The Best Young Woman Quotes

[first lines]
Lucifer: [behind woman on building ledge] Go on. Go ahead, jump. You know you want to. Hmm? Trust me, it's a warm welcome.
Young: Won't it hurt?
Lucifer: Oh, there's only one way to find out...

Lucifer: Ah, hello again, my little cannonball. Sorry, I didn't introduce myself earlier. Lucifer. Morningstar.
Young: Seriously?
Lucifer: Yes, yes. I'm the Devil, hope you'll hold it against me.
Young: Lucifer Morningstar, the guy who owns Lux?
Lucifer: That's me.
Young: [laughing] No, it's not. I've seen him before. His beats are sick.
Lucifer: [he's taken aback] I very much beg your pardon. Beats?
Young: Yeah. He performed at a rap battle last week in the Valley.
Lucifer: [offended] Every single part of that sentence horrifies me.
Young: It is so gross that you're pretending to be someone you're not.
Lucifer: [in disbelief] Uh!
Young: [walking away] Even your accent is fake.