The Best Marion Cunningham Quotes

Marion: Richie just hasn't got the appetite that Chuck has.
Howard: Marion, Argentina hasn't got the appetite that Chuck has.

Richie: [Richie tells his parents and Joanie that he's moving his family to California] Everything you said made a lot of sense... it was good advice. But I talked it over with Lori Beth, and we've decided that we have to give this a chance.
Richie: Look, when we get to California, I might have to get an odd job or something. But this is what I really, really want to do.
Richie: Now the only regret I have is that I have to say goodbye.
Howard: [standing up, addressing Marion] Give me that famous, pre-signed checkbook of yours, will ya?
[Marion hands it to him]
Richie: Dad, Dad... now wait... wait a minute... I really don't want to take any of your money.
Howard: Richard, you remember before when I was telling you about the sacrifices I made for my family? Well, for a little while, I forgot why. But it's because I wanted my children to go as far as their gifts could take them.
[hands him a blank check]
Howard: Now you take this and you fill in whatever amount you think you need.
Marion: [stands up] You know something? I don't know when I've been so proud of both of you. And now you're gonna leave just when I'm getting used to your moustache! It's gonna look very nice... on a screenwriter.
Richie: [gratefully] Thanks, Mom.