Top 30 Quotes From Jared Leto

Vitaly: Yuri, what the fuck do you know about guns?
Yuri: I know which end I'd rather be on.

Monster: We finally meet.
Frost: Nah, he don't shake hands. But sit down and have a drink.
Monster: Hey, J. On behalf of everybody, welcome back. I wanted to come by and personally say thank you. You making me good money. I'm making you good money.
The: Are you sweet talking me?
The: I love this guy. He's so intense!

Junior: [as they are arguing over siphoning propane into the Panic Room] Shut the fuck up. There are people trying to sleep over there.
[indicating neighbors]

Amanda: [narration] Before she ran off and joined the circus, she was known as Dr. Harleen Quinzel. A psychiatrist at Arkham Asylum. She was assigned to The Clown himself.
The: Dr. Quinzel. You know, I live for these moments with you. What do you got?
Harley: I got you a kitty.
The: So thoughtful.
Amanda: [narration] She thought she was curing him, but she was falling in love.
The: There is something you could do for me, Doctor.
Harley: Anything. I mean, yeah.
The: I need a machine gun
Harley: A machine gun?
Amanda: [narration] Talk about a workplace romance gone wrong.

Junior: [Junior is burned by flaming propaine gas and very mad] You fucking bitch! You fucking bitch! I'm coming in *there*!
Raoul: Calm the fuck down.

Junior: [shouts] Worst that's gonna happen is... is they'll pass out. They'll have a hang over.
Burnham: How are we gonna get in there if they pass out, Junior?
Junior: [pauses] Cut it back a little.

The: What do we have here?
Dr. Harleen Quinzel: I did everything you said. I helped you.
The: Ah. You helped me. By erasing my mind? What few faded memories I had! No. You left me in a black hole of rage and confusion. Is that the medicine you practice, Dr. Quinzel?
Dr. Harleen Quinzel: What are you gonna do? You gonna kill me, Mr. J?
The: What? Oh, I'm not gonna kill ya. I'm just gonna hurt ya... really, really bad.
Dr. Harleen Quinzel: You think so? Well, I can take it.
The: [puts belt in her mouth] I wouldn't want you to break those perfect porcelain-capped teeth when the juice hits your brain.

The: Question... Would you die for me?
Harley: Yes.
The: That's too easy. Would you... Would you live for me? Hmm?
Harley: Yes.
The: Careful. Do not say this oath thoughtlessly. Desire becomes surrender. Surrender becomes power.
The: Do you want this?
Harley: I do.
The: Say it.
The: Say it. Say it. Pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty...
Harley: Please?
The: [impressed] Aw! God, you're so... good.

Junior: [looking through the medicine cabinet] How do you live in New York and not have a single percocet?

Ron: Rayon, where you fuckin' goin?
Rayon: [inviting Ron to enter a gay bar] C'mon in, it's a fucking bore out there.

[from trailer]
The: Are you sweet talkin' me? All'a that chitchat's gonna getcha hurt...

Junior: What the fuck is this? They're not supposed to be here!

Rayon: [on boyfriend] Isn't he cute?

Junior: [after swallowing a bunch of pills] All she's got is Nyquill and fucking Midol!

Harley: You got all dressed up for me?
The: Oh, you know I'd do anything for you. By the way, I've got some grape soda on ice and a bear skin rug waiting.
Harley: Yeah?
Frost: Boss, we got a problem!
[the Joker's helicopter is struck by a missile]
The: Huh? This bird... is baked. Okay honey, it's me and you.
Harley: Let's do it!

Mera: [to Batman] Who have you ever loved?
The: [laughs] Au contraire, my little fish stick. He knows exactly what it's like to lose someone he loves. You know, like, a father. Like a mother.
Batman: Be very careful with the next thing you say.
The: Like an adopted son. Isn't that right, Batman? Maybe, in a way, that smelly old flounder is right. Because how many can die in your arms before you grow numb to death?
Batman: That's not very careful.
The: And how many dead eyes can you look into before you die inside yourself?

Rayon: I've been looking for you, lone star.

Angel: [with Yuri and their parents standing next to them] My name is Angel.
Vitaly: [while carrying her over to the Christmas tree display] Her name really is Angel! Let's put her on the Christmas tree!

Rayon: This guy says that the Florida Buyers Club is cheaper.
Ron: Well then, tell him to go back to the FUCKIN' SUNSHINE STATE!

Raoul: Say that shit about the money again, babycakes.
Junior: When? B-b-b-before?
Raoul: Yeah. B-b-b-b-b-b-before.

