Top 50 Quotes From Christa B. Allen

Victoria: [gasps] Charlotte. Oh, my, I wasn't expecting you for a couple of weeks.
[hugs her daughter, kisses her]
Charlotte: Well, apparently we no longer own property in Paris, which I loved discovering at 3 a.m. after chartering a car from Brussels.
Victoria: Darling, I'm sorry nobody told you, but the European market is very strong right now.
Charlotte: As is your stable boy, it seems.

Charlotte: Jack, you helped me by opening up my eyes to the truth about my father. So I'm trying to help you.
Jack: Help me what?
Charlotte: See that you stopped living. You take care of Carl and the bar, but not yourself.
[he sighs]
Charlotte: Amanda would want you to enjoy life. So would Declan. You know what he said to me once? He said "a ship is safe in the harbor, but that's not why ships were built."
Jack: I'll bet he told you he made that up.
Charlotte: He didn't.
[he chuckles, and she laughs]
Charlotte: Regardless, you need to go out. And the beauty of going with Margaux is she doesn't know everything we've been through.
Jack: All right, fine. But I'm measuring my own inseam.

Charlotte: [regarding Jack's outfit] Actually, the suit was my idea.
Emily: I'm sorry. I... I just mean that Margaux's from a different world than Jack.
Charlotte: You really are becoming a Grayson, aren't you?
Emily: Charlotte...
Charlotte: [dismissive] It's great to see you again.
[moves away]

Conrad: [as helicopters whirr overhead] We're gonna find Emily, Charlotte. I'm using all the resources at my disposal.
Charlotte: You know, I don't get it. Someone close to us shot Emily. I know exactly where you were, and Daniel.
[shakes head]
Charlotte: But Mom?

Jack: [regarding Nolan's house-warming party] I wasn't planning on going, actually.
Charlotte: Jack! You have to. When is the last time you got out? And Margaux's new in town. She needs to meet new people. You'd be doing her a favor.
Margaux: A rather huge one, actually.
Jack: I'm not really looking to date right now.
Margaux: [shaking her head] Who said anything about dating? You can pick me up at six.

Charlotte: I think you're just ashamed. God forbid he sees what you've become.
Emily: [fed up with her] You know, for a while now, I've given you the benefit of the doubt, because your parents did you no favors by protecting you with lies. But you're too old for excuses, Charlotte. It's time you own your bad choices. That
[gestures at corpse]
Emily: could easily have been you lying there. You only called me because you wanted someone to come and save you. But I can't do that. You've hit rock bottom. Only you can pull yourself out.

Jack: What's all this?
Charlotte: Invitations to the wedding of the century. Maid of honor reporting for duty.
Jack: I thought you weren't into it.
Charlotte: Emily and I have hit a few bumps lately. I'm trying to do the bygones thing because she's marrying my brother in eight weeks. But sometimes, I swear, I think I don't know the real Emily.
[Jack gives an ironic smirk]
Charlotte: So, are you thinking of asking Margaux to the wedding?
Jack: I'm not going to the wedding.
Charlotte: Not going?
Jack: I need a little break from Emily Thorne.

Daniel: [as Victoria is about to introduce Patrick] Who's this?
Charlotte: Our brother.

Victoria: Your message sounded urgent. Is something wrong?
Charlotte: I just wanted to say goodbye.
Victoria: I don't understand. Where are you going?
Charlotte: I'm taking control of my own life. I'm checking myself into rehab.
Victoria: [chuckling] Charlotte. Oh, that's wonderful. I know some excellent facilities.
[strokes the girl's hair]
Victoria: Where do you think you'll be going? Hmm?
Charlotte: I'd rather not say, since a large part of me doing this has to do with me getting away from you and your lies.
[Victoria looks dismayed and stops stroking her hair]
Charlotte: David deserves to know the truth about Emily, but don't worry, I'm not gonna say anything. It's your lie. I'm just not gonna stick around to watch you tell it.

