The Best Mother Quotes

Father: How is she?
Mrs. Voorhees: It's gotten worse Father. She won't eat. She won't talk. The child won't let me touch her.
Father: Yes, sometimes you have to give them candy.

Exorcist: [singing] Shake ya ass! Watch ya step! Shake ya ass! Show me what you working with!
Mrs. Voorhees: [singing] Attention, all you young players and pimps. Right now is the place to be.
Father: [singing] I thought I told y'all niggas before, y'all niggas don't fuck with me.

Father: Hi, I'm Father McFeely.
Mrs. Voorhees: I'm so glad you're here.
Father: I came as fast as I could. But you know at my age the little soldier needs a lot more thumpin' before it starts pumpin'. I do find though, that if I tickle my asshole just before I unleash the dog of war...