The Best Holmes Osborne Quotes

Dr. Curtis: [to Dr. Terzi] Where was the patient when he first felt ill?
Dr. Samira Terzi: Sorry, that's classified, but assume there aren't too many places in the world John hasn't been. And, yes, John's a cover name.
Dr. Curtis: And what makes you think it was an attempt on his life?
Dr. Samira Terzi: Sorry, can't tell you that either.
Dr. Curtis: Well, what can you tell us?
Dr. Gregory House: Yeah. Did Oswald really have sex with Marilyn Monroe?

Rose: Our son just called me a bitch.
Edward: You're not a bitch. You're bitchin', but you're not a bitch.

Edward: I-I know I'm not the best communicator, but... whatever happens to you, be honest, tell the truth, even if they do look at you funny. They will. But what you gotta understand, Son, is that almost all of those people are full of shit.
Edward: They're all part of this great big conspiracy of bullshit. And they're scared of people like you, because those bullshitters know that you're smarter than all of them. You know what you say to people like that? Hmm? "Fuck you."

Samira: [to House] This is Dr. Sidney Curtis from the Mayo Clinic. He's also agreed to help with the diagnosis.
Dr. Curtis: Dr. House.
Dr. Gregory House: "Curtis on Immunology" Sidney Curtis?
Dr. Curtis: Oh, you've read it?
Dr. Gregory House: Nope, but it is keeping my piano level.

Rose: I don't think telling any woman to forcibly insert an object into her anus is something that should go without consequence.
Edward: I think we should buy him a moped.
Rose: I think we should get a divorce.