The Best Lieutenant Commander John Waldron Quotes

Ensign: Red Fox Leader from Kit 3. Red Fox Leader from Kit 3. Skipper? Either my compass is all fouled up or we're not headed two-four-zero.
Lieutenant: There's nothing out there but empty ocean. I know where the Japs'll be, Mister Gay.
Ensign: Think you might let us in on it, sir?
Lieutenant: I figure they moved since we launched. East, heading out, away from Midway. OUT!
Ensign: Roger.
Huntington: What good's our orders if the skipper's gonna lead us off on his own? I don't like it, sir.
Ensign: Huntington, now you take it easy, y'hear? If anybody can find the Zekes, Waldron can. He's part Sioux Indian, for Christ's sake.