Charlotte: Ugh, don't talk to me about overexposure. You saw the video of me and my friend Regina.
Emily: Yes, I did. What were you thinking?
Charlotte: I wasn't. I keep wishing Amanda were here. She'd know what I was going through.

Emily: I need your help.
Charlotte: Why would I ever help you?
Emily: Our problems are not the issue right now. Our father is. Please... I need to see him alone.
Charlotte: Why don't you just scale the building, knock down the door? I doubt a little police barricade can stop you.
Emily: I would do that, but that's not exactly how I wanna reunite with our father.
Charlotte: Oh, I get it. You want me to pave the way for your triumphant return.
[goes to elevator]
Charlotte: I think I'll pass.
[presses button]
Emily: Are you sure you want to side with your mother on this? Who do you think was behind the attack today?
Charlotte: [angrily] No. She loves David. She would never hurt him.
[enters elevator]
Emily: Charlotte, you and I both know that your mother will do whatever it takes to get what she wants. Including putting our father's life at risk. She is manipulating him. God, Charlotte, she took him to what was supposed to be my grave. Do you know how painful that must have been for him? We have to stop her. Please... I just wanna tell him the truth.
[elevator door closes between them, but clearly, this has struck home with Charlotte]

Emily: [as they wait for Charlotte who is identifying the body] She's brave... like her sister.
Victoria: Well, there are moments in a person's life that change you forever. And I fear this is one of them for Charlotte.
Emily: Especially since she and her sister had grown so attached.
Victoria: You try to protect your child from all pain. But to not be able to stop what's going on behind those steel doors...
Emily: You must feel so helpless.
Charlotte: [door opens, tearful Charlotte comes running out] Mom...!
[into Mom's arms]
Victoria: Oh, sweetheart...! Baby, I've got you, it's okay.
[holds her sobbing daughter]
Victoria: I'm here. I'm here.

Charlotte: [bridal shower speech] And it took some time for my brother to find someone who'd put up with him. And I get that. He can be annoying.
Charlotte: But he's still my best friend. So, Emily, be good to him, or you'll have me to deal with.
[raising: ]
Charlotte: To Daniel and Emily!
all: To Daniel and Emily!
man: [calling out from crowd] Cheers!
Charlotte: [stepping down from podium] I see you drank to that. Refills?
Daniel: I'll get us all one.
Emily: That was lovely, Charlotte. Thank you.
Charlotte: [veiled warning] I meant every word.

Victoria: I've come to invite you to the house. It's the end of summer, and it seems we've barely seen you. And tonight's our annual Labor Day party, and things would just not be the same without you there.
Charlotte: [to baby Carl, in baby voice] Oh, she needs me for another publicity stunt.
[handing Carl to Declan]
Charlotte: Take him.
Declan: Okay.
[to: ]
Declan: Hey!
[goes off]
Charlotte: You wasted your time coming here. Dad only needs the Grayson family by his side. And I'm a Clarke now, something to be ashamed of.
Victoria: Now if you'll recall, after our last publicity stunt, I embraced your paternity. And I can see you inherited far more than David's surname. I'm not ashamed of you, darling. I'm very proud of you.
Charlotte: Well, I appreciate the sentiment. But I'm sorry. I can't fake anymore Grayson smiles.

Javier: [pulling the bedclothes off Charlotte once Nolan's out of the way] Damn! That was a close one!
Charlotte: [giggles] Do you think he knows I'm here?
Javier: And what's he gonna do?
[meaningful glance at his ankle monitor]
Javier: Ground me?
Charlotte: Well, he's obviously trying to guilt you into signing with him.
Javier: [sighs, taps Charlotte's nose with his finger] You still want me to go with your brother, don't you? Look, I told you.

