The Best Terry Machin Quotes

Jimmy: [concerned] The robbery was on the wireless, and on the telly.
Terry: [calmly] Well keep your head down then.
Jimmy: [more concerned] A security guard's on the critical list. If he dies, it's murder!

[at the disused airfield, the firearmed officers have the area surrounded]
Jimmy: [after loading the money onto the plane] It's no good sir, it's just the two seater and we both can't get on!
Terry: [calmly] Oh dear what a shame.
Jimmy: [realizing] You've set this up! YOU'VE USED ME!
Terry: [points the gun at Jimmy] Good boy Jimmy!

[the firearmed officers arrive and surround the disused airfield]
Jimmy: Cops! We've had it!
Probationary: Give yourselves up!
Terry: [pointing a gun at Tom] Ah, as we've got you...
Sergeant: [running forwards with Mike] What do they think they're doing charging in like that?
Terry: [holding Tom at gunpoint] GET BACK! OR HE GETS IT! I MEAN IT!
Jimmy: They're gonna shoot us!
Sergeant: [to the armed officers] GET THOSE GUNS DOWN!
[Machin turns around to face Merton]
Terry: [holding Tom at gunpoint] Right this is your big moment. You tell your mates to stay put while we get on the plane.
Probationary: Don't worry about me! DON'T LET HIM GET AWAY SERGEANT!
Terry: [to Tom] WHAT DID I TELL YA?
Sergeant: I can't risk his life. Especially in this light. IT'S ALRIGHT MACHIN! WE CAN SEE THE POSITION! WE'RE NOT GOING TO SHOOT!
[the armed officers lower their guns]
Terry: Right, what did I tell ya? Get the money on board.
Sergeant: The plane's quite small. They'll release Tom once they're aboard. We'll let the Air Traffic Authorities deal with this once they're away.

Probationary: [seizes the gun Machin is holding] No! Don't shoot him!
[Tom wrestles Machin away from the plane]
Sergeant: [as Machin pushes Tom over] HOLD IT THERE MACHIN!
Terry: [points his gun at Merton] Don't even think about it!
Probationary: [gets up and seizes the gun] DROP IT!
[Machin wrestles Tom and shoots him]
PC: Tom...
[Machin drops the gun and runs away. Merton runs over to Tom and Mike chases Machine]
PC: [shouts] MACHIN!
[Mike slams Machin to the ground and arrests him]
Sergeant: [checking Tom's neck pulse] Oh God no.