The Best Idina Menzel Quotes

Shelby: So, how'd your dads come up with the name Rachel?
Rachel: They were, um, big "Friends" fans. I know why you're here. To say goodbye.
Shelby: I really wanted this to work. Do you know what really turned me? That story that you told me about your dads, and how they'd bring you water when you were sad. We're never gonna have anything like that. It's too late for us. I just think that anything we share right now is gonna be confusing for you.
Rachel: I just don't understand. You... you're my mom. I feel awful right now, and I should want to fall into your arms and let you rock me and tell me everything is gonna be fine, but... I just don't feel it.
Shelby: It's because I'm your mother, but I'm not your mom.
Rachel: So, what? Do we just pretend we don't know each other now?
Shelby: That seems silly. Let's just be grateful for one another, from afar. For a while. Don't think for a second I'm gonna soft on you during regionals.
Rachel: Bring it.

Shelby: I know why you called, and don't worry about it. My reconnection with Rachel is not some kind of plot to mess with you guys before regionals.
Will: I'm not worried about regionals. It's Rachel. She's special. She's got all of the best of you; she's strong-willed, dramatic, wildly talented.
Shelby: Go on.
Will: But she's not hard like you. She's fragile, over-emotional. And she's clearly convinced herself that you are as committed to this reunion as she is. And I don't think you are. You're not prepared to have a teenage daughter. Are you?
Shelby: I can't have any more kids. There were issues a few years back. Then some surgery, and that's that. I really wanted a daughter. That's why it was so important to me to make that bond with her. But you're right. I wanted my baby back. Rachel's an adult now. She doesn't need me.
Will: Shelby, I can't tell you what to do, but if you really love her, you have to tell her what you just told me.

Rachel: Did you ever regret it?
Shelby: Yes. Then no. Then so much.
Rachel: W... when did you realize it was the right time for me to find you?
Shelby: I saw you sing at sectionals. You were extraordinary. You were me.
Rachel: Was it hard for you to not become a star? To not have your dreams come true?
Shelby: It felt liked a broken promise. Like the Fisher King's wound; never heals.
Rachel: Wow. Genetics really are amazing. You see the world with the same fierce theatricality as I do. Even the way we're sitting right now is so dramatic, and yet we feel so comfortable with it.
Shelby: I've missed so much. How do you feel?
Rachel: Thirsty. When I was little and I used to get sad, my dads would bring me a glass of water. It got so I couldn't tell if I was sad or just thirsty.
Shelby: Uh... I shouldn't have done this.
[standing to leave]
Shelby: This was supposed to feel good. W... we were supposed to have some kind of slow-motion run into each other's arms. This is all wrong.
Rachel: Maybe we can just go to dinner or something, just to get over the initial shock?
Shelby: I'm so sorry, Rachel. Uh... I'll... I'll call you.

Bree: D'your mom and dad know we're taking you?
Lydia: Well, I told my mom, and she told dad's lawyer, so were good to go.

Shelby: [watching Vocal Adrenaline rehearse] Stop, please. Dear god, just stop. Seriously, guys, it's like watching beige paint dry. Could everyone please look at Jesse? Jesse, give us a show face.
[Jesse gives a strained smile]
Shelby: That's a show face, guys. You want to look so talented, it's literally hurting you. I want a look that's so optimistic, it could cure cancer.

Principal: These students have committed a felony. They are hereby expelled.
Shelby: Look, I don't want anyone to get expelled. I'm not going to press charges as long as you pay for the damage. You can take it out of the glee club budget.
Will: That'll bankrupt the glee club. We don't have that kind of money.
Finn: We'll get jobs. Give us a month. We'll... we'll pay you back, Ms. Corcoran, I promise.
Shelby: Fine.
Principal: Ms. Corcoran, you are as wise and maganimous as you are beautiful.
Will: [Shelby leaves] Thank you.
Sue: Well, you just can't win, can you, William? You never have, and you never will.

Noah: Yeah, I did it. And I'm proud. All I did was step up and be a man. They got what was coming to them.
Shelby: A few of my students TPed your choir room. You slashed the tires on the Range Rovers of all twenty-six of my performers. Those were gifts for our win at sectionals. That's 200 times 26 times 4 equals... I don't have a calculator.

[last lines]
Anna: I like the open gates.
Elsa: We are never closing them again.
[uses her magic to give Anna a pair of skates]
Anna: Oh, Elsa, they're beautiful, but you know I don't skate.
Elsa: [pulling her] Come on! You can do it!
Kristoff: Look out. Reindeer coming through.
Anna: I got it, I got it. I don't got it, I don't got it.
Olaf: Hey, guys!
Elsa: That's it, Olaf.
Olaf: Glide and pivot. And glide and pivot.
Elsa: Go!
[laughs, pan out with triumphant instrumental reprise of "Do You Want to Build a Snowman?"]