The: We live in a society, where honor is a distant memory. Isn't that right...
[reveals himself]
The: ... Batman?

Patrick: Do you like Huey Lewis and The News?
Paul: They're OK.
Patrick: Their early work was a little too new wave for my tastes, but when Sports came out in '83, I think they really came into their own, commercially and artistically. The whole album has a clear, crisp sound, and a new sheen of consummate professionalism that really gives the songs a big boost. He's been compared to Elvis Costello, but I think Huey has a far more bitter, cynical sense of humor.
Paul: Hey Halberstram.
Patrick: Yes, Allen?
Paul: Why are there copies of the style section all over the place, d-do you have a dog? A little chow or something?
Patrick: No, Allen.
Paul: Is that a rain coat?
Patrick: Yes it is! In '87, Huey released this, Fore, their most accomplished album. I think their undisputed masterpiece is "Hip to be Square", a song so catchy, most people probably don't listen to the lyrics. But they should, because it's not just about the pleasures of conformity, and the importance of trends, it's also a personal statement about the band itself.
[raises axe above head]
Patrick: Hey Paul!
[he bashes Allen in the head with the axe, and blood splatters over him]

Batman: I've been dead inside a long time, but even I have a limit. And if you cross that line, I swear to God, I will...
The: Before what, Bruce? Kill me? You won't kill me. I'm your best friend. Besides, who's gonna give you a reach-around?
The: Anyway, you need me. You need me to help you undo this world you created by letting her die. Poor Lois. How she suffered so!
The: I often wonder, how many alternate timelines do you destroy the world because, frankly, you don't have the cojones to die yourself. Hmm? So, as usual, I'll be the bigger man.
[reveals Joker card]
The: A truce, Bruce. As long as you have this card, a truce. But all you have to do is tear it in half and I'm happy to discuss with you in any way you like, why you sent the Boy Wonder to do a man's job?
Batman: You know, it's funny that you would talk about the people who died in my arms, because when I held Harley Quinn and she was bleeding and dying, she begged me with her last breath that when I killed you, and make no mistake, I will fucking kill you, that I'd do it slow. I'm gonna honor that promise.
The: [long pause] Oh. You're good. You almost had me.

Amanda: [narrating] And that was just the beginning.
[Joker and Harley drive crazily through Gotham City when Batman starts to follow]
Harley: Come on, Puddin'. Do it!
The: Oh. We have got company.
Harley: Batsy, Batsy, Batsy.
Amanda: [narrating] She's crazier than him. And more fearless.
[Batman leaps onto the roof of the car]
Harley: Stupid Bats, you're ruining date night!
[Harley attempts to shoot Batman through the roof]

The: Would you die for me?
Harley: Yes.
The: That's too easy. Would you live for me?

Yuri: How are you brother?
Vitaly: I'm still the resident family fuck up.
Yuri: Someone has to be.
Vitaly: [Referring to Ava] She knows right? What you do, how you pay for all this? I didn't want to say anything.
Yuri: She doesn't have to know, she understands she's a survivor like me.
Vitaly: She maybe a survivor but she's not like you, she really doesn't know how you pay for all this?
Yuri: We don't talk about it. How many car salesmen talk about their work? How many cigarette salesmen talk about their work? Both their products kill more people every year than mine, at least mime comes with a safety switch. Those guys can leave their work at the office, so can I.
Vitaly: My God you are good, you almost had me convinced.

[last lines]
Harley: Puddin'!
The: Let's go home.

The: I love this guy. He's so intense!
Monster: [looking at Harley dancing] Mmm. You're a lucky man. You got a bad bitch.
The: Oh, that she is. The fire in my loins. The itch in my crotch. The one, the only, the infamous Harley Quinn!
[whistles for Harley]
The: Ooh, come to Daddy.
Harley: Puddin'!
The: Listen, you are my gift to this handsome hunka hunka! You belong to him now.
Harley: Well...
[barks at Monster T and laughs]
Harley: You're cute. You want me? I'm all yours.
Monster: I don't want no beef.
The: You don't want no beef?
The: You don't want no beef? You don't want no beef?
Harley: Why, what's wrong? You don't like me? Fine. Don't waste my time then.
Monster: This is your lady.
The: Look, are you enjoying yourself?
The: No. That's your lady, Joker.
The: That's right.

The: [from trailer] I can't wait to show you my toys.

Rayon: You know what? You don't deserve my money, you homophobic asshole.