The Best Ronnie Raymond Quotes

Caitlin: You're never alone, Barry.
Ronnie: Neither are you, Mrs. Raymond.
[Ronnie kisses her]
Dr. Martin Stein: Ugh. Thank you for NOT doing that when I was inside you.
Ronnie: It happened one time. Let it go.

Caitlin: Ronnie, did you hear that voice?
Ronnie: I did. 'Cause that voice was mine. I called you here to show you that I feel stronger than ever now, thanks to this. I knew you'd understand what I wanted, Cait, and that you'd build exactly what I needed.
Caitlin: Something's wrong. We need you to get back to the med lab.
Ronnie: No. I'm not going anywhere. Not yet.
Caitlin: Ronnie, you're scaring me.
Ronnie: That's probably because...
Deathstorm: I'm not Ronnie.
Caitlin: Where's my husband?
Deathstorm: He's dead. Your friends were right. Ronnie Raymond sacrificed himself in the storm in the Singularity, gave his life to its power, his future to ensure its demise. But in that uncontrollable, irreversible chaos, his death gave me life. Now I'm something greater, something beyond death.
[activates the Quantum splicer transforming him]
Deathstorm: I am Deathstorm.

Cisco: Hey. You gonna miss being able to fly?
Ronnie: Yeah, maybe if I was the one holding the controller.
Dr. Martin Stein: Meaning?
Ronnie: Meaning you weren't the most conscientiousness body-mate.
Dr. Martin Stein: So you do not consider keeping you alive to be conscientiousness?
Ronnie: Alive? We were living under a bridge eating garbage.
Dr. Martin Stein: I did not determine that it would be my mind that would dominate our existence, but thank God it was. I could feel your fear and panic, emotions that likely could have gotten us killed in that state.
Ronnie: You kept me buried down. You kept me from her.
Dr. Martin Stein: Which is likely why she's still alive. Now I believe you and I have spent quite enough time together.

Street: You got the shakes, man. What are you, tweaking, or just cold?
Ronnie: I'm not cold.
[ignites his hands and sets the street on fire]

Frost: You take one step toward Caity, I will send you back to the hell you came from.
Ronnie: Oh, my home is much further than Hell.

Caitlin: Beta, Alpha, Theta, Delta - all your brain waves are perfectly in sync. The chances of that happening are next to impossible.
Barry: Impossible's just another Tuesday for us, remember?
Cisco: Yeah, but this is like some Twilight Zone level stuff - and I say that knowing full well that we have a guy locked up in our basement who can turn himself into poison gas.
Ronnie: Wait, really?
Cisco: Dude, that was, like, week three.

Caitlin: It's okay. I understand. You have to go.
Ronnie: How'd you know?
Caitlin: I'm connected to you, too.