The Best Suli McCullough Quotes

Ray: [doing push-ups] 1... 2... 3... 4... 5... 6... 7... 8... 9... Brandon. 10... 9... Brandon. 10... 11... Brandon. Come on, count with me.
Clown: [whispering] Hey, you. Come here. Heheheheh...
[Ray looks under the bed]
Clown: Gotcha!
[the Clown doll pulls Ray in]
Clown: Come on! Let's play!
[there is a struggle and then a pause]
Clown: Hey, what are you doing?
Ray: [voice] Uncle Ray's got a game for you!
Clown: Hey, get your finger out of there!
Ray: Tickle, Tickle. Tickle.
[the Clown tries to run]
Ray: You're running from Uncle Ray! Here's a balloon animal. Dada... dada... dada.