Daniel: [as Charlotte pretends to ignore him] Look, I get why you're mad, okay, but this silent treatment's lasted three days. And now that I'm back at Voulez, I want you there, too.
Charlotte: You used me to turn Margaux against Jack.
Daniel: I just tried to get you both to see the light about that guy. I'm sorry for the way I did it... all right?
Charlotte: Just so you know, your little plan didn't work. I'm helping Jack with his move.
Daniel: Char, I'm not making this up, okay? You know how tight he is with Emily. Tell me you've never wondered what their connection is.
Charlotte: I don't care. Carl's my nephew. And Jack has been nothing but nice to me.
Daniel: And what if you're blindly defending the man who is helping Emily demolish this family? Could you ever forgive yourself?
[Charlotte considers this]

Charlotte: [in her room] My mother will freak if she knows you're up here. Not a big fan of surprises.
Amanda: I'm not afraid of her. You shouldn't be either.
Charlotte: I'm not.
Amanda: Good, 'cause if we're gonna get closer, I... I can't protect her anymore.
[hands her the diary]
Charlotte: What is this?
Amanda: A journal our father kept in prison. I marked the entries that I thought you should read first. But I have to warn you, what it says about your mother isn't pretty.

Charlotte: Oh, Declan, I'm so sorry. I never should have listened to Regina, none of this would have happened.
Declan: No, no, no, no. It's not your fault. I'm just... I can't believe you waited out there all night.
Charlotte: The doctors wouldn't tell me anything. I was worried.
Declan: You know what? They say I am gonna be fine.
Charlotte: Thank God. I cannot face all of this without you.
Declan: You are stronger than you think, Charlotte. I need you to believe that. After all, with us as parents, the kid's going to be a handful, isn't he?
Charlotte: Are you sure that's what you want?
Declan: [nods] Don't you? You're gonna be a great mother.
Charlotte: [raises her eyes] Based on what? I have the worst role models in parental history.
Declan: You know exactly what not to do.

Victoria: Sweetheart, are you all right? How's baby Carl?
Charlotte: Perfect. I keep checking to see if something's changed, if somehow he knows his mother's... gone, but...
Victoria: He's too little. He couldn't possibly understand.
Charlotte: [tearfully] He will one day.

Charlotte: [he placed his bet as 8, 22, 19, 9 and 4] You just bet my birthday.
Javier: No kidding? You're a Leo? Next you're gonna tell me you love '80s teen movies and sashimi.
Charlotte: I'm Charlotte.
Javier: Javier.
Charlotte: Why haven't I seen you around here before, Javier?
Javier: I just moved here. Spent the last couple of years upstate.
Charlotte: College?
Javier: Prison. Ooh. Should I not have said that?
Charlotte: No, I'm glad you did. Your honesty is refreshing.
Javier: As is your attitude towards ex-cons. How about you let one buy you a drink?
Charlotte: I would. But the powers that be won't let me have one.

Charlotte: Jack, don't! I don't deserve your pity. I'm the reason your brother's gone.
[turns to leave]
Jack: Charlotte, wait! There's something you need to know.

Charlotte: Yeah, the thing about the funeral...
Louise: Oh, I'm so sorry, I overstepped. You would like to plan it.
Charlotte: [shakes head] No. It's that I'm not going, let alone planning one. I don't know which Victoria Grayson you met, but mine was the most manipulative human I've ever known.
Louise: You don't mean that. You're clearly in shock. Or... or denial.

Charlotte: [as Daniel looks in on Emily in Intensive Care] You've spent more time out in this hall than in there with her.
Daniel: Well, she needs her rest. Even if she were awake, I don't know what I'd say.
Charlotte: Don't beat yourself up, Daniel. None of this is your fault. I checked on Sara.
Daniel: Wha...
Charlotte: She's okay.
[he sighs with relief]
Charlotte: And don't worry, Emily will get better. She will pull through. I know the police talked to you about Mom. They asked me, too.
Daniel: Well, she... she's innocent, Charlotte.
Charlotte: I don't think she is. No one does.

