The Best Training Video Narrator Quotes

[Buffy is watching a training video at the Doublemeat Palace]
Training: You've seen us in your city or small town across the American West. You've ordered our delicious food from our happy employees. But now you're seeing it all in a new way. You're seeing it from *behind* the counter because you've just become part of the Doublemeat experience!
First: I'm part of it!
Second: I'm part of it.
Third: I'm a part of it too.
[Video shows an image of a cow and a chicken]
Training: This cow and this chicken don't know it yet, but they're destined to become part of it as well. So what happens when a cow and a chicken get together? Why, that's a Doublemeat Medley! Let's take a look now at the process of harvesting these two special meats.
Buffy: [while the video plays mooing, clucking, and slaughtering noises] Holy crap.
Training: Washing your hands thoroughly after each visit to the restroom. Follow these rules, and you'll be a happy part of the Doublemeat family for a long time.