Elsa: [singing] The cold never bothered me anyway.

Rachel: Mom?
Shelby: Hon, you gotta stop sneaking into these rehearsals.
Rachel: It's kind of important.
Shelby: [Rachel shows her her Lady Gaga outfit] Oh, dear god.
Rachel: My dads can't sew. I really need a mom right now. Do you think you can help?

Quinn: Did you love me?
Noah: Yes. Especially now.
Shelby: [approaching] Which one is yours?
Quinn: What are you doing here?
Shelby: I see her now. She looks like you. Does she have a name?
Quinn: No.
Noah: Beth.
Shelby: Pretty. I like that name.

Jesse St. James: She has the tape. She won't listen to it.
Shelby: What? She has to listen to it. That's the point of all this.
Jesse St. James: I'm doing my best! Look, when you told me to seduce her...
Shelby: "Befriend" her was the word I used, actually.
Jesse St. James: Whatever. The thing is I was into it because I thought it would be a good acting exercise, but now I think I kind of like her. I don't want her to get hurt.
Shelby: Look, one more week, this will all be done; you can come back to Vocal Adrenaline where you belong.
Jesse St. James: I don't understand why you don't just go up to her and say "Hi, my name's Shelby. I'm your mom."
Shelby: I signed a contract. I can't contact her until she's eighteen. She has to come to me. That's why she has to listen to the tape. Once she hears it, she won't be able to sleep until she finds me. I answered an ad in the paper. Nine months work here would make me enough money to live in New York for two years. Her dad seemed like nice guys, so I went for it. I never got to hold her. And I only saw her for a second when they were cleaning her off. It was through a bunch of nurses, but she turned her little head, and she looked at me. I've failed as an actress. My walls are lined with trophies instead of wedding pictures, but through all of that... I only have one regret. You get her to listen to that tape.

Shelby: [watching Vocal Adrenaline rehearse] Yeah, that's better, guys. Take five. And ladies, I don't want to hear about chafing just because you're being forced to wear metal underwear. Not my problem.

Rachel: Congratulations.
Shelby: Thanks, Rachel.
Rachel: But we beat you today. Jesse's a good singer, but you and I both know he doesn't have much heart. Vocal Adrenaline's best days are behind it. So I... I have a proposition for you. Come teach at McKinley.
Shelby: Excuse me?
Rachel: You and... and Mr. Schuester could be co-directors. We'd be unstoppable. There's so much that you can teach me. So much only you can teach me.
Rachel: Oh, Rachel, I can't do this anymore. I'm tired of coaching glee club. I want a life. It took meeting you to realize all the stuff that I missed out on. I need some balance, you know? I need a house and a garden and a dog, a f... family. I missed out on my chance with you, and it kills me. And I can't let that happen again.
[understanding, Rachel turns to leave]
Shelby: Where's the rest of your team?
Rachel: They're, uh... they're at the hospital. Quinn had her baby.
Shelby: Is she okay?
Rachel: Yeah, she's fine. It was, um... it was a beautiful baby girl.

Elsa: [to a guard] The party is over. Close the gates.
Guard: Right away, Your Majesty.
Anna: What? Elsa, no! No, wait!
[She tries to grab Elsa's hand, but instead yanks off her glove]
Elsa: [gasps, desperately] Give me my glove!
Anna: [also desperate] Elsa, please! Please! I can't live like this anymore!
Elsa: [pauses] Then leave.
[Anna looks at her with a hurt expression; Elsa then turns to leave]
Anna: [calling after her] What did I ever do to you?
Elsa: [impatiently] Enough, Anna.
Anna: No! Why? Why do you shut me out? Why do you shut the world out? What are you so afraid of?
Elsa: I said enough!
[In her fury, she conjures up an icicle wall around herself. Everyone - including Anna - stares at her in fright. Elsa shrinks back at what she's done]
Duke: Sorcery.
[hides behind one of his bodyguards]
Duke: I knew there was something dubious going on here.
Anna: [shocked] Elsa.
[Devastated, Elsa flees the ballroom]

[from trailer]
Prince: Never fear. We will come up with something very smart at the very last minute that solves all our problems!
Nancy: Edward?
Prince: What? That's how it works here.

[from trailer]
Giselle: Is it sometimes easier to live in Andalasia?
Nancy: Well, I wouldn't say "easier". We have dragons and ogre rebellions.
Prince: Last year, the entire kingdom was trapped in a giant whale.
Giselle: Oh.

Shelby: Okay, a few of my kids may have toilet papered your choir room, but these two slashed the tires on all 26 of my students' Range Rovers. Those were gifts!
Will: Look, Puck and Finn made a mistake and - wait, you *gave* each one of your kids Range Rovers?
Shelby: They were presents for making it to Nationals last year. We have a very generous booster club.