Charlotte: [handing him the wedding invitation] Here you go, Jack.
[whispering: ]
Charlotte: So much for your break from Emily Thorne.
[to: ]
Charlotte: Good night.
Emily: Night.
Jack: [after Charlotte leaves] I can't believe you're still going through with this!
[throws the invitation down in front of Emily]

Victoria: [finds Charlotte busy on her laptop] Animal shelters? My God, don't tell me you want a pet.
Charlotte: I'm looking for a place to volunteer so I don't have to spend my entire summer in this house of dysfunction. Everyone else knows what really happened to you, Mom. Why can't Daniel?
Victoria: The last time push came to shove, he chose to align himself with his father. He can't be trusted... Yet.
Victoria: You spent $5,000 at a baby store?
Charlotte: It's a gift for Amanda. She is my sister.
Victoria: Half sister, if that.
Charlotte: What is that supposed to mean?
Victoria: Never mind. Look, the fact that David Clarke is your father is a secret we have to guard closely for various reasons. For now, you have to stay away from that girl.
Charlotte: I'm staying away from everyone. We're sequestered, remember? No one comes in. No one goes out.
Victoria: [thinking about Emily] Well, with one notable exception.
[stroking Charlotte's hair, deep in thought]

Charlotte: My party was a blast, Daniel. Sadly, no potential boyfriends, but, still, thank you.
Daniel: [chuckles] Stay single, Charlotte. Life's far easier that way. I think Emily's out to get me. A bellhop at the South Fork told me that she and Dad are working together on something.
Charlotte: Why would she trust him when his mistress shot her?
Daniel: [lowers his glass] I'm not sure. But... they got close when he thought he was dying, and... and, you know, he always wanted me to marry Emily.
[shrugs, puts down his drink]
Daniel: Listen, I want you to... help me with something.
Charlotte: What do you want me to do?
Daniel: Voulez is Dad's new base of operations. Okay, now that you're working there, find out all you can about what he's up to.
[she nods]
Daniel: All right? Like I said, it's just you and me now.
[she smiles]

Charlotte: I'm rich. You're not. Who cares?

Javier: [inside the manor] Oh!
[whistles, laughs]
Javier: This room is... uh, it's bigger than the
Javier: apartment building I grew up in.
Charlotte: [laughs, and then, as he is about to sit down on Victoria's new wing chair:] Oh, not there! That would be like breaking fifty mirors.
Javier: I do not care. I feel invincible with you by my side.
Charlotte: Does that mean you'll sign?
Javier: I can't betray Nolan.
[shakes head]
Javier: We were more than just friends. We... we're brothers.
Charlotte: You only knew him behind bars. But out here, he'll do whatever it takes to win. That's why he stuck you with that crappy deal.
Javier: Look, I'm sure he's gonna change it.
Charlotte: He wants to take your ideas and shove you in the background.
[he gets up, she grabs his hand]
Charlotte: Hey!
[he sits down next to her, looking into her eyes]
Charlotte: You can either be next to Nolan Ross,
[her hand on his cheek]
Charlotte: or you can be the next Nolan Ross.
[he is, of course, convinced]

Jack: [sadness caused by the wedding video] It's okay, Charlotte.
Charlotte: [shaking her head] I still can't believe they're gone. And now Dad's dying. How can such bad things happen to good people?

Sara: Listen, uh... I really appreciate everything you've done for me, but... things aren't working out.
[returns Stowaway work outfit]
Sara: Tell Jack I'm sorry.
Charlotte: Is this because of Daniel?
Sara: [scoffs] Am I that obvious?
[tearfully: ]
Sara: I still love him, Charlotte. I know he's getting married in two days. You're the maid of honor, and you probably think I'm awful. I... I don't even know what I'm saying. I was trying to quit.
Charlotte: And I'm not gonna let you. I've always thought you two belonged together. Maybe Daniel just needs a little push.
Sara: Oh, trust me.
[little laugh]
Sara: It's too late. He's already made up his mind.
Charlotte: Let me be the judge of that.
[smiles, goes off]

