Top 50 Quotes From Emily Bett Rickards

Kara: [to manicurist] Oh, I'm sorry. I should have warned you. I take a lot of keratin.
Felicity: Super strong nails.

Cecile: Did you kill anyone?
Killer: Some people lost their fingers and their toes, but... no, no one died.
Iris: And how are you here now?
Killer: While Caitlin sleeps, I am awake.
Felicity: Oh, my God! You're like The Incredible Hulk! That's - I said that with too much chutzpah.

Joe: [about Barry] He was acting angry. It was scary. And his eyes... they glowed.
Caitlin: It's possible that his body is fighting off the effect, so it's hitting him slower.
Dr. Harrison Wells: When it comes to rage, that is not a good thing. The longer you suppress your emotions...
Felicity: ...the bigger the explosion.
Joe: Considering what he can do, how do we even stop him?
Cisco: A cold-gun would come in real handy right about now.
Joe: Hey.
Cisco: I'm just sayin'.
Dr. Harrison Wells: None of us can stop Barry. Fortunately, Felicity knows someone who can. I think you better call back Oliver Queen. We're gonna need the Arrow's help.

Oliver: We should consider doing something along these lines.
Felicity: Along what lines? What do you mean?
Oliver: I mean the... the friends and family, and crab cakes and toasts, and... those lines.
Felicity: Oh, yeah? You want to have a rehearsal dinner? What exactly would we be rehearsing?
Oliver: The... we... the thing that we would do the next day.
Felicity: Did I have some of Cisco's 10,000 proof cocktail that he gives to Barry so that he can get drunk, or are you asking me to marry you?
Oliver: What if I was?
Felicity: Would...
Oliver: That was silly. I am... I am. I mean, I don't want to get down on a knee and make it overly formal because I'm a little bit sore from handling those ninjas...
Felicity: Right.
Oliver: But... Felicity Megan Smoak, will you marry me?
Felicity: No.
Oliver: No?
Felicity: Yes.
Oliver: Yes?
Felicity: No. No, no. No. "Yes" as in I meant "no". No, no. No.
Oliver: I'm not understanding what's going on here.

Barry: Another bee attack. Folston Tech.
Detective: I'll see where Joe is.
Felicity: Bee-ee careful.
Barry: For real?
Felicity: Bad pun, Sorry. Just don't die.

Felicity: [returning to 2016 in the Waverider] I can't see. Why can't I see?
Cisco: At least you're not throwing up.
[she bends over and vomits]

Felicity: She's good. She's like my nemesis. I've never had a nemesis before. I kinda like it.

Dr. Harrison Wells: Your ATOM suit. Quite the technological achievement, Mr. Palmer. I'm impressed.
Caitlin: He is never impressed.
Ray: Well, thank you. But I can't quite seem to keep it up.
Felicity: He means the suit.
Ray: Yeah, I mean the suit.
Felicity: Yeah, I can attest that everything else works just fine. There's nothing we need to fix in *that* area.
Ray: No no, the sex is great.
Caitlin: God, there's two of them.

Barry: Uh, well, since you guys are here, why don't we team up? I'll help you find your boomerang man, you can help me find my super rage-a-holic.
Felicity: We'd love to.
Oliver: No, we'll handle our business and head home.
Felicity: The fastest way to find out everything we need to know about the boomerang is to sic S.T.A.R. Labs on it.
Oliver: Enough people know my secret identity.
Felicity: Fine. I'll go. They already know who I am. You can drop me off and I will meet up with you later.
Barry: How 'bout I give you a lift?
Felicity: Whoo!
[takes Felicity and speeds off]
John: Man, that's not freaking you out?

Ray: Look, I know I'm late to the party, but why have Nazi doppelgangers taken over S.T.A.R. Labs?
Felicity: They're from Earth-X. They hate everybody. They want to steal Kara's heart, and they have this giant robot.
Ray: Oh, I've actually fought one of those before. Little known fact the suit doesn't just shrink...
[Nazi soldiers appear behind Ray]
Felicity: RAY!
[Ray's hand enlarges and swats the Nazi soldiers into a wall]
Ray: It embiggens.

