The Best Liane Curtis Quotes

Lauren: It's getting kind of hot in here, huh? You wanna get out of these clothes huh baby?
Officer Harry Truman Ioki: Don't you wanna talk about the price first?
Lauren: I don't think I can wait that long.

Lauren: Okay, so what happens now?
Officer: We book you for suspicion of conspiracy in the Belmont robberies. We've got a pretty good case. You'll probably be sent to a J.D. school.

Samantha: When you don't have anything, you don't have anything to lose. Right?
Randy: That's a cheerful thought.

Randy: [Samantha has filled out an "anonymous" sex quiz naming her crush, which has fallen into unknown hands] Jake Ryan? He doesn't even know you exist.
Samantha: Thank you, that's a very nice thing to say.
Randy: I'm sorry, but Jake Ryan? He's a senior, and he's taken. I mean, really taken.
Samantha: I know. He's supposed to be my ideal.
Randy: He's ideal for sure, but, forget it.
Samantha: God, I hope whoever got the note doesn't know it was me who wrote it. I'd shit twice and die.

Officer: Lauren, I know there's no house in Connecticut, no horse, no father. I know what you're doing.
Lauren: Let me tell you something. What I do is no different to what every other woman winds up doing.
Officer: It's a lot different. Most women don't sell their bodies, Lauren.
Lauren: Like heck they don't. They just sell it for high priced dinners, theatre tickets, mink coat, and maybe even a wedding ring. All I'm doing is taking mine upfront, and in cash.
Officer: Is that what your Mom taught you?
Lauren: You leave my Mother out of this.
Officer: I have a feeling she's a big part of this, Lauren.
Lauren: Part of what? All I'm doing is taking care of my family. No ones getting hurt.

Randy: [talking on the phone with Samantha] I was going to tell you something, but, maybe I shouldn't. It's pretty bad.
Samantha: You may as well. Nothing could shock me anymore.
Randy: Last night at the dance, my little brother paid a buck to see your underwear.
Samantha: [screams] Aaaaaaaahhh!
Howard: [Her grandparents downstairs are startled by the scream] Geez! I hate that rock 'n' roll rubbish!
Grandpa: Well, I'm afraid it's here to stay, Howie.

Randy: Would you stop feeling sorry for yourself? It's bad for your complexion.

Officer: [undercover as Judy Morris] Do you mind if I sit here?
Lauren: No, go ahead.
Officer: [undercover as Judy Morris] This is a great library. The one over at Jefferson was only half the size.
Lauren: You're a transfer.
Officer: [undercover as Judy Morris] Yeah, it's my first day. I'm Judy Morris.
Lauren: Lauren Carlson. I transferred in last semester. It's pretty cool here.