Charlotte: Look at her, rubbing my nose in everything that's happened.
Gideon: [has his mind on illegal substances] Why don't we just rub our noses into something a little bit more fun?
Charlotte: [chuckles] Right after I say hi to the hostess.
[goes to see Emily]
Emily: [contented sigh] Thank you for coming, Charlotte.
Charlotte: I only accepted your invite because I thought, yeah, after all this time, maybe you'd surprise me, but... my Mom was right, wasn't she? This was all you ever wanted. This lifestyle, this house.
Emily: I wish you'd give me a chance to explain.
Charlotte: Why would I give you anything, Emily? When you want something, you just take it.

Victoria: [as Charlotte gives laundry to house servant] I see you're still taking advantage of our amenities?
Charlotte: Who was on the phone?
Victoria: Oh, just a little surprise I'm planning for the shower.
Charlotte: Well, since you've suddenly gotten into the spirit of things, maybe you wanna make the welcome toast?
Charlotte: I lost my phone.
Victoria: Which relates how?
Charlotte: Well, I had the speech for Emily saved on there, and I don't have time to re-compose it.
Victoria: Mm.
Charlotte: [playfully taunting] Probably for the best, since I didn't inherit your talent for faking sincerity.
Victoria: It's called being polite. And perhaps we wouldn't have to be if Sara had responded to my appeal. I haven't heard from her all week.
Charlotte: Maybe because she's too busy sneaking around with Daniel. I noticed her texting with him this morning, so whatever carrot you dangled, it seems to be working.
[her mother grins]

Charlotte: Is something wrong?
Emily: [accusingly] You were the only person I told about my mother's supposed affair. Next thing I know, it's gotten back to her through Ashley.
Charlotte: I didn't say a word. Ashley must have found out some other way. I mean, you know how nosy she is.
Emily: You know, I used to defend you when my mother would go on one of her Emily rants, but now I think I'll stay quiet.
Charlotte: Charlotte, I understand that you're upset, but I didn't do it. And anyway, it's just a little bit of gossip.
Emily: A little bit of gossip? Maybe you don't get that even one tiny lie can cause a lot of damage.
[in a huff, about to leave]
Charlotte: Charlotte, please!
Emily: You were one of the few people left in my life I felt connected to. And now, I don't know if I can trust you any more. So thanks for the concern, but no, thanks.
[goes off, leaving Emily behind]

Victoria: [her daughter back from police inquiry] Charlotte, dear, were they able to help you?
Charlotte: Don't worry, Mom. I didn't tell them anything I learned about you.
Victoria: That's not what I...
Charlotte: Save it. I'm sure this is already a pretty sad day for you since my father's case has been reopened. Undoing all that hard work you did years ago.
Victoria: [takes Charlotte by the shoulders] Do not confuse Conrad's actions with mine. After everything that's transpired, I am still putting my children first.
[wipes the hair away from Charlotte's eyes]
Victoria: I hope you know how much I love you.
Charlotte: [eyes narrowing] Oh. Like you loved David Clarke?

Emily: The doctor was right. You should be with family right now.
Charlotte: [tearfully] Thanks. I'll do that.
[turns to leave]
Emily: I'm the one who kidnapped you, Charlotte.
[causing the girl to freeze in her tracks]
Emily: I can't stand seeing you like this. I know I did the wrong thing, but you have to believe I did it for all the right reasons.
Charlotte: What are you saying?
Emily: I'm your sister, Charlotte. I'm Amanda.
[causing Charlotte to reel in shock]

Conrad: [as hostage returns] Oh, my God. Charlotte? Oh, my God! How did you get here? We need to get you to a hospital. Charlotte...
[checks to see how she was mutilated]
Conrad: Your ear.
[but all is fine]
Charlotte: [shrugs off his hands] "The naïve deserve two things: swindling and scorn." That's what you always say, isn't it? How much do you hate me, then? Because I've been pretty damn naïve until now. You're too blame for Flight 197.