Felicity: I wanna see it. pause. And by it, I mean your speed, in case you thought I was talking about something else, which I was not.

Cecile: What the hell just happened? Who was that Medusa man?
Felicity: You know that is not a Cisco-approved name.

Dr. Harrison Wells: What exactly are we waiting for, Ms. Smoak?
Felicity: Up there.
Caitlin: Is that a bird?
Cisco: It's a plane.
Felicity: It's my boyfriend.
Ray: Hi. I'm Ray.

Felicity: [glancing at a sleeping Kara] Aw, man, I wish I could sleep-fly.

Barry: How you doin', Dig?
John: You're fast.
Barry: Did you guys not tell him about me?
Felicity: Well, seeing is believing, or... drooling.

Felicity: [disoriented from time travel] Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra!

Felicity: "Felicity, the magnetic-arrow gag will never work." Huh. Yes, it will, my love, because I am really smart. And guess what, Oliver. It did work.
Oliver: Felicity, honey, it's a little hard to fight with you doing that in my ear.
Felicity: Oh, I totally forgot that this is an open line. Keep doing what you're doing. Make smart decisions.

Felicity: Boom! Drop the mic! It's metaphorical, of course, because I don't have a real mic.

Felicity: Hey, Oliver, we gotta talk. Earth to Oliver.
Green: [with each blow] I'm. A little. Busy. Right. Now.
Felicity: Well, it's not like you're dealing with Damien Darhk. I mean, these are just some ninjas.
Green: If you were here, you might have a little more respect for "just some ninjas".
Felicity: Okay, this is serious. Barry and Iris need to know if we're going to their wedding.
Green: Of course we're going.
Felicity: Yes! Okay, so I'll RSVP yes, then.
Green: Barring further ninjas.
Felicity: Perfect.

Caitlin: Barry has super powers. Oliver has a bow and arrow.
John: Do you have any idea how many people Oliver has killed with that bow and arrow?
Cisco: Recurve bow arrows can travel up to 300 feet per second, so, like, 200 miles an hour. Barry can run three times that fast.
John: Whatever. Oliver's been doing this a lot longer. My money's on experience.
Cisco: My money's on speed.
Felicity: Please tell me you're not actually having this conversation right now.

Kendra: Okay, S.T.A.R. Labs is impressive, but this is...
Cisco: [looks at Team Arrow's computer] This is completely wrong!
Felicity: Mm?
Cisco: Did you guys even look at the specs I sent over? This is a tragedy. I'm mourning the death of engineering. Copper wiring to handle the process speed from the Palmer Satellite, or else your system is gonna overload.
Felicity: Yeah, but that hasn't happened. I mean, it hasn't happened since last week. I mean, it didn't... It happened yesterday.

Amaya: The Mayor would like a word with you, Miss Smoak.
Felicity: Then maybe he should've come down here himself instead of sending the bimbo brigade.
Sara: Rude!

Felicity: [to Mick] So, what was it like being mind-controlled and stuff?
Firestorm: I didn't realize he had a mind to be controlled.

Felicity: Good work planting all of Professor Stein's nano-weapons, but we still got Dominators all over the country. This looks like a job for Supergirl.
The: Thanks, Felicity. I'm not the least bit insulted.
Felicity: Ah, sorry. I mean Supergirl and Flash. This is totally a job for the both of you. That's what I meant. Supergirl and... Flash.

Thea: Count me in.
Oliver: For what? I thought you retired.
Thea: Yeah, but it's... it's aliens.
Felicity: Aw, that is so cute. You guys are just gonna get together and go fight some aliens - have you lost your mind? There are aliens, and there's only four of you.
Barry: Not if we get Stein and, you know, all the others.
Oliver: They're calling themselves the Legends.
Thea: Egotistical, but catchy.

Felicity: [striking Barry] How come you didn't tell me Zoom broke your back?
Barry: I...
Felicity: [hugging Barry] Oh, I'm so glad you're okay.
Barry: [to Oliver] So this is what it's like dating her?
Oliver: More bruises from her than from Deathstroke.

