The Best Dwight Quotes

Hanson: All right, who's ready for a wing?
Dwight: Yours or the turkeys?

Buddy: Hey, Cind.
Cindy: Hey, Buddy.
Buddy: [punches her in the boob] Open chest! Oh, come on. You gotta be quicker than that A cup.
[Cindy crawls up]
Theo: Hey, guys.
[all the guys say hello and look at her sexually]
Theo: Well, are you boys gonna sit there with your mouths open or is someone gonna offer me a seat?
[everyone pushes their chairs towards her]
Dwight: [Dwight pushes wheelchair towards her and sits on Ray's leg] I warmed it up for you. It's the best seat in the house.
Ray: Second best.
[Ray touches Dwight's hair]

Dwight: Okay, thanks, "Handyman".
Hanson: I'm actually the caretaker. Oh, aren't those cool new skates? Now you be careful with those, you don't want to fall and break something.
Dwight: Oh, that's funny, that's real funny. Um, let me give you a "hand."
[starts clapping]
Hanson: Why, that's awful kind of you. Why don't you give me a "standing ovation?"
Dwight: Why don't you "lift me up?"
Hanson: Ha, ok, I see where you're going with this one. You look familiar to me. Were you in "STOMP"?
Dwight: Hey you can kiss my grits!
Hanson: I think I'll be the bigger man, now, and walk away. "Walk" away.

Dwight: Let's split up.
Brenda: Uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh UH! Now wait a minute, hold up! How come when anytime this scary shit happens, and we should stick together, you white people always say "let's split up"?
Theo: She's right, we should stick together.
Dwight: She's right. Okay.
[pointing to Cindy, Buddy and Theo]
Dwight: You three, follow me!
[Brenda, Shorty and Ray are left alone]
Shorty: Ain't that a bitch.
[the three of them begin to cry]
Brenda: We gonna die, y'all.

Buddy: Are you okay, Dwight?
Dwight: I can't... I can't feel my legs...
Dwight: Aaahahaha! I can't feel my legs!
Ray: You never could.
Dwight: Hey... you stay out of this, all right?

Dwight: How about I take these two legs... and shove them right up your ass - all the way to the knee.

Hanson: [while reaching out to Dwight who is hanging from the third floor window] Here! Take my hand!
Dwight: NO! GET IT AWAY FROM ME! Give me your OTHER hand!

Dwight: I know what you thinking. That I fire three shots or a hundred and seventeen? Well, do you feel lucky,
Dwight: punk? Do you
Dwight: feel lucky?
[says faster]
Dwight: Do you feel lucky, punk?
Hell: Shoot me, motherfucker.

Hanson: Who's ready for a wing?
Dwight: Yours or the turkeys?
Shorty: Oh shit, son.
Hanson: Well, I know what you'd like. How about a leg?

Dwight: Heh-hey! Hey there little guy, how are you doing?
Little: Fuck off, four eyes.
Dwight: H... h... I beg your pardon?
Little: I said: "Fuck off... four eyes"
Dwight: You know, I oughta kick your ass!
Shorty: Hey! Hey, hey, hey! Relax, son, it's just a bird. Hi little birdy... Polly want a cracker?
Little: Polly want your momma's sweet ass.
Shorty: ...what did Polly say to me?
Little: I said: "Polly wants your momma's... sweet ass".
Shorty: You don't be talking 'bout my momma son, you don't know my momma son!
Little: Yeah, I know your momma, I fucked her last night.
Shorty: You want beef? I'll fuck you up!
Little: Ooooh! I'm shaking, I'm shaking.
Shorty: Aw no fuck this, I'm handling this shit like a gentleman, ya'll. Hold my tooth son.
Little: Yeah come on bitch, you and that Kotter's hairstyle wanna piece of me? Come on, bring it on!
Shorty: What you hardcore? Gimme somethin'!
Little: Lemme outta here, come on pussy. Lemme outta here, I'll fuck you up!