Charlotte: It's so much more than that.
Victoria: It's okay. I'm here now. Charlotte, tell me everything.
[Charlotte sits down, and Victoria closes door]
Victoria: Charlotte...?
Charlotte: Emily Thorne is Amanda Clarke. And she's been lying about it this whole time.
Victoria: How did you learn of this?
Charlotte: She told me. Either out of guilt, or shame, or... just to torture me. Did you know?
Victoria: I suspected for some time. I wanted to get confirmation and find the right time before I told you, but when I confronted her, she denied it. But don't you worry. That pathological creature is going to get what she deserves.
Charlotte: And what about me? Will I?
Victoria: What do you mean? What did you do?
Charlotte: [very upset] I tried to kill her. Last night. I went out of my mind... and started a fire. But she survived. And she knows it was me. I have never been more afraid. You don't know what she's capable of.
Victoria: Oh, I do.
Charlotte: She's the one who kidnapped me. And she'll come after me again.
Victoria: I won't let her. You're safe now. You're going to come live with us. And we'll protect you.
Charlotte: We?
Victoria: [proudly] Mm-hmm.
Charlotte: Who else?
Victoria: Your father, Charlotte. Your real father. David Clarke is alive.
[Charlotte looks at her incredulously]

Emily: Charlotte?
Charlotte: Shh...
[baby Carl is asleep]
Emily: Oh. Sorry. I just wanted to come and check in and see how you were doing. I haven't heard from you in a couple of days.
Charlotte: [eyes wet] I guess I'm more private than the rest of my family.
Emily: I heard your Dad's making a statement today.
Charlotte: [exhales] I know.
Charlotte: Of all days. I feel like I was just getting to know her. I still had so many questions. She had this whole past I knew nothing about. And I hate that there will only be a few people coming to her funeral.
Emily: It's all the people that mattered to her. That's all that counts.
Charlotte: I guess you're right. She just deserved such a fuller life.
Emily: Well, I just wanted to check in. I'll see you at the service.
[turns to leave]
Charlotte: Emily. She was lucky to have a friend like you.
[Emily nods wordlessly, turns, leaves]

Victoria: [re-united] Are you all right? I've been worried half to death about you.
Charlotte: Dr. Thomas confiscated my phone. He was working for Dad. They took everything, Mom. My inheritance is gone.
Victoria: All of it?
Charlotte: Dad had a judge declare me mentally unfit.
Victoria: Oh, that pig is even more despicable than I ever imagined.
Charlotte: Gonna be okay, though, it's only money.
Victoria: Sunshine and happy thoughts aren't going to get us through this, Charlotte. We need that money to survive.

Charlotte: [at Italian coffee shop] This place is awesome. I had no idea it was here.
Regina: Well, the coolest places are the hardest to find. Same goes for people.
Charlotte: [as they carry their coffees to dining table] Definitely true in your case. You sure don't make it easy.
Regina: I don't care what people think.
Charlotte: That must be nice.
Regina: Why do you? I mean, you're practically a celebrity. You should be out using the Grayson name to... do whatever you want. But instead, now you hide from it.
Charlotte: I'm not hiding.
[shaking her head]
Charlotte: I just don't have the luxury of being invisible. If I mess up, my parents know about it within ten minutes.
Regina: Screw them. Embrace your inner bad girl and come out with me tonight.
Charlotte: I can't. I promised Declan I'd help him with his college essay.
Regina: Or you can tear it up with me, and to hell with the rest of the world.
[takes a sip of her coffee]
Regina: It's your choice.
[Charlotte is tempted]

Conrad: [seeing his daughter at the breakfast table] Good morning, kitten.
[kisses her on the top of her head]
Conrad: It's lovely to have you back in the litter.
Charlotte: Lovely to be here, Daddy.
Victoria: Won't your mistress be joining us, Conrad? I'm sure we could rustle up a Pop-Tart.
Conrad: She is not my mistress. Morgan is a real estate specialist.
Victoria: And what will you be purchasing? A place in hell?