Felicity: It is so fun to watch grown men play with their toys.
Caitlin: You're so lucky. Ray's so nice and smart and hot.
Felicity: Yeah, it's kind of like I'm dating Barry but in Oliver's body. A sentence you will never repeat to anyone.

Barry: Felicity. How'd you get in here?
Felicity: I literally walked in here. You have... you have no security, you have no alarms, you have nothing on your door. You guys might want to consider something, anything at all.

Felicity: There's a whole new guy at work that you didn't even know about?
Barry: Yeah. And he's worked there for almost a year. And he doesn't like me very much, apparently.
Felicity: Well, that's impossible. Everybody likes Barry Allen. You're like pudding. Everybody likes pudding.

Felicity: My shirt's on fire!
Barry: Oh, I'm sorry!
Felicity: I'm glad I decided not to go braless.
Barry: [sees Cisco and Caitlyn] You guys remember Felicity?
Cisco: I'll always remember this.

Felicity: [after Supergirl, Team Flash, Team Arrow, and The Legends have met for the first time] Best. Team up. Ever!

Felicity: What's so urgent that you had to rush to Star City?
Barry: Aliens.
Oliver: Aliens?
Barry: Aliens.
John: I swear to God, Barry. My life was somewhat normal life before I met you.

Felicity: Your shoes are smoking!
Barry: That-that-that's fine. It, uh, happens sometimes. That's why I have a friction-proof suit.

Felicity: This ship is...
Cisco: Automatic..
Felicity: Supersonic...
Cisco: Hypnotic...
Felicity: Funky fresh.

Caitlin: Since when did we have facial recognition software?
Felicity: Happy Hanukkah.

Felicity: I think you escaped 2016 to get away from Barry.
Cisco: Mm-mm. Excuse me, I escaped 2016 so that I could come see the Waverider and so that I could time travel.
Felicity: And?
Cisco: And... also, yes, I wanted to get away from Barry.
Felicity: Ha! You realize that's insane, right? You're holding a grudge against your best friend when the world is potentially going to end.
Cisco: I'm sorry, my best friend? He only killed my brother.
Felicity: He didn't kill...
Cisco: Okay, you're right, he didn't literally kill my brother. What I mean to say is he was responsible, okay? He just needed to save his family and in doing that, he ended up destroying mine.

Oliver: My identity is a closely-guarded secret known only to a few and, if it were to get out, will endanger my family, my friends, and it would embolden my enemies to retaliate at me through them.
Felicity: What Oliver is trying to say is that he had a lovely time working with you and getting to know each of you, and he can't wait to do it again soon.
Oliver: Right.
Cisco: You know, it didn't sound like that's what he was saying.

Dark: Felicity Smoak. Turn the power back on.
Eobard: [grabs Felicity] He said... "Turn the power back on."
Felicity: Sorry, Eobard. Eobard?
Eobard: Eobard.
Felicity: Eobard. My God, the future sounds weird.
Eobard: That's funny. Sometimes we think we're more clever than we are. Because where I come from, the history books are filled with stories of this Age of Heroes: Green Arrow, Black Canary, The Flash. And yet no one... no one has ever heard of Felicity Smoak.

Felicity: Harrison Wells and Barry's cop foster dad both said you were dangerous and a bad influence. Barry defended you.
Oliver: You're gonna hawk me about this until I say yes, aren't you?
Felicity: I'm a hawker.

Felicity: How'd it go with Oliver?
Barry: You know, to be honest, not exactly the partnership I thought it would be.
Felicity: Oh, did he really do the thing with the arrows?
Barry: [exasperated] You knew he was gonna shoot me?
Felicity: Well, it is practically impossible to tell when Oliver's making a joke.

Supergirl: Iris, Caitlin, and Felicity.
Felicity: Whoo!
Supergirl: Yes! And you have cold powers, but you can't use them?
Felicity: You have powers?
Caitlin: It's a long story.

Felicity: What is wrong with you? Is everyone in Central City in a bad mood? I thought Central City was supposed to be the fun one.

