The Best Mariko Kôda Quotes

Merry: It's the truth!
Kaya: Then, what Usopp-san said yesterday was...
Merry: Yes. Now that I think about it, he tried his hardest to help us when he learned the truth! Yet, not a single one of us even tried to hear him out!
Merry: We protected a real villain and drove off that brave lad, who ran about with desperate resolve, all for the villagers' sake!

Kaya: Usopp-san. You need to clear up everyone's misunderstanding...
Usopp: Misunderstanding? I was only called an exaggerator, like always. There's no need to scare everyone with something that's already over. Aside from things like this, no pirates will show up to attack a remote village like this one. I'm just going to pretend that nothing ever happened. It was all a lie.