The Best Maneo Quotes

Maneo: Next up, ceres slingshotter maneo jung-espinoza has been setting records for the...
- Newsreader: And now, breaking news of the ring.
- The UN has announced that a blue ribbon panel of civilian religious leaders, intellectuals, and artists is being assembled to observe...

- Dealer: This is a special price, one time only, only for you, valued customer.
Maneo: Just give im to me already.

- and sent back to ceres for incarceration on a prison barge.
- Those are our captain's orders.
- Well, spread the word.
Maneo: Everybody out!
- It's done, it's over.
- Back to your posts. It's done.

- we must act with greatness.
Maneo: Let me out!
- Help! Help!
- I don't like him either, but in this, he's not wrong.
Maneo: Please!

Maneo: Don't get paid to wait for cretins.
- You ain't back by the time my gear is stowed, you can float back to the prince.

Maneo: [On radio] K-47, you are off course. Hey!
- I repeat, you are off course.
- What the hell are you doing?
- I'm sorry. [Sighs] Sorry?
- You almost killed us.
- [Melba breathing heavily you're a shitty electrician, like ren.
- You should've told me you're an even shittier pilot.

- You have one minute.
- He doesn't believe us.
- Doesn't matter.
- He gave us one minute.
- Missile bay doors on the
- Thomas prince have just opened.
- And one minute is all we're gonna get.
Maneo: Missile ready.

Maneo: [Device beeps] Come in, ren. What's your status?
- New girl,
- I'll have to come get you and log in the delay.