The Best Izzy Bowin Quotes

Ralph: I heard all the commotion, and I thought, "If DeVoe was here, where would he be going?"
Izzy: Hmm. A simple deduction for a simple man. Though I assure you, you are no threat for an intellect of my magnitude.
Ralph: Please. Everyone I fight is smarter than me, and no bad guy has beaten me yet.
Izzy: [brings out a toy-sized dinosaur skeleton] Well, I'm afraid an old friend requests a rematch.
Ralph: I really hate sequels.

Izzy: Are you my new target, Stretch?
Ralph: Yeah, 'cause I don't break so easy.
Izzy: [scoffs] Please. You're built like a twig.

Ralph: Watch out if I were you. Sometimes killer robots come out of there.
Izzy: Keep walking, Stretch. I don't talk to creeps in dark hallways dressed in purple leather.
Ralph: It's actually, uh, more of a mauve. And, uh, I'm not a creep.