The Best Kyle Nimbus Quotes

Mark: I know you, don't I? Kyle Numbus. Used to be a member of the Darbinyan crime family.
Kyle: That's right.
Mark: Weren't you executed about a year ago?
Kyle: It didn't take.
Mark: No. The Darbinyans weren't known for hiring the best and brightest. You couldn't even die right.
Shawna: So you're so stupid mad right now, Mardon, you're going to pick a fight with anyone?
Mark: Guess so.
Kyle: If I had my powers right now, I would gas you all out of existence.
Jake: And then you'd be standing in a container with four corpses. What would that get you?
Mark: Peace and quiet.
Kyle: Well, I don't know about you guys, but I don't need my powers to fill this rig full of bodies.