Barry: This isn't up for debate. It's not even a close call. I mean... I turn my self over to the Dominators, they leave the rest of the world alone. Simple.
Felicity: No, it's not simple.
John: Barry, it doesn't matter what you've done. You can't do this.
Barry: It's been an honor to know all of you, to fight alongside of you. Now it's up to you to keep our home safe.
Oliver: Barry! I'm not letting you leave.
Barry: No offense, Oliver, but you and what army?
Supergirl: This one.
Mick: Listen, Red. I don't like you. But when you got a crew, you don't take a hit for the rest.
Barry: That was actually pretty inspiring. I mean, up until the point that Mick compared us to a bunch of criminals, but...
Amaya: According to the Dominators, we might as well be.
Nate: And maybe they're right. Maybe we do more harm than good, but this is our chance to find out.
Cisco: We're not letting you sacrifice yourself. There's no way. I don't care if that's what it means to be a hero. You're not a hero to me. You're my friend.

Norvok: [to Caitlin] Amunet wants you.
Iris: Uh, Caitlin, do you know him?
Norvok: You need to come with me.
Caitlin: I'm not going anywhere with you.
Cecile: Please tell me that this is just part of his act.
Felicity: If it is, it's taking too long. Take it off!
[Norvok's eye pops and drops into Felicity's drink]
Felicity: Gross! I mean take off your pants, not your eye!

Felicity: What is wrong with us... 'we are perfectly perfect for each other'.

Barry: You should get back to your hotel, get some sleep.
Felicity: You should too. Not, go back to my hotel. I meant, get some sleep

Felicity: I love our life.
Oliver: Mm-hmm.
Felicity: I love what we have. I love William. I...
Oliver: Are... are you framing this for a "but"?
Felicity: Let's just talk about this some other time.
Oliver: This might come as some surprise, but I'm actually physically incapable of talking about anything else right now.
Felicity: We don't need a piece of paper to show each other that we love each other.
Oliver: I totally agree with that. This has nothing to do with any types of pieces of paper. This has to do with you and me taking the opportunity to get up in front of the people that we love, to have the people who love us present, and make a commitment to one another.
Felicity: Yeah, and the commitment part is great. I'm so down for the commitment part.
Oliver: Mm-hmm.
Felicity: Super on it with that, but not... the legal part.
Oliver: I'm still not understanding.
Felicity: Just forget about it.
Oliver: No, Felicity.
Felicity: [a little too loudly] Oliver, I don't want to marry you!

Felicity: Guys, it's Lyla. The president's been abducted by the Dominators. She needs us now.
Barry: Okay, you guys go, all right? I'm gonna sit this one out, obviously. You have Supergirl. She's just as fast as I am. Get the president. We can talk about this later.
[the team starts to head out]
Barry: You still trust me, right?
Supergirl: I'll always trust you, but it might take more to convince them.
Barry: If you need me, I'll be there.
Oliver: Guys, this is... Hey!
[everyone stops]
Oliver: This is crazy! Everyone is going, including Barry. I... I'm not going without him.
John: Then you'll be here, Oliver.

[first lines]
[in style of intro monologue]
Barry: I made a big mistake. I just couldn't take it anymore, you know? What happened with Zoom, my dad dying, my mother's death, me becoming The Flash. All of it. I wanted a new life. I wanted to start over. And that's what I did. But somehow I-I made things worse.
[Barry arrives in the Arrow base, sending papers flying in the wind gust]
Felicity: [sadly over the mess] No.
Barry: [speaking rapidly] So I reset everything. I put everything back to the way it was before. Except some things weren't the same anymore. Not even a little bit.
Felicity: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down. Take a breath.
[Felicity inhales, exhales deeply in demonstration]
Felicity: You were talking way too fast.
Barry: Yeah.
Felicity: What happened?
Barry: I really screwed up, Felicity. And this time I don't know If I can fix it.
[title: "The Flash"]

Cisco: I can't believe that you guys escaped an alien spaceship. Key words: "alien spaceship". I have questions.
Oliver: They can wait. Thanks for helping me get my sister home.
Nate: Yeah, man.
Oliver: What's our status?
Barry: Nothing, since the Dominators paid their little visit to mess with our heads.
Nate: Why would they do that?
Ray: What if they were trying to pit us against each other, in order to gain intel about metahumans?
Felicity: Man, I wish they would just send us an IM with a questionnaire.