Victoria: Stop!
Charlotte: I need to get out of this house!
Victoria: You're not going to see Emily Thorne. I heard about her visit.
Charlotte: If you must know, I despise her almost as much as I despise you.
Victoria: Oh, I assure you that she will far surpass me on that list once certain truths come to light.
Charlotte: [sighs] God, Mom, you sound just as crazy as she did.
[heads for door]
Victoria: [pushes door shut in front of Charlotte] What did she say, exactly?

Victoria: [as Charlotte comes home] Daniel, is that you?
Charlotte: [marching up the stairs, determined to avoid mother] No, the other child. The disposable one.
Victoria: Charlotte, don't talk like that.
Charlotte: [without looking back] Here are the keys to your new car. Ground me, restrict me, do whatever you want. I could honestly care less.
Victoria: You keep it.
Charlotte: [Mom now has her attention] You're giving me a $200,000 car?
Victoria: If it means that you'll stop this torture, then, yes.
Charlotte: [ironically] Wow, Mom. I guess you really do love me after all.
[shakes her head at mother, and walks off, leaving her at a loss]

Charlotte: Why is there a man installing a camera outside my bedroom?
Conrad: Ah, a necessary evil, my dear. I mean, there are worse places to be imprisoned.
Charlotte: Oh, you mean like the rehab you locked me up in?

Charlotte: All this time, why didn't you tell me?
Emily: Believe me, I wanted to. Every part of me... wanted to, but... I had to protect you... and I think... after everything I'd done, part of me felt that I didn't... deserve you. But then I saw you today, and I recognized that pain.

Charlotte: My parents aren't exactly the best role models in the world, which shouldn't surprise anyone who reads the internet, watches TV, is alive.
[everybody laughs]
Charlotte: On the plus side, it makes it really easy for me to spot good parents. And that's exactly why my nephew is the luckiest little guy in the world.
[crowd cheers]

Conrad: Charlotte always was an over-achiever.
Charlotte: Just like my mother.
Conrad: May she rest in peace.

Victoria: I spoke to Dr. Hicks. You polished off an old prescription of my Xanax and then had it refilled. Why are you going down this ugly road again?
Charlotte: Are you seriously asking me that?
Victoria: We have all been to hell and back.
Charlotte: Yeah, mine was a one-way trip. I just found out Emily is Amanda and my father is alive.
Victoria: Exactly, he is alive. And your reaction is to hide behind a haze of pills.
Charlotte: No, my reaction was happiness. But you ruined that and made meeting my father all about hurting Emily. What do you really want from me, Mom?
Victoria: Nothing but to see you happy.
Charlotte: [sighs] The Grayson mantra. Lie and deny. I'm sick of it. I do want a relationship with my father, but not if you're gonna be controlling it.
Victoria: [gets up from chair] You are not a victim, so stop choosing to act like one. Now, if you want a relationship with your father, fight for it. And if you want my respect, then earn it. But do not give in to the darkness - that will destroy you.
[leaves, with those words hitting home with Charlotte]

Charlotte: [after David leaves] Everything you told him wasn't true.
Victoria: I told him no lies.
Charlotte: But isn't the real me good enough?
Victoria: Oh, Charlotte. I wish you could see what I see. That the real you is better than even you know. Oh, you're running on fumes, darling. Lie down. Get some rest. Come here.
[cradles Charlotte's head on her lap]

Emily: I hope you didn't cut your trip short just so you could make my Memorial Day party.
Charlotte: No, I'm home because my lovely mother has left me no other monetary option.
Emily: Have you seen her?
Charlotte: Seen her? I almost caught Lady Chatterley with her lover.
Emily: Lover?
Charlotte: More like boy toy actually. I think he's even staying at the house.