The Best Julie Andrews Quotes

Rumpelstiltskin: [rolls out a contract] As you can see, everything's in order.
King: So you'll put an end... to our daughter's curse?
Rumpelstiltskin: And in return, you sign the kingdom of Far, Far Away over to me.
[thunder and lightning flash outside; Harold gasps; Fifi hisses; Harold turns to his wife]
King: Lillian, this is madness!
Queen: What choice do we have, Harold? Fiona has been locked away in that tower far too long.
Rumpelstiltskin: It's not like she's, uh, getting any younger.
King: But to sign over our entire kingdom?
Rumpelstiltskin: [slowly slides the contract away] Well, if your kingdom's worth more to you than your daughter...
King: [slams his open palm down onto the contract] Nothing! Is worth more to us than our daughter.

[Harold takes the spell meant for Shrek, and is blasted until only his armour remains]
Princess: Oh, Dad...
Queen: Harold...
Pinocchio: Is he... oh...
[there's a "ribbit"]
Gingerbread: He croaked...
[Harold, the Frog King, clambers out of his armour]
Queen: ...Harold?
Princess: ...Dad?
King: [sighs] I had hoped you would never see me like this...
Donkey: [to Shrek] Huh - and he gave *you* a hard time!
Shrek: Donkey!
King: No, no, he's right - I'm sorry, to both of you. I only wanted what was best for Fiona, but I can see now she already has it. Shrek, Fiona - will you accept an old frog's apologies, and my blessing?
[Shrek and Fiona bow their heads in assent]
Queen: Harold...
King: I'm sorry, Lillian - I just wish I could be the man that you deserve...
Queen: [taking him in her hand] You're more that man today than you ever were - warts and all...

[Shrek, Fiona, Fiona's Mom and Dad and Donkey are arguing at the table]
Queen: Harold!
Princess: Shrek!
Shrek: Fiona...
King: Fiona!
Princess: Mom!
Queen: Harold!
Donkey: [happily] Donkey!

Queen: So, Fiona. Tell us about where you live.
Princess: Well, Shrek owns his own land. Don't you, honey?
Shrek: Yes. It's in an... enchanted forest, abundant in squirrels, and cute little duckies...
Donkey: What?
Donkey: I know you ain't talking about the swamp.
Shrek: Donkey!
King: An ogre from a swamp. How original.
Queen: I guess that will be a fine place to raise the children.
[both Shrek and the King choke; Shrek coughs up his spoon]
Shrek: It's a little early to be thinking about that, isn't it?
King: Indeed! I just started eating.

Young: Look, Mom, I drew a picture of me landing on the moon.
Gru's: Eh.
Young: Look, Mom, I made a prototype of a rocket out of macaroni.
Gru's: Eh.
Young: Look, Mom, I built a real rocket based on the macaroni prototype.
[Fires rocket]
Gru's: [holds her breath in amazement for a moment] ... Eh.

King: Who on earth are they?
Queen: I think that's our little girl!
King: That's not little, that's a really big problem! Wasn't she supposed to kiss Prince Charming and break the spell?
Queen: Well, he's no Prince Charming, but they do look...
Shrek: Happy now? We came, we saw them. Now let's go before they light the torches!
Princess: But they're my parents!
Shrek: Hello, they locked you in a tower!
Princess: Hey, that was for my own...
King: Good! Now's our chance. Let's go back inside and pretend we're not home.
Queen: Harold! We have to be...
Shrek: Quick, while they're not looking, we can make a run for it!
Princess: Shrek! Stop it! Everything is going to be...
King: A disaster! There's no way...
Princess: You can do this.
Shrek: But I really...
King: Really...
Queen: Really...
Shrek: Don't...
Princess: Want...
Queen: To...
Shrek: Be...
King: He-ere.

Queen: [smashes wall with her head]
Princess: Mom?
Queen: What? You didn't think you inherited your fighting skills from your father?

Young: Mom, someday, I'm going to go to the moon.
Gru's: I'm afraid you're too late, son. NASA isn't sending the monkeys anymore.

Gru: [Answers cell phone] Hello, Mom. Sorry, I meant to call, but...
Gru's: I just wanted to congratulate you on stealing the pyramid.
[Gru sighs]
Gru's: That was you, wasn't it? Or was it a villain who's actually successful?
Gru: Just so know, Mom. I'm about to do something. It's very very big. Very important, when you hear about it, you're going to be very proud.
Gru's: [Sarcastically laughs] Good luck with that. Okay, I'm outta here!