The Best Potsie Weber Quotes

Potsie: What's the world coming to when you can't bribe your best friend?

Potsie: Rich! Rich!
Ralph: Come quick!
Richie: What? Is there something wrong?
Potsie: It's a shark!
Ralph: The Fonz...
Richie: Fonz got eaten by a shark?
Potsie: He did? Who said that?
Ralph: Not me! What're you talking about?
Richie: Well, you just said "The shark..."!
Ralph: Nooo! Listen! The Fonz is gonna jump *over* a shark!

Richie: So how did you do on that social studies test?
Potsie: I missed that question on Alaska. I hear they want to make it a state now.
Richie: That'll never happen.