The Best Heidi Eberhardt Quotes

Col. Hogan: Excuse me. Are you the woman who lost her Schnauzer?
Heidi: No, I don't have a Schnauzer, I have a Weimaraner.
Col. Hogan: Weimaraners are fine dogs. We have two Dachshunds.
Heidi: Really? What are there names?
Col. Hogan: Heinz and Fritz.
Heidi: I'm very happy to meet you.
Col. Hogan: Hard to believe we're winning the war with that hokey coup.
Heidi: Is the proprietor also an underground agent?
Col. Hogan: Mmm-hmm.
Heidi: Does he have a message for me?
Col. Hogan: Yes.
Heidi: What is the message?
Col. Hogan: [sarcastically] Stop squeezing the tomatoes.
Heidi: I beg your pardon?
Col. Hogan: I have a message for you. London wants to know if you can do another job.
Heidi: That's impossible.
Col. Hogan: What's the problem?
Heidi: The Gestapo- they're closing in on me.
Col. Hogan: What makes you so sure?
Heidi: There's always a man outside my apartment. I've received a series of mysterious phone calls. And yesterday... I find a small microphone in my dresser drawer.
Col. Hogan: Guess that would make you a little suspicious.
Heidi: I don't want to seem dramatic, but I must get out of Germany in the next few days.
Col. Hogan: It won't be easy. We have a lot of flyers to get out of the country, and a rescue team that's overworked.
Heidi: In that case, it was nice knowing you.
Col. Hogan: Don't give up hope. I'll do the best I can. Where can you be reached?
Heidi: The Hauserhof.
Col. Hogan: Good. Your contacts will be Heinz and Fritz.
Heidi: Thank you.