The Best Candy Morningstar Quotes

Candy: I don't get a lot of names at my job, so I'm super good with faces... And other things.

Linda: I know you've been through Hell... I suppose we can discuss that another time.
Lucifer: Oh, no, no, there's no need for censoring, Doctor. Candy and I have no secrets. Isn't that the key to a successful marriage?
Linda: And how are you coping since your... Travels? Any warning signs of lasting trauma? Denial?
[Looks at Candy]
Linda: Rash decisions?
Lucifer: No, no. I think I've thought through everything quite carefully.
Candy: He's a thinker, this one!

Candy: I was fired once. But you know what I did? I just kept showing up and made myself expandable.
Linda: Oh, uh, do you mean indispensable?
Candy: No. Expandable. I got a boob job, and it totally expanded my horizons.

Charlotte: Tell me more about you and Lucifer. What comes next for you two lovebirds? Did he say anything about, uh, I don't know... matricide?
Candy: No, I think the mattress in the penthouse is pretty new.

Lucifer: I hear this case involves a band, so, lucky for you I bring my much-needed musical expertise.
Candy: [to Chloe] Did you know he plays piano? Like, better than Elton Tom.

Candy: Go home, you devil.