The Best The Voice of Savitar Quotes

Killer: [about to kill Cisco] Bye-bye, Vibe.
Savitar: Keep him alive.
Killer: What? Why?
Savitar: Because I need him to build something for us.

[as Jay Garrick escapes from the Speed Force and punches Savitar]
Jay: I've been waiting a long time to do that.
Savitar: Garrick! How did you...
Cisco: He didn't. I did. By changing the polarity of the climbing arc, I changed your Speed Force splicer into a Speed Force skeleton key. Didn't think I was actually gonna let you become a god, now, did you?
Barry: Let's end this.

Savitar: This is why I brought you here. The Speed Force doesn't like it when speedsters mess with time. Get ready.
Killer: [destroys Black Flash with an ice blast] See ya later, Hunter.
Savitar: The one thing Black Flash can't fight - cold.