The Best Liam Wade Quotes

Liam: Alexa had a lot of enemies. Big Agro, Big Frac. The Bolivians. The carnies.
Chloe: Carnies?

Liam: The Plunge made the prophecy into a joke. Her crappy movie made a mockery out of a very, VERY serious issue.
Dan: I don't know, man, I kind of dug "The Plunge".
Liam: Seriously? A jock, a nerd and a princess save the planet? I mean, come on.
Dan: It was fun.

- Mr. Wade?
- Please put down the weapon.
Liam: [over speaker] This is private property.
- Leave now.
- Did you send this note to Alexa Lee?

Chloe: In the note, you said that she was gonna die.
Liam: Yeah. Because she is. She's gonna die. I'm gonna die. We're *all* gonna die if we don't act now.