Top 50 Quotes From Kate Austen

Kate: A boar wouldn't just attack you for no reason.
Sawyer: Thank you, boar expert. This one did!

Kate: So why do you people want us to stay at the temple?
Aldo: We're protecting you.
Kate: From what?
Aldo: You've been on this island for a while, right? Ever see a big pillar of black smoke, makes a ticka ticka sound, looks pissed off?

Jack: Kate, how did you get to be this way? Just what is it that you did?
Kate: You had your chance to know.

Charlie: Platinum.
Kate: Platinum?
Charlie: As in a platinum record, as in a million units sold. Now, Drive Shaft's albums must have spiked when everybody found out that I have died in some catastrophic plane disaster. When I come back, alive, it's gonna be insane.
Kate: So you think the raft's gonna work?
Charlie: Of course it'll work, look at that thing! It's not a raft; they built a sodding boat. When they get picked up, the helicopters will come, making us ridiculously and eternally famous. What's the matter? Don't you wanna be famous?

Kate: [muffled] It's fake. We know that your beard is fake.
Tom: Sorry, missy, I didn't get you.
Bea: She says she knows your beard's fake, Tom.
Tom: Well, thanks for pointing that out, Kate.
[Removes the beard]
Tom: I can't tell you how much this thing itches.
[to Ms. Klugh, angry]
Tom: And thanks for telling them my name, Bea.

Kate: You okay?
Sawyer: Never better.
Kate: What the hell were you thinking?
Sawyer: [chuckles] I couldn't help myself. You just look so damn cute swingin' that pickaxe... Chain gang looks good on you, Freckles.

Kate: [When Pickett's about to kill Sawyer] Please! I'll do anything you want!
Pickett: I want you to watch!
Sawyer: Close your eyes, Freckles.
Kate: Stand up!
Sawyer: Close your eyes!

Carole: Your friend Doctor Shepherd came here last night. Going on about some person named Aaron.
Kate: He's your grandson. And your daughter Claire is alive. I had to protect him so I said he was mine. When you're ready, he's waiting for you. I'm going back to find your daughter.

Kate: Why do you have to do this?
Sawyer: You run. I con. A tiger don't change their stripes.

Jack: Saywer, you're busted. I got it all. It wouldn't really be fair for you to go and pick more mangoes.
Sawyer: Oh, I've got a hell a lot more than mangoes. You want to play for real stakes, name 'em?
Jack: It's a pile of fruit, man.
Sawyer: And I want it back.
Kate: Should I go and get a ruler?

Jack: Kate, if we're going to be safe, if we're going to protect the people that we left behind, tomorrow morning I'm going to have to convince everyone to lie. If it's just me they're never going to go for it. So I'm going to turn to you first. Are you with me?
Kate: I have always been with you.

Kate: Kinda sucks, huh?
Jack: What's that?
Kate: Being told not to come along. Now you know what it feels like to be me.
Jack: Does that mean I should wait 20 minutes and go anyway?
Kate: Touche.

Kate: I need a gun. And you don't get to ask why.
James: Well, Thelma, seeing as I got all the guns, I *do* get to ask why.
Kate: No, you don't.
James: Yes, I do. Watch. Why?

Alex: Where'd you get that dress?
Kate: They gave it to me.
Alex: It's mine. You can keep it. It looks better on you anyway.

Sayid: Naomi, were you close to her?
Miles: Nope. Met her on the boat.
Sayid: You don't seem particularly affected by her death.
Miles: Sure I'm affected. She was hot and I dug her accent.
Kate: Nice.

Kate: How long you gonna wait, Jack?
Jack: Until I get my voice back. And then I'm gonna yell some more.
Kate: Maybe they can't hear you.
Jack: Oh, they can hear me.
Kate: [pause] I'm sorry I kissed you.
Jack: I'm not.

Kate: You try too hard, Sawyer. I ask you to help a woman who can't breathe, and you want me to kiss you? Nobody's that disgusting... I've seen you, ya know.
Sawyer: Seen me what?
Kate: With that piece of paper. The one you keep in your pocket. Seen the expression on your face when you read it. How carefully you fold it up. Means something to you. So you can play games all you want. But I know there's a human being in there somewhere. Give me the medication.

Kate: Why did you bring me here? Why did you make me put on this dress? Why are you feeding me breakfast?
Henry: I brought you here so you'd look out at the water and feel comforted -- comforted that your friends were looking out at the same ocean. I gave you the dress so that you'd feel like a lady. And I wanted you to eat your food with a real live fork and feel civilized. I did all those things so that you'd have something nice to hold on to. Because, Kate, the next two weeks are going to be very unpleasant.

