The Best George Quotes

[first lines]
George: DreamWorks Animation presents. In association with Treehouse Comics!

George: Your problem isn't that people laugh at you. Your problem is that you can't laugh at yourself.
Professor: Oh, really, Oprah? Is that my problem?

George: [Regarding the automatic door in Mr. Krupp's office] Wow! That is an expensive door.
Mr. Krupp: I had to cancel the arts and music program. I think I made the right choice.

Mr. Krupp: This mornings school-sign is supposed to read "Sewage plant field trips are today", so can either of you explain why it now reads...
[pulls down curtain]
Mr. Krupp: "COME SEE MY HAIRY ARMPITS"? I know you two are responsible!
George: How, how do you know, do you have any proof?
Mr. Krupp: Ever since you've attended this elementary school you've been responsible for one prank after another.
[montage of pranks plays]
George: ...Wow, that's a lot of pranks.
Harold: When it's cut together like that, you really get a sense of the scope.
George: Some of those must have been really hard to pull off.
Harold: Like that tiger!
George: Yeah, that tiger was crazy.
Mr. Krupp: [screaming] Aaaaaahh!

Harold: Separate classes lead to separate lives, which inevitably leads to robots.
George: Wait, what? Why are there robots at the mall?
Harold: Cuz it's the future. The future always has robots.
George: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Why are the robots shooting other robots? Aren't they supposed to be friends?
Harold: I don't know! I'm the artist, you're the writer! That's why we need each other!

George: When I snap my fingers, you will obey our every command.
George: You are now the greatest superhero of all time, the amazing Captain Underpants!
Mr. Krupp: [as Captain Underpants] Tra-La-Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

Harold: Is it okay that I'm kinda loving this?
George: Yes and no. But mostly yes.

George: Euww! They like each other!
Harold: No, George: I think it's much worse: they 'like, like' each other.
George: What ya'd talking about? Girls don't 'like, like' adults.
Harold: Well, you probably haven't seen: your parents are married; but in my studies, 'like, liking' seems to end in marriage.
George: Oh.