The Best Joanie Horton Quotes

Joanie: I can't believe you're gonna be a mom again.
Cecile: I know, well, you always wanted a sibling.
Joanie: And seven Doctor Whos later, you totally came through.
Joe: You're a "Doctor Who" fan, Joanie?
Joanie: Well, ever since he became a lady, I am. Hashtag Feminism.

Joe: Why does your female experience include you dancing at The Golden Booty?
Joanie: Because we live in a society that's dictated by the male gaze. I wanna control the narrative of feminism, okay? I wanna show the world that a powerful, strong woman she can wear anything, be it a bikini or a pantsuit.
Ralph: Or nothing. Feminism.
Cisco: That's not how feminism works. Will you cut it out? Joanie's practically his daughter.