The Best Roxy Quotes

Merlin: As some of you will have learned last night, teamwork is paramount here at Kingsman. We're here to enhance your skills and test you to the limit. Which is why you're gonna pick a puppy. Wherever you go, your dog goes. You will care for it. You will teach it. And by the time it's fully trained, so will you be. Those of you who are still here, that is. Do you understand? Choose your puppy.
[the candidates approach the cages. Eggsy gets a pug while Roxy gets a black poodle]
Gary: A poodle?
Roxy: What? They're gun dogs. Oldest working breed. Easy to train.
[Looks at Eggsy's pug]
Roxy: A pug.
Gary: It's a bulldog, ain't it?
[Disappointing look at Roxy's face]
Gary: It'll get bigger, don't it?
[Roxy shakes her head]
Gary: Shit.