The Best Neeva Quotes

[the Doctor walks into the Sanctum where Neeva wears the helmeted space-suit cloak from which Xoanon speaks]
Xoanon: Neeva? Neeva, where is he? Doctor? Doctor, are you there?
Doctor: Yes, I'm here, Xoanon.
Xoanon (in the Doctor's voice): Ah, good. Good. We have decided
Xoanon: to destroy you.
Doctor: I see, Xoanon. Why don't we get together and talk things over?
Xoanon (in the Doctor's voice): We are together. We have said all there is to say and know all there is to know.
Xoanon: [gathering relics] Now, we don't want to do anything hasty, do we?
Xoanon (in the Doctor's voice): Hasty? It's been
Xoanon: an eternity. I'm turning off the boundary to let in my pets from beyond. Goodbye, Doctor.
Neeva: [turns to look at the Doctor, faith shattered] What does it all mean?
Doctor: It's trouble. Large, deadly, and invisible.

Doctor: [thinking he's impersonating Xoanon] Go now and do my will.
Neeva: Yes... Doctor.
Doctor: I underestimated that man.

[Neeva leaps toward the Doctor with a two-handled device moving it up and around the Doctor, chanting]
The: [flinching away] I'd be careful with that if I were you: it's an ultra-beam accelerator.
Neeva: See how it fears the sacred relics of Xoanon!
The: If there happens to be a charge in there, you could transform this whole village into a smoky hole in the ground.
Neeva: Hear how it threatens us!
The: Yes, well, uh, if you'll just untie my hands, I think I have an idea of what's going on, I may be able to help.
Neeva: Hear how it squirms for release! Hehey ahya! Hagh, hagh, hagh, hagh, haghaa it cannot deceive us!
The: [sarcastically] Oh, no, I can see you're a person of very superior intellect.
The: [to Andor] Are you the leader of this tribe or is he?