[Kate hits Sawyer with a rock]
Sawyer: Son of a bitch! What the hell are you doing?
Kate: What the hell are you doing?
Sawyer: That's my knee! You practically busted my damn knee!
Kate: You stalking me now?
Sawyer: Stalking you? I was protecting you!
Kate: From what, Southern perverts?
Sawyer: Yeah, whatever. I can't believe you!
Kate: It's not that bad.
Sawyer: It's my knee, I'll tell you how bad it is.

Kate: I told you that your daughter was living with them... and you haven't asked me a single question about her.
Danielle: Your friend - Jack. You care about him?
Kate: Yes.
Danielle: Imagine 16 years from now. You thought he was still alive. But in your heart you know that he wouldn't remember you. He wouldn't know you. He wouldn't even know that you ever cared about him. I haven't asked you questions about my daughter, because I do not want to know the answers.

Kate: [to Claire] One, two, three. Push, push.

Kate: It's gonna work! It's happening, we're gonna get off of this island!
Dr. Jack Shephard: We'll celebrate when we're home.

Sawyer: Got a proposition for ya. You tell me what's inside and I'll give it to ya.
Kate: You serious?
Sawyer: Hell, no way to open the damn thing! At this point all I care about is satisfying my own curiosity.

Kate: Where did that come from?
Sawyer: Probably bear village - how the hell do I know?
Kate: Not the bear, the gun.

Kate: [after Arzt died] You ok?
Hurley: That was messed up. He just... exploded, in front of us.

Kate: [to Sawyer] You try to be a pig, or does it come naturally?

Dr. Jack Shephard: What were you thinking, John?
Kate: Jack, leave him alone.
James: No, Jack, don't leave him alone.
Dr. Jack Shephard: Shut it, Sawyer. If Ana hadn't lifted your gun, we wouldn't...
James: Well, ain't that swell, Gimpy McCrutch over here covers up that the Artist Formally Known as Henry Gale tried to strangle your little amiga, and suddenly it's on me when she goes vigilante.

Hurley: 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42, 4, 8, we're dead, 15, doomed and dead, 16, 23...
Kate: Hurley, are you ok?
Hurley: Huh? Yeah, awesome. I just... have to pee.

Kate: [Noticing the bruise where Wayne hurt Diane's wrist] How's that wrist?
Diane: What, this? No, that shelf in the kitchen sticks out sometimes. You'd think I'd remember it was there, but I banged it.
Kate: Don't.
Diane: I made my bed, Katherine.
Kate: Well, your bed's gone, Ma.

Kate: [walking up behind Sawyer who is tracking a boar] It's a foot print. Based on the weight and the distance between strides, I'd say you've been following Boone for about an hour.
Sawyer: Look...
Kate: It could be Charlie, I suppose.
Sawyer: I'm tickled you're taking such an interest in my affairs. I really am. So don't take it personal when I tell you...
Kate: I want carte blanche.
Sawyer: What?
Kate: It's simple. You can't track that boar without my help. Over the last few hours you have managed to follow the tracks of humans, birds, a rock slide, yourself, basically everything except boar. You have no idea what you're doing.

Kate: [sees a large horse and thinks she's hallucinating] Do you see that?
Sawyer: If you mean the big ass horse in the middle of the jungle, then, yes, I see it.

- Hey, what?
- Danielle.
Kate: John, Rousseau's gone.

Kate: Oh, my god.
[Jack] Oh, come on, Desmond.

Juliet: Maybe there's something they can do.
Kate: They?
Juliet: The Others.

[the phone rings]
Kate: That's our ride.

Kate: So what, I'm your prisoner?
James: If that sort of thing turns you on.

Jack: You should go with them, Kate.
Kate: Are you serious?
Jack: Yeah.
Kate: What, don't you trust Sayid?
Jack: I don't trust Locke.
Kate: So what's preventing him from doing to me what he did to Naomi?
Jack: Sawyer won't let him.

[Kate returns to pregnant Claire the purse and suitcase she stole]
Kate: Where were you going?
Claire: What?
Kate: Before I got in the cab, where were you going?
Claire: Why, so you can hijack them too?

Kate: So what does a transceiver look like?
Jack: A complicated walkie-talkie.

