The Best Arina Quotes

Arina: [approaching on horseback] Please, wait!
[dismounts hurriedly, is in panicking state]
Arina: Are you the Seeker?
Richard: Yes.
Arina: Thank the Spirits! The constable in Dewith told me you were headed this way.
Richard: It's all right. Catch your breath. Come on, sit down. What happened?
Arina: Two days ago, men kidnapped my husband. They took other people from our village too.
Richard: Who were these men?
Arina: I don't know. We were in the field, bringing in the harvest. They came with swords and clubs. Grabbed as many as they could and rode off with them in a wagon.
Cara: Maybe you haven't heard, but the Seeker is on a quest. Perhaps this constable of yours can help you.
Richard: [admonishing] Cara!
Arina: The constable can't help us. He's got his hands full fighting the banelings.
Zeddicus: [alarmed] Banelings?
Arina: There seem to be more of them in our valley every day.
Kahlan: Could banelings have abducted these people for some reason?
Cara: Banelings don't kidnap people, they kill them.
Zeddicus: Yes, but they have to do it every single day to stay alive. Maybe they're stocking up on victims.
Richard: [to Arina] If you take us to where your husband was grabbed, we'll pick up the trail of the wagon.
Cara: [impatiently] That will take days!
Richard: We'll get back to looking for the Stone of Tears. Right now, this woman needs our help.
[Cara is annoyed]