm]
Miles: WOW! Is that better?

Jack: Why don't you put the guns down?
Miles: And why would I do that?
Jack: Because our friends are out in the jungle with a gun pointed at your head, and his head!
Miles: How stupid do you think I am?
[shots ring out and Juliet and Sayid emerge from the jungle with guns drawn]
Jack: I don't know Miles, how stupid are you?

Miles: Hey, hey, Lapidus, where's the chopper? Where did it crash?
Frank: Crash? The hell kind of pilot d'you think I am? I put her down safe and sound right over there.

Sayid: Naomi, were you close to her?
Miles: Nope. Met her on the boat.
Sayid: You don't seem particularly affected by her death.
Miles: Sure I'm affected. She was hot and I dug her accent.
Kate: Nice.

Miles: This conversation already happened, we just don't remember it.

Miles: Looks like you got your first gray hair. What are you smiling about?
Richard: I think I just realized that I want to live.
Miles: It's good timing.

Hugo: Locke said the people on the ship were here to rescue Charlotte and then kill us.
[to Miles]
Hugo: So... are you?
Miles: Not yet.

Frank: What did you say your name was again?
Juliet: Juliet.
Frank: Juliet? Juliet what?
Juliet: Juliet Burke.
Frank: Juliet Burke? You weren't on that plane were you?
[nods to himself]
Frank: Miles!
Miles: Yeah?
Frank: This is Juliet Burke. And she was not on that plane!
Miles: What? Are you sure?
Frank: You know how many times I studied that damn manifest? There was no Juliet Burke on that flight! She's a native.
Miles: [charging towards Juliet] Where is he?