Kate: Jack, how well do you know Ana Lucia?
[He looks at her and then looks away]
Kate: It's just... The Others... I was out there with you, heard that man say that, if we stayed away, they'd leave us alone. And we've left them alone, so why would they attack us a few days later?
Jack: If it wasn't them, then who was it?
Kate: Like I said, how well do you know Ana Lucia?

Sawyer: We ain't on our island. We're on another island, like Alcatraz, couple miles off shore. So unless you're a mermaid, or you got a boat, there ain't no point.
Kate: When were you planning on telling me this?
Sawyer: Never.
Kate: Why not? Why wouldn't you?
Sawyer: Because I wanted you to believe we had a damn chance.

[Kate in handcuffs enters a repair shop aiming the gun at the mechanic]
Kate: Where's your tire hammer?
Mechanic: You've got a problem.
Kate: So do you. Where's your tire hammer?
Mechanic: Tire hammer will just cut off your wrist. The problem is you need a punch press and you're not gonna be able to use one of them and keep that gun pointed at me.
Kate: You volunteering?
Mechanic: I got a steady hand but I kinda feel like we got off on the wrong foot.

Kate: What happened?
Dr. Jack Shephard: He killed them. Bernard, Jin, Sayid, all three of them. He radioed the beach and I let it happen - I had to let it happen. We can't tell Rose or Sun, not yet. We've got to keep moving. I promised Sayid we'd keep moving.
Kate: Why did you bring him back? Why didn't you just kill him?
Dr. Jack Shephard: Because I want him to see it. I want him to experience the moment we get off this island and I want him to know that he failed. And then I'll kill him.

[first lines]
Jack: Hey.
Kate: Oh, you don't have to whisper. When he's out, he's out.

Kate: So how'd you get here? How'd you get onto this island?
Mikhail: I was recruited when I was twenty-four. I was approached by a man...
Kate: I didn't ask you when, I asked you how.
Mikhail: They brought me on a submarine.
Kate: So your people can just come and go whenever they want?
Mikhail: Go, yes. But two weeks ago our underwater beacon stopped emitting its locator signal. There was an event; an electromagnetic pulse. It would be impossible to come back.
Kate: Why would you want to come back?
Mikhail: You would not understand.
Kate: Try me.
Mikhail: I misspoke. What I meant to say is, you are not capable of understanding.
Kate: And why am I not capable?
Mikhail: Because you are not on the list.
Kate: What list?

Kate: [reading Sawyer's letter] Dear Mr. Sawyer, you don't know who I am, but I know who you are, and I know what you done. You had sex with my mother and then you stole my dad's money all away. So he got angry, and he killed my mother. And then he killed himself too.
Sawyer: Don't stop now! You're getting to the good part.
Kate: [continuing to read the letter] All I know is your name. But one of these days, I'm gonna find you and I'm gonna give you this letter, so you remember what you done to me. You killed my parents, Mr. Sawyer.

Kate: Can you hear me? Sawyer? Wayne? I'm probably crazy and this doesn't matter, but maybe you're in there somehow. But you asked me a question. You asked me why... why I did it. It wasn't because you drove my father away, or the way you looked at me, or because you beat her. It's because I hated that you were a part of me... that I would never be good. That I would never have anything good. And every time that I look at Sawyer... every time I feel something for him... I see you, Wayne. And it makes me sick.
James: That's about the sweetest thing I've ever heard.
Kate: Sawyer?
James: Who the hell's Wayne? I'm in a bunk-bed?
Kate: Yeah, you're in a bunk-bed.
James: Are we saved?
Kate: No, Sawyer. Not yet.

[first lines]
Kate: Michael. Michael. What's wrong with him? Michael. Michael? Michael.
Kate: Jack? Where are you going?
Jack: Maybe they just let him go.
Kate: Let him go - he's alone! They didn't just push him out into the jungle, Jack. He's alone!
Jack: Okay. Let's go.

Kate: [Kate has stumbled upon some decaying bodies] Where would they come from?
Jack: Didn't you guys shoot a polar bear last week?
Kate: Yeah.
Jack: Where'd *that* come from?

Jack: [Sawyer has been complaining about headaches; Jack is having a little fun with him while conducting an eye exam] Have you ever had sex with a prostitute?
Sawyer: What the hell's that got to do with anything?
Jack: Is that a yes?
Sawyer: [begrudgingly] Yes.
Jack: Have you ever contracted a sexually transmitted disease?
Jack: [Sawyer glares at him] I'll take that as another "yes". When was the last outbreak?
Sawyer: Go to hell, Doc.
Kate: [Sawyer leaves] I know he deserved it, but...
Jack: He needs glasses.