The Best Oil Rig Boss Quotes

Joe: Hey man, you done with that apple core?
Bondi: [farts] I'm done with that fart. You want that?
Joe: Maybe if it came out of Charlene Tilton's ass I'd take a bite.
Bondi: Yeah, you probably like JR you queer. I saw your bumper sticker: Cowboy's Butts Drive Me Nuts!
Joe: Is that right? You think that's queer? Is this queer?
[slapping muscles]
Joe: They're large and in charge and lookin' for chickies.
Bondi: You wanna back that up?
Joe: You wanna fight? Why don't you stick your head up my butt and fight for air.
Bondi: That's it. You and me, let's go.
Joe: You know I'd love to beat your ass all up and down this place but I gotta go back to work.
Oil: Joe Dirt, your fired. Here's your week's pay